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I'm feeling Nickel and Dimed by Makeb


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So your upset over 5 pounds for an expansion!<? It's amazing value if you ask me. A whole new world for less than a pint of beer? I think some people like to moan just for the fun of it. Seems lots on this forum. And if you think your being shafted wait until you go out in the real world your gonna be shocked.


where are u buying beer lol, my local costs 1.69 a pint :D but if you actualy had read the topic you would realise this isnt about the fiver.

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Here's kinda the way I see it. If people are willing to pay $40 for a full-fledged expansion, containing 2-3 planets, a new ops, new WZ, and a few other goodies (which believe me, sounds pretty heavenly at this stage), but aren't willing to pay $10 for 1 planet plus whatever additional things they're adding.....if you paid for this expansion 4 times, to equal out to your $40, that would mean 4 planets, and whatnot.


I don't know about you, but $40 for 2-3 planets, or $10 for 1 planet, seems like a pretty good deal to me. I'm just sayin'.


A fully fledged SWTOR expansion for 40 bucks if in-line with most other MMO's expansions would include:


5-6 Full Planets

Continuation of story quests including new companions

1 New Op at start with at least 2 free ones to come in patches

1 - 2 new WZ's

5-6 new Flashpoints

5-10 more levels

New Class or a New Race

A bunch of minor fluff stuff.


This would be bare minimum for an "official" Fully fledged xpac for SWTOR imo.

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A fully fledged SWTOR expansion for 40 bucks if in-line with most other MMO's expansions would include:


5-6 Full Planets

Continuation of story quests including new companions

1 New Op at start with at least 2 free ones to come in patches

1 - 2 new WZ's

5-6 new Flashpoints

5-10 more levels

New Class or a New Race

A bunch of minor fluff stuff.


This would be bare minimum for an "official" Fully fledged xpac for SWTOR imo.


Yup, thats what in MMO terms is called an expansion, and thats what people are willing to shell out 40 bucks for on top of sub.

Edited by GrandMike
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A fully fledged SWTOR expansion for 40 bucks if in-line with most other MMO's expansions would include:


5-6 Full Planets

Continuation of story quests including new companions

1 New Op at start with at least 2 free ones to come in patches

1 - 2 new WZ's

5-6 new Flashpoints

5-10 more levels

New Class or a New Race

A bunch of minor fluff stuff.


This would be bare minimum for an "official" Fully fledged xpac for SWTOR imo.

Lower the number of planets by a couple; and instead of bare minimum call it industry standard, and you're spot on :)

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Your going with a WoW expansion there, thats not idustry standard at all, very few put out that much content let alone charge 40 for a expansion.

there are like two MMO that i have ever seen do somethign that big and that WoW and Rift.

Which also brings up the arguement that has been said time and time again, that it may still have more coming, when storm legion was announced for rift, it said it had one continent and a few souls now look what it has i mean its HUGE, and they didnt give those details up til later, And on Price also, compare what Rift does it released the Expac for 40 bucks for current players and 60 for new players, atleast swtor isnt screwing us over that bad on that stand point,

so patience is key here. If you want better expansions support this one and we could be seeing better epansions in the future. because right now you dont know what its going to be like and nether you the rest of us. We have to wait and hope its good.


I do agree tho in the future if this pack succeeds which we all know it has to if we ever want another pack at all, i want a boxed one with alot of content but who knows maybe we will.

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So, you would pay $40 for something about 3x bigger then Makeb, but paying $10 for Makeb feels a bit unreasonable.


SWTOR should have brough in something like Scars of Velious, that is exactly what the game needs, not an adventure pack with +5 levels.

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Your going with a WoW expansion there, thats not idustry standard at all, very few put out that much content let alone charge 40 for a expansion.

there are like two MMO that i have ever seen do somethign that big and that WoW and Rift.



2 apart from EQ1, EQ2, DAoC, LOTRO, Planetside, etc. etc. :confused:

Edited by Goretzu
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Your going with a WoW expansion there, thats not idustry standard at all, very few put out that much content let alone charge 40 for a expansion.



really lets explore this!


Everquest 1 just released its 19th expansion pack that included 9 new zones each about the size of 3.4ths a "large planet." It also included 19 new Missions (Think flashpoints), and 9 raids, as well as completely overhauling their auction house, 1500 new spells, 3500 new items, as well as 5 more levels.


Everquest 2's recent expansion added 2 huge overland zones (The size of about 2 large planets), as well as 9 new Flashpoints and a ton of overland raids - this was also one of the smallest Xpacs released to date.


Aions Latest Expansion was completely free of charge and offered 2 new pve/pvp zones, 2 new Abyss Forts (Warzones), 8 Flashpoints and a revamp of old flashpoints, new skills, and 5 new levels.


Eve has released 11 expansions over its lifetime all free of charge. Some have been small some have been large, but again all completely free of charge.


Rift's latest xpac tripled the size of their world (Thats 34 more planets in SWTOR terms), gave 10 new levels, 4 new classes, full player housing, New Player city hub, 7 Flashpoints, 3 raids, and all new crafting.


WoW's latest xpac included 7 new zones (most are about 3/4ths the size of a large planet), 9 new Flashpoints, 3 new raids, scenarios and challenge modes of old instances, New race, New Class, revamped skill trees, entire meta game (pokemon game), New Arena, 2 new Battlegrounds, 10 more levels.


The only MMO I know of that has been releasing lackluster Xpacs is LOTRO and its why I no longer play that game anymore.


So it seems that perhaps the industry "standard" is a little higher than you thought :)

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The fact we have to pay cash is also a big F.U. to subscribers. Good job making sure we can't save up our complimentary coins for the "expansion".


+1 This is also my biggest gripe with this whole ordeal. All Cash shop MMOs out there allow you to purchase xpacs with their currency....Bioware not allowing that is really the beyond comprehension.


Heck SOE did a TRIPLE station cash day yesterday ...IE you got Triple the points when you buy points...so you can buy their latest xpacx for 1/3rd the actual price using Station Cash...and they are perfectly ok with this....

Edited by Trevalon
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But your examples are dieing, or over priced games in the first place, 40 bucks for a expansion, or free for a game that can barly push 100k subs, als in the case of eve which is a fantastic game, like i pointed out is a life sink, but you coukld play the game with out ever paying its just soooo much time spent.


In the case of what we have for swtor, As of Right now, Its a DLC at best i agree, but 10 bucks for a level cap and a planet yeah they were debating for it to be free or not, but with changes i see why they did it, But we dont know what they will add to it we have anywhere from 3-7 months for this to come out.

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it's not a question of how much, but a question of making subscribers pay twice for it.

Bioscrooge robbed the subscribers of a piece of content promised for 2012 that was pushed back because they made the devs work on F2P features and cartel market instead of Makeb, and now they want us to pay for Makeb passing it as an expansion while James Ohlen said it wasn't.


Anyway, just wait for Makeb to hit the PTS and everyone will be able to judge for him/herself if the content really is worth the title "expansion". I bet it won't.

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it's not a question of how much, but a question of making subscribers pay twice for it.

Bioscrooge robbed the subscribers of a piece of content promised for 2012 that was pushed back because they made the devs work on F2P features and cartel market instead of Makeb, and now they want us to pay for Makeb passing it as an expansion while James Ohlen said it wasn't.


Anyway, just wait for Makeb to hit the PTS and everyone will be able to judge for him/herself if the content really is worth the title "expansion". I bet it won't.


Not everyone, only those who have lvl 50 character since theres still no character copy. Yes, they promised one, and yes their word has 0 weight.

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If you're feeling nickel and dimed, exercise the power you have as a customer. Don't buy the expansion. Unsubscribe and uninstall. Show Bioware you mean business. If you buy this expansion, if you give them encouragement (money), this direction will continue.




However equally cutting your nose of to spit your face hasn't always been the best option, so you could just F2P and not pay. :)

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It's really not a fully fledged expansion, it's a downloadable content pack (they really could have chosen a better name for it, so as to be less... upsetting to those just searching for things to be mad about). Quite similar to what Everquest 2 did in its early years with the 3 adventure packs. Slightly more expensive, but probably a bit more fleshed out, realistically, with the level cap increase and whatnot.


I expect (though I have no evidence to back me up) that we'll get a full on expansion toward the end of 2013 or maybe sometime in the first half of 2014. Hopefully they'll be giving us some class story expansion at that point, especially considering that's one of the very few relatively unique things this game has/had going for it.

Edited by Leovinus
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I have to say, I am finding the release of this new "expansion" a bit perplexing, Especially considering the current state of the game.


Do not get me wrong, I do not mind paying a sub fee and purchasing an expansion, especially if I enjoy the game. I just find it difficult to understand how they are able to charge subscribers a sub fee and on top of that making us pay for an expansion as well, when this game is pretty much a free to play game. True this game did not start off as a free to play game, but that is what it has ended up as. Most free to play games if giving an option to subscribe, subscribers get access to pretty much everything, and it is the free to play players who have to pay for expansions and such.(Dungeons and Dragons Online for example)


Free to play games in general release free expansions all the time, and continue to use their cash store to fund the release of said expansions, paying for server rental and all that. (Perfect World International just to name one). So why is it we are having to pay a subscription fee + pay for an expansion on top of that? It is not really the expansion I was expecting, (Was expecting or more to the point hoping) that we would get a 3D space sim expansion.


I do not know how anyone else feels about this, so please enlighten me. Do you agree? Disagree?

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The point is, this game is a business. It's not some cool charity that EA, BW and LA threw out there for everyone out of the kindness of their hearts. It's a product; you don't want to use the product you don't have to pay for the product, you want to use the product you pay for the product. What you don't get to do is tell the producer of the product what they can and can't make you pay for, it's their product, nobody is forcing anybody to buy it.


I don't get all the crying, I really don't. Do you go to the 7-11 and cry to the cashier because, gasp, they make you pay for a hot dog? No. You want the hot dog you pay for the hot dog, you don't get to decide what 7-11 can and can't charge you for.


Grow up, get over it, be cheap or don't... just get over it.

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I I would expect some evolution of my relationship with my companions.

Huh? You are already married to your LI. Others have prettty much offered their services to you for the rest of your life. There is nowhere to go from here. And please don't start on "kids", This is SWTOR, not Sims.

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Going F2P only shows Bioware that they need to repackage the goods in another way. No, I think the OP needs to take a stand. Bioware needs to be taught a lesson. The OP should quit, uninstall and never, ever post here again. :jawa_smile:

You are all adults (most of you). You can decide if its right for you. If its not, simply walk away instead of jumping on your soapbox and explaining how this is a travesty and you won't stand for it.


You dont have to read and post if you dont like it, you know that right?


I mean, that would be adult mature thing to do, right?


The point is, this game is a business. It's not some cool charity that EA, BW and LA threw out there for everyone out of the kindness of their hearts. It's a product; you don't want to use the product you don't have to pay for the product, you want to use the product you pay for the product. What you don't get to do is tell the producer of the product what they can and can't make you pay for, it's their product, nobody is forcing anybody to buy it.


I don't get all the crying, I really don't. Do you go to the 7-11 and cry to the cashier because, gasp, they make you pay for a hot dog? No. You want the hot dog you pay for the hot dog, you don't get to decide what 7-11 can and can't charge you for.


Grow up, get over it, be cheap or don't... just get over it.


Not if they advertise i would get free got dogs once in awhile for subscribing to their hot dog stand, and then just, you know like, change their mind.

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You dont usually go around and say people never to post again if you like what they have to say. Dunno, thats kinda...normal? rofl


MMO boards have an endless supply of complainers. It is likewise endlessly entertaining to actually give people the same advice the haters do (quit) and have then get mad about it. Really, if I gave the same advice, but in a tone that suggests I agree with the OP the haters would all be giving me virtual high-fives.

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So, you would pay $40 for something about 3x bigger then Makeb, but paying $10 for Makeb feels a bit unreasonable.


I'll never understand people's thinking. They feel nickeled and dimed on $10 then ask for a $40 expansion. That's 4x bigger?? My brain hurts sometimes trying to wrap my head around it.

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