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Endgame PVE Relics?


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Alright so with the release of the new Dread Guard Relics I've been forced to re-analyzed which relics are right for me in PVE. Post-1.5 I just used 2 War Hero Relics of Boundless Ages. Now I've replaced one of those with a Dread Guard Relic of Boundless Ages, but a buddy of mine told me I should use one of the relics that automatically does damage. I'm on Combat so if anyone could help me out, I'd appreciate it!
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I'm Watchman spec'd so I grabbed the one that conveys a 30% chance of adding 210 elemental on all attacks (max once per 4.5s). The other benefits are to add Endurance and Power, so I'll have to jigger things around to add more Crit and Surge elsewhere, but from what I've read, this is the new best in slot. If others feel differently, please chime in as I'll have like an hour tonight to undo the purchase. ;)
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Nice results, I use the power on use one (ages) and energy dmg proc one. (Nova/)

Should I have gotten elemental damage one since Im now running watchamn spec though? Why? burn?

Will it really make a difference? Isn't a proc a proc and damage is damage or is it additive? or dependent on the other type of damage being dealt??

Also just to be complete here, isnt' kinetic and internal useless to Sents too? tech v force?


Also I have a Hazmat Pummelers MK-2 earpiece on order from a crafter.

Do you agree this is best since it stacks more str over endurance and has power and surge vs crit and surge?


Edited by DelphinHunter
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Nice results, I use the power on use one (ages) and energy dmg proc one. (Nova/)

Should I have gotten elemental damage one since Im now running watchamn spec though? Why? burn?

Will it really make a difference? Isn't a proc a proc and damage is damage or is it additive? or dependent on the other type of damage being dealt??

Also just to be complete here, isnt' kinetic and internal useless to Sents too? tech v force?


The energy one will do more damage as a combat because it can proc during Precision Slash windows, slightly edging out the Elemental one. But when it all comes down to it, it's like a 10-15 damage difference (Elemental > Energy for Watchmen, Energy > Elemental for Combat and Focus) roughly every 4.5 seconds (if you're lucky). Nothing game breaking, unless the game you're playing is the min-max one.


As for Kinetic and Internal, they use Tech Crit so while they're not entirely useless, it's a dps loss when compared to Energy and Elemental.


Also I have a Hazmat Pummelers MK-2 earpiece on order from a crafter.

Do you agree this is best since it stacks more str over endurance and has power and surge vs crit and surge?



Depends on where you want your crit. If your crit rating was already over 330, then that's fine, if it wasn't then you might want to move some mods around. This is assuming that you're Watchmen spec. Any Crit over 330 or so is a waste and a dps loss compared to Power.

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The DG Energy Proc Relic is BiS for Combat Sents and Focus Guards/ Sents. Elemental for every other force class.


When paired with the DG Boundless Ages relic that is.

I'm using the elemental proc relic right now and I've heard that these relics are on hit procs. Since burns aren't considered "hits" they don't have a chance to proc the relic. Wouldn't an EWH power relic be a better fit for Watchman?

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Depends on where you want your crit. If your crit rating was already over 330, then that's fine, if it wasn't then you might want to move some mods around. This is assuming that you're Watchmen spec. Any Crit over 330 or so is a waste and a dps loss compared to Power.


Do you have any data (parses, sims, etc) to back up that you need anywhere near 330 crit?..

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Do you have any data (parses, sims, etc) to back up that you need anywhere near 330 crit?..


You don't need anywhere near 330 (328 to be exact) crit. Anything after 328 crit is a dps loss because that's when the DR Curve on Crit starts to get steep. When Artikip did his 40 parses (10 as Combat with 164 crit, 10 as Combat with 328 crit, 10 as Watchmen with 164 crit and 10 as Watchmen with 328 crit) the difference with the Combat parses was virtually non-existent and the difference between the Watchmen was around 1% (within the margin of error).


Crit is nice, but virtually unnecessary for Sentinels. It's better for watchmen because ~40% of their damage comes from burns (50% if you count the application damage of Cauterize), which are given an extra 30% Crit damage.


Edit: That said, the benefits of having around 130 crit rating far outweigh the damage gained from dropping crit altogether.

Edited by BlznSmri
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