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smash/force sweep spec is faceroll in pvp


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Didnt even see this one hit, this was just one noob standing in a pile of 5 or 6 ppl today comming out there spawn on hutball, of course its ok to smack someone for 8889 the second they spawn as well as hitting 4 other people at the same time

Edited by Loki_
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The sheer problem is balance. Balancing all classes is very difficult to do. Each class has the potential to be great if you know how to do your job correctly. However, there are some classes that has more advantages than others. I do agree that commandos got the short end of the stick.


I play a gunslinger. I can honestly say that job is very hard to play in warzones, especially with multiple of smashes on the opposing team. Ever tried it? Yes, we have cover, they normally don't jump to us, but in certain warzones you are on the same playing level as the smasher anyway.


I'm not here to b*tch or whine. I'm here proposing solutions. The rage/focus spec did get a little buff yes. But I think the AOE part is the part that can be overbearing. Especially with 2-3 smashers on your butt. I think they shouldn't touch the single target aspect. You get jumped, you know he/she is after you, you receive the damage. The people surrounding him/her should not be receiving the same amount of damage (especially if it's above 5k. No other DPS class has that, not even a Flyby). I think a 50%-75% damage reduction to the surrounding people? And maybe, MAYBE cut the auto - crit. You shouldn't need the 100% crit anyway. Remember, we're talking about balance. 60-75% crit? The smashers then will have to look at building their gear sets smarter.


But that is just my opinion. ;) If anyone opposes, try playing a slinger in warzones.

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I find playing my GS the easiest out of the lot, including my smash monkey. Played a little tactfully and you can avoid the zerg and a lot of stuns and have a ton of survivability. The smash monkey bores me to tears and I cba with it anymore and got sick of staring at the respawn shield after takign one or two poeple down.
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Didnt even see this one hit, this was just one noob standing in a pile of 5 or 6 ppl today comming out there spawn on hutball, of course its ok to smack someone for 8889 the second they spawn as well as hitting 4 other people at the same time


For the record, with full WH on two smashers with over 80 valor each, I haven't hit anyone for over 7.5k in several months (not since the wz adrenal nerf, actually). Pointing out freak occurences and how idiots that can't bother to put on recruit gear will die fast (an operative or sin can almost stunlock-kill ppl with no expertise - go cry nerf on them - heck, any dps will blast no-recruit newbs fast) is not relevant to the the class you're whining about. I wouldn't be surprised if most of them are engineered/invented by posters like you. I've seen too many doctored screen shots, guild-vs-guild setups, and flat-out lies by fanatics to take yours remotely seriously.

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I find playing my GS the easiest out of the lot, including my smash monkey. Played a little tactfully and you can avoid the zerg and a lot of stuns and have a ton of survivability. The smash monkey bores me to tears and I cba with it anymore and got sick of staring at the respawn shield after takign one or two poeple down.


Oh I agree! Slinger is very fun indeed! That is why I still play mine and consider her my main. But it's a lot more difficult than most people think. Especially when you have people after just you. A lone slinger can be deadly, but it's rare to be alone.

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I love it when people say "learn to play", it's the go to rebuttal whenever an argument about pvp is ongoing. I don't pvp anymore as i'm too busy being an altaholic and enjoying the game, so i'm not one of the "bads" you're talking about that need to L2P just so we're clear. When I did pvp i ran a tk hybrid heal sage, yes I relied on my bubble stun, yes I was the guy who would hit my alacrity buff and spam disturbance with instant tkwave's for 20 sec then hide and heal my team and cc other healers or healer capable class's on the other team. I got tired of getting jumped by mara's and jugs and rofl3shot even when I have 1250ish expertise. So what did I do? Made a scoundrel healer so I could cloak thus avoiding the HUGE target flame saber shield star gun i have above my head. Crouch in space so I can't get jumped or grappled, hot hot hot UM+emp, kolto cloud, RUN around the corner and hide while all the marauders and jugs try to get a line on me for a jump they can't complete. Only to see them peel off the guy they are just about to kill b/c they see the healer and get tunnel vision frothy foamy mouths at the little twilek healer who's crouched in place unable to be jumped to. It's quite gratifying until the cloaked sin or operative comes up and cornholes me in the back to which i reply with dodge, dot clear, combat cloak, sneak. run and hide. I do NO damage, most of my heals are done from cover, i pvp in raid gear on my scound and healed just as well as people with 1300 expertise. (yes I'm fully aware i was severely gimping myself but that's not the point). Needless to say 8 on 8 pvp got boring and I got tired of only being able to play one spec that could compete in pvp. So i just stopped and focused on other aspects of the game. You all have your fun i'll be back out pvping again if we ever get a "non-lag fest" ( due to the large number of players on the field) pvp arena or area with larger than 8 man teams. I'm talking full on AV or IOC style from wow. Now that's how pvp should be imo. In rebuttal to those of you who would reply simply by telling me to go back to wow I am a starwars nerd, proud of it, always will be and I hate wow. Have a nice day :)
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