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V sync Makes a World of Difference for Me


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I don't know if this has been talked about before, but I have been without this since launch and feel like an idiot. My game plays completely different now. I had no idea it was affecting me this much. My gcd's properly show when they come off. My attacks register when i click them. My animations and distancing is now correct. Thus, making my pvp experience 100% better. I can honestly say, I think this is the single biggest issue I've had with the game that could be fixed with such a small thing. I love it.


With good, there is always bad... Unfortunately, after looking over the internet for a little bit, I can confirm that vsync was keeping my laptop from overheating. I have never had an issue before, until I turned off vsync. Aside from the obvious responses of just getting a better laptop or a desktop (which is not an option for me right now financially). what else can I do to maybe curb how often it over heat. Seems it's happening every couple hours or so. I have a 19 1/2 laptop, so a cooling fan for my size laptop seems to be out of the question, or atleast I have yet to find one after some pretty extensive searching.


Thanks for any help that can be given.

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Ok put a window box fan next to u in bed, put it on high and use head phones for sound.


Ive done it for a desktop lol


I am almost at this option, I am however wondering if anyone makes custom fans for computers. i think I can fit a small on in the cup holder on my tray (I know this sounds silly). But, it is in fact right under my battery/ac adapter plug in. AKA, where all the heat is coming from.

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I don't know if this has been talked about before, but I have been without this since launch and feel like an idiot. My game plays completely different now. I had no idea it was affecting me this much. My gcd's properly show when they come off. My attacks register when i click them. My animations and distancing is now correct. Thus, making my pvp experience 100% better. I can honestly say, I think this is the single biggest issue I've had with the game that could be fixed with such a small thing. I love it.


With good, there is always bad... Unfortunately, after looking over the internet for a little bit, I can confirm that vsync was keeping my laptop from overheating. I have never had an issue before, until I turned off vsync. Aside from the obvious responses of just getting a better laptop or a desktop (which is not an option for me right now financially). what else can I do to maybe curb how often it over heat. Seems it's happening every couple hours or so. I have a 19 1/2 laptop, so a cooling fan for my size laptop seems to be out of the question, or atleast I have yet to find one after some pretty extensive searching.


Thanks for any help that can be given.


If you overclock - return to standard frequencies or even 5% bellow them...

Lower your graphic details (mostly shadows - off, shader complexity - low / very low) ... this will reduce load on GPU therefore heat.

Go to service to clean your laptop (or do it yourself if you can) - they collect so much dust... I had seen 1 year one so filled than was not able to work more than 15 minutes (without gaming).

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Sometimes the completely outlandish ideas are the best. Sorry about the back issue. Is there any way you could have someone construct a foam spacer for a fan? This would allow the air from a fan to channel directly at the base of the laptop?
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I don't know if this has been talked about before, but I have been without this since launch and feel like an idiot. My game plays completely different now. I had no idea it was affecting me this much. My gcd's properly show when they come off. My attacks register when i click them. My animations and distancing is now correct. Thus, making my pvp experience 100% better. I can honestly say, I think this is the single biggest issue I've had with the game that could be fixed with such a small thing. I love it.


With good, there is always bad... Unfortunately, after looking over the internet for a little bit, I can confirm that vsync was keeping my laptop from overheating. I have never had an issue before, until I turned off vsync. Aside from the obvious responses of just getting a better laptop or a desktop (which is not an option for me right now financially). what else can I do to maybe curb how often it over heat. Seems it's happening every couple hours or so. I have a 19 1/2 laptop, so a cooling fan for my size laptop seems to be out of the question, or atleast I have yet to find one after some pretty extensive searching.


Thanks for any help that can be given.


I have a 19" also and this is the one that I use, works pretty well.



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You can manually set the refresh rate in the same spot where you turn on or off vsync. I imagine your laptop was running at 30fps with vsync enabled, so select 30 or 40 as your refresh rate and it should be much cooler. You'll still see tearing though.


However given how buggy this game is, it may not do a thing at all - In which case you can download an app that can lower the refresh rate which is also fantastic for older games where you framerate is usually above 500 and your gpu will get very toasty. Google MSI Afterburner.


I use it to lower the framerate to 60 at all times as I'm no fan of vsync and all the issues it brings in some games.

Edited by BounceDK
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Everyone is a little different, but most people can't see frame flicker above 50fps, and many can't see any at 40fps. Anything above 60fps really is not needed, and is extra strain on your gpu.


It's not like me needing a 85 refresh rate on a crt monitor to get smooth quality back in the day. I do know a lot of people who couldn't see the flicker on a crt with a 60 refresh rate, but a LCD isn't the same.

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I have a 19" also and this is the one that I use, works pretty well.




I just ordered it. Thanks for all the advice guys. Unfortunately, I will never turn vsync on again. I don't care if my comp catches fire. Turning it off has improved my game experience by 110%. I can not be competitive at pvp without missing my gcd triggers and animation distancing.

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What I was saying is that I haven't found a cooling pad big enough to cover the necessary areas of my laptop.


Cooler Master makes a 3 fan pad that will work on your 19.5" system. It's called the Note Pal U3. You can place the fans wherever you need them on the pad. Hope this helps.


edit- ^ see someone already posted it :p

Edited by Rothie
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Not an option as I use a lap table in bed for use. I cannot sit up in a chair on a table because of back issues. Long story.

There's your problem, the laptop needs to breath, the bed and the sheets tend to smother the vents and can cause overheating, get yourself a hard flat piece of plywood or what ever works to set your laptop on, that way there is more air flow without any soft bed or sheets restricting cooling.

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