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Operatives need to change


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I'm sorry but bioware you guys have no idea of what to do with this class do you? we are the weakest class in the game and you guys just flat out refuse to do anything about it.


I think i know why it's because we are a burst melee but also a healer which i do admit does make us a very powerfull class in the hands of masters but the thing is that you keep on nerfing our damage output and it's not hurting the masters since they can just work around it but you are hurting the normal guys that just want to play a fun cool looking class because not everyone wants to play a healer.


I think the Operative needs to change from melee to a range dps class if anything just to shut up the pvpers complaining that we are to strong and can stun lock them but to also make us more viable to everyone at the moment most standard operatives in PvE are doing around 1300-1500 dps which is so low it's not funny while class's like the assassin and mara are doing 1700-1900 easy, then you got the BH and Sorc doing 1600-1900 and even our sniper breathren doing 1600-1900 all easy but if we push it we do 1700?


That is just wrong on so meny levels when we are ment to be with in 5% dps of the best dps class as bioware themselfs have said that yet i ask where is our buffs where is our love, simple we don't get any they don't care about our class not meny people do all they see is just our heals and want us to do that well i don't want to heal i want to DPS, i love to DPS i will go healing when my guild needs me to but it's not why i took the class i took the class to be a sneaky DPS but i can't do that much since no one will let me come on there team as DPS.


I think bioware need to rethink our class i mean just look out our class name we are Operatives yet we act like assassin's i say leave that to the assassin's and let us be our own class we could get gadgits and explosives to help us and where our knife used to our we could even get a balistic knife for range or we could even throw our knife we have no reason to be in melee range our main weapon is a rifle for petes sakes,


That is not a melee weapon and we have no defence in melee range yet bioware in there infante wisdom seems to think we would make a good melee class i say nope, here are some thinks that i think if our class does get changed these would be our abilitys.


#1 Weapon mods: every class gets to change there fighting form in some way warriors have there stances, assassin's get there charges and bountyhunters get there ammo cells and yet IA's get none,

well i don't see why we couldn't mod our equipment so that we could use our abilitys better or faster like a quickfire powercell for out rifle and wrist launcher so we could use our weapon skills faster and heal faster, or we could mod the type of powercell we use so that our shots might be radeoactive so that our shots have a chance of posioning our targets.


#2 Range Skills: i'm going to be totaly honest here i think our melee skills at the moment are just awefull we do decent burst but if it's more then 1v1 we die so fast it's not funny since most of our skills need to be used behind a target that if we have to fight 2 we just die and even we do fight 1v1 getting behind a guy can be a pain if he lives past the opening knockdown,

I think we need to change from a melee class to a ranged one like our sniper breathren, however unlike the sniper i think we should be more focused on hitting the weakspots rather then just hitting with pureforce like hitting them in the gonades or hitting them in the lung things to slow them down and inhibit them from fighting back while letting them bleed out and letting our posions work.


#3 Gadgits: we are ment to be secret agents so where are our awosome toys to use wheres our cutting lazers, or our superbombs or even our posion ammo for our rifles at the moment i don't feel like a secret agent i just feel like a rouge just walking around backstabing people and even then that doesn't working most of the time now, Gadgits have been the tools of agents all over the world for years now and yet we don't get any in our game no i want gadgits things like bouncy bombs that i can throw and will bounce over the cover of a enemy and knock them out of cover and a acid shot from my wrist launcher that will eat away at the armor of my target making it easyer for me and my allys to get a target,

A little floating droid like the Torture Droid that would help me in my duitys as both a DPS by shoting the enemys with it's laser or charging in and discharging it's power to stun any enemys that's near it for 3 secands or a healer by going up to a ally and injecting kolto to heal there wounds would be awosome.


The bottom line is that at the moment the Operative is a very weak and a class that i feel doesn't know what it wants to be these are some of the ideas that i have come up with that might help it along the way and they could be used the same on the scoundrel just with a few tweeks to make it more of a smugglers tools but please leave your feed back on my idea and even add a few of your own.


P.S sorry for my spelling it never was my strong point <.<;;

Edited by Darkchip
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Ok let me try that again what i mean is that the Operative really doesn't seem like a class that should be in melee range since it has no defence once your in melee oh sure we have CS and evade but really thats it and it doesn't do a whole lot to protect us since most Operatives one you get in melee range and if the target gets back up after the knock down or has buddys we are in danger.


In PvE we are ok for a while since we have our compainions since they hold them and we just gotta go behind and go staby staby but we arn't doing alot of damage it's ok for doing dailys and all that but once you get in a OPS or a HM we start to really fall behind which i'm finding is really being a buzz kill for my enjoyment of this game.


I love my operative and i don't want him to go but i'm finding it harder and harder to get into groups for stuff since everyone wants me to go healer while i want to just DPS i have a sniper as well and him i can do easyer DPS but it's just not the same i like the stealth element which i could just get on a assassin but it's just not the same and it's sad seeing so meny operatives changeing class's because Bioware refuse to do anything about it.


The idea's i put up are some of the things i think would help us greatly but it would require that the whole class gets rethinked and redone which i don't want but they could be done on the class as it is the weapon mods would help our dps since we could get a new dot from our mod like the BH's get which would up our dps a bit but also help our skills like cull,

The gadgits would help us in our servivablilty since they could do all wonders of thinks like a bouncy bomb to that would be thrown and knock enemys back or down that are in cover our just far away giving us to close in on them or even get away if there is alot of them,

we could get a secret jet back like koleyo gets for closeing in on enemys that gives us first strike with our vibroknife giving us a gab closer which we baddly need and finaly our little floaty droid buddy which could be used for all kinda stuff like healing or just shotting guys to annoy them or runing in and discharging energy to stun lock them giving us time to close in or run.


All of those things would help us greatly but i know it would annoy all the other class's since PvP would be in our favor again well i say the same thing to them that i do every one else this is a primeraly a PvE game yes it have PvP in it but it should always be PvE first then worry about PvP other wise the whole PvE side just dies i have seen it happen meny times but the Devs in those games do normaly end up saving them but the damage has been done and they were never the same again i don't want to see that happen to this game but it is happening and we need to stop it from getting worse i know they have said that in 1.7 there will be a lot of class balancing and i do hope we do get fixed but i don't really have high hopes since they havn't done anything for us yet.

Edited by Darkchip
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This is like 2 sentences per paragraph....... "But.....then.....and.....which...."


You should know sentences help the reader understand , that is ..the normal ones. Your sentences are sooooo endless, people lose the meaning of the first phrase between those......but...then...and...and..which... etc..

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Yeah sorry about that like i said in my opening post i'm not all that good at spelling my mental disability makes it hard to spell some of the bigger words and i never really did learn about paragrathing so yeah i just put a space after most of the commers hope that makes reading it better. :jawa_cool:
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welcome to ops. To comment on your writing, i'm skeptical that there is going to me any redesigning of class done. BW branded us as class causing other classes users to unsub.

We're at the bottom of things.

The things you write were said 1000 times, just check the 'class' thread with suggestions made by great ops. We're being totally ignored.

I played Lethality op in PvP since game start, no he's valor 89 and gathering dust. I'm fed up to play class that is not just underperforming but broken.


I moved PvPig (and most of PvE too) to my second main char - Jugg tank and just hoping they fix this BS sometime in the future ..

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Were you here from the beginning?


The first few updates in the history of this game's launch were practically dedicated to nerfing Ops. A few more nerfs after that, we no longer existed to them. Perhaps we stopped causing players to unsub?


We certainly stopped ppl causing to unsub and i dont understand, why the BW doesnt take care of us at all. Only explanation for me is, we still have some kind of stigma, bad brand on our class.

Yes, i'm here from game start, i have the digital deluxe version, could play that week before the game was out for everyone ... and from first time i played Lethality Op.

I stopped with Op play around the F2P release. At that time i had best gear i could get my hands on, stressed the class to limits, with different strategies, tried playing different hybrids etc and found out that at engame, i'm not competitive enough.

This started to be more apparent with 'smash' class upgrades ... if you're only 'normal' range class in your team and opposing team is just flying monkeys, it just disgusted my play.

You appear in range ... bang 1st monkey, bang 2nd monkey ... smash smash ... choke respawn.

If i cant fight wolves, i have to become one of them so .. i now play monkey too these days in PvP and my Ops is PvEing only.

Thank You, BW, move along :mad:

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