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Group Finder wait times

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far too many tanks and healers are fed up on being blamed for stupid dps mistakes which cause wipes. they now either only do guild runs or play as dps.


also having a long queue time might be a indication of being on too many ignore lists. adding more dps to a group make up will NOT help you with this if so. so either stop being obnoxious in groups and or general channel or learn how to play your class.


This is exactly it. I only heal and tank and I always ask in guild chat if someone wants to q with me first. To many obnoxious dps that have no clue what they are doing. If your q is taking to long your probably on a lot of ignore lists cause you ninja'd or did something ridiculously stupid.


If you wanna decrease your q time be friendly and try to join a guild almost all of the good tanks and healers are in guilds and I bet that most of em are like me and ask guildies first.

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Long queues on Tomb of Freedon Nadd as a healer, upwards of 10 minutes. What's worse is, the server is absolutely chock full of really, really bad players. I mean the DPS I get to enjoy FPs with pull about the same damage numbers as my companion. It's pathetic.
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Even games with 5-man group setups have an overabundance of DPS, but it would definitely help.


The devs can't really affect the ratio of roles that players choose to play. All that they can really do is provide an incentive for players in in-demand roles to play their role more often. WoW has a pretty decent solution for it by providing goodie bags to people that queued up for and completed a run when demand for a certain role was above a certain threshold. It doesn't really ensure that the people that queue up looking for the tasty new reward are good tanks, but it does ensure that tanks are encouraged to queue up even if they don't need to run their daily GF. It wouldn't even need to be something as massively important as BH comms or the like. In WoW, the goody bags just contained some gold (the equivalent of 50k credits or so) and a chance at a random cosmetic object (WoW did pets, but TOR could just as easily include armor shells and the like).

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My problem with Tanking and healing (I play all 3 roles depending on my mood) isn't so much stupid dps'ers, they are easy to /ignore and move on, its questing. I roll mostly solo except for PvPing and FP's/Ops and trying to clear the stupid amount of random trash mobs throughout the worlds as a healer or a tank is just too boring (unless I'm my shadow or scound that can run by). My lolsmash sent can thrash any mob in seconds that would take 3x longer as a healer or tank.
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I’m on The Red Eclipse and I run HMs on one tank, two healers and two DPS so I get a good flavour of times. Tank normally pops instantly, healers may have to wait 5-15 minutes and the DPS normally pops in around 30 minutes.


Why do DPS have to wait longer? There are more DPS. Why are there more DPS? Bluntly, (primarily) because it’s the easiest role to play. It’s fun to be the one killing but, if you screw up as a DPS no-one really notices (or cares). We’re not talking EC NM here, we’re talking Taral V (for example) where everyone over gears it by miles. If a tank or healer screws up it can cause a wipe. DPS has much less accountability and is an easier role to learn.

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Long queues on Tomb of Freedon Nadd as a healer, upwards of 10 minutes. What's worse is, the server is absolutely chock full of really, really bad players. I mean the DPS I get to enjoy FPs with pull about the same damage numbers as my companion. It's pathetic.


even more recently. FPs and WZs full of bads. Seriously, in some FPs I would be better off with my dps or tank companion. It usually goes like this.


- Tank grabs the toughest enemy-> dps focus the same enemy--> I end up taking all the aggro from all the mobs--> heal through it, kill them--> complain in chat--> nothing happens-->let them die--> repeat.


Also, it's like people forgot how to do fps, and in 2/4 I end up leading the group instead of the tank- which I have no problem with since I know all of the instances inside out, but still, it shouldn't be my job. But at least GF pops for me in 10 minutes tops.

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reminds me when I played my healer, was grouped by GF with 3 ppl from same guild (tank and his 2 dps buddies), I thought 'good, 3 players of same guiild, that will be quick one'.

nothing more wrong. Tank jugg used only sunder armor,saber attack and smash, literally nothing else. PT used only flame tower, rail shot and basic attacks, sorc dps used only, and only lightning.... not to mention they pulled every possible mob.

last boss enraged on us with 34% hp and took us 3 tries for them to get that I can't heal thro her almost one shot if no one runs from pull.

didn't quit, since I like challenge on my healer and I was laughting all the way, should fraps it... those guys were rakata/black hole!

Edited by Atramar
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Long queues on Tomb of Freedon Nadd as a healer, upwards of 10 minutes. What's worse is, the server is absolutely chock full of really, really bad players. I mean the DPS I get to enjoy FPs with pull about the same damage numbers as my companion. It's pathetic.


what have you expectet from F2P?

it's obvious that there are many new players who have still tionese gear (or worse in lack of knowing how to get it for free) and don't know the FPs as well as the "old vets" do^^


i quittet in feb this year and have a hard time too ATM to keep up all this boss and mob-skipping, because THIS is NEW for me^^


but the worse thing are the rude players -> a dps left grp (AFTER we laid low the first boss) because he asked, who's new in this FP and 2 ppl said "i am new". instead of helping and explaining the FP to them he said "cya" and quittet.



Edited by Wolvereen
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but the worse thing are the rude players -> a dps left grp (AFTER we laid low the first boss) because he asked, who's new in this FP and 2 ppl said "i am new". instead of helping and explaining the FP to them he said "cya" and quittet.




who cares if dps left.. new one iwll come in before you spell 'que us'...

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what have you expectet from F2P?

it's obvious that there are many new players who have still tionese gear (or worse in lack of knowing how to get it for free) and don't know the FPs as well as the "old vets" do^^


Gear has nothing to do with it. I've only played for a month and I only have Tionese gear since I dinged a few days ago. Some people are just really bad players and it's painful to be forced to carry them.

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Gear has nothing to do with it. I've only played for a month and I only have Tionese gear since I dinged a few days ago. Some people are just really bad players and it's painful to be forced to carry them.


Yeah last night we pug'd a comms run for EC sm and we had a commando dps in the group. He was specced at least up to the kolto bomb in the healer tree cause we saw him use it a couple times. We called him out on it and told him to switch to his dps spec. He said he has tried the other two dps specs but couldn't get his dps higher than 660 in full black hole 1980 mainstat. He said in the healer tree he tops out at 1000 dps. We all laughed crazy hard cause we had the dps to carry him, but it was just crazy to see. A bunch of us in were watching his rotation and it was simply hammershot rapidshot hammershot and repeat.


I want to say he was just a troll but he was pretty convincing.

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even more recently. FPs and WZs full of bads. Seriously, in some FPs I would be better off with my dps or tank companion. It usually goes like this.


- Tank grabs the toughest enemy-> dps focus the same enemy--> I end up taking all the aggro from all the mobs--> heal through it, kill them--> complain in chat--> nothing happens-->let them die--> repeat.


Also, it's like people forgot how to do fps, and in 2/4 I end up leading the group instead of the tank- which I have no problem with since I know all of the instances inside out, but still, it shouldn't be my job. But at least GF pops for me in 10 minutes tops.

Leveling an op healer now and I'm convinced I'm a better tank than 99% of the tank specd people sub50. I always end up tanking every trash mob except for the single strong/elite/champion the tank is tanking. The dps and tanks don't even bother to kill all the trash most of the time and rush to the next mob group while I'm left to kill the trash. I allow this to happen twice and if people still ignore me the third time I heal myself until I'm out of resources and then I combat stealth when below 20% hp. If you have problem to understand kill order after that then they all end up on my ignore list.


I'd say 9/10 flashpoints sub 50 consist of people that have no idea what they are supposed to do. Only one flashpoint in twenty features a tank that understand that he also must build aggro to the other champions and elites so they don't start to attack the healer. A good dps is also as rare as a good tank. Chances are that I could complete most on level flashpoints with my tank companion since my companion doesn't lose aggro and my dps is probably higher than the both dps combined.

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Heh, this thread turned into a "post your terrible experiences in groups"


As someone who leveled 3 tanks to 50, I never realized just how awful other tanks were until I started playing my DPS. I swear it feels like I'm the only tank that actually tab-targets and hits as many mobs as he can at the start of the fight.


And I know there are tons of DPS baddies, but I never realized just how epidemic it was until I played one myself. I'm in tionese/recruit, the other DPS is in BH/crafted 27s. There are 3 weak enemies, 2 normal, and 1 strong. The tank and other DPS tunnel vision on the strong. I go around killing the 3 weak and 2 normals all by myself (so that the healer doesnt turn into a pincushion because the tank is being a ****), and when I get to the strong enemy its only lost half its health. /smh

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As DPS I've had queues that lasted upwards of 2 hours, before suddenly finding myself somehow switched to another role due to bugs with group-finder, because honestly how else would you explain a tank in queue that long? It seems that there are plenty of people who line skip by finding an in demand role friend to queue with.


As a tank I've had bad groups, F2P players lack of reward gathering means they're in basic blue 50 gear, or maybe if I'm lucky recruit gear. There are those in wrong spec, or who can't put out DPS as the enrage timer demands. More or less a wipe or two in a flashpoint isn't bad, though it's become a rarity for me, and dying to someone's stupidity makes leaving seem a good idea rather then deal with vote kicks that usually fail. Usually bad DPS expect tank and healers to read their minds and adapt to their play style when they try things that seem idiotic or are mad when they initiate combat and die within seconds because you don't immediately use your AOE taunt to save their lives. Likewise with low levels when either a Tank or Healer is too weak for their role (not counting DPS aggro stealing) then the argument "But I did this before" comes into play.


For me as a tank I'll queue once a day, get my daily done, then call it quits. Heals I don't like to run because it's usually the fast paced role, and when the server decides to have a lag hiccup for a second or two for everyone it often causes a death both when I heal and when others heal me.


DPS is far too easy to play once geared, pick a target, kill it; pick a boss, remember it's trick, then kill it, etc. Repeated bad groups, due to gear, players, or just bad luck, make playing a primary role far less desirable. It's the same reward for less work after all.

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who cares if dps left.. new one iwll come in before you spell 'que us'...

made my day :D


on the topic:

as many have said before, wait time on a tank is basically non existent whereas it can take up to 40 minutes on a dps to get a group. i stopped to que as dps on my scoundrel mostly because i got all the gear i need and still was able to save enough BH comms to buy campaign armorings for my tank :) now i sometimes que as a healer just because its faster that way. fortunately i manage to get decent groups where i can just spam all the green-iconed abilities and it works ;)


someone said that there are terrible new players on TofN. my experience is different. from a tank point of view the worst player is a dps who is overgeared (meaning he did all the HM FPs many times and just wants the BH comms). that person will pull every group and won't wait for the tank to do his job. and it is frustrating to regain agro if high dps toon will get it first :p so i don't mind running with newbies because, generally, they will do what the experienced player says ;)


DPS is far too easy to play once geared, pick a target, kill it; pick a boss, remember it's trick, then kill it, etc. Repeated bad groups, due to gear, players, or just bad luck, make playing a primary role far less desirable. It's the same reward for less work after all.

there is your balance: less work, the same reward, longer wait times ;)

Edited by yaworr
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