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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Just Came Back : Which Build Should I Use


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Hey guys...Just getting back into the game from a pretty long break. When I played before I switched to the "Watchmen Spec" around level 32 and never looked back.


I'm coming here to find out if I still need to run watchmen or should I use something else now?


Thanks in advance!

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Any of the specs are viable. Combat is considered better than Watchman for PvP, but Watchmen aren't a pushover. You can still do plenty of damage as a Watchman in PvP. As far as PvE goes, its either choice really. In Sanctus's progression raiding I run Combat and our other MDPS runs Watchman. We are usually very close on the parser. He out damages me, but I think that is because of player skill and not because of spec.


If you are a subscriber respec and try out all the different specs (its free to respec) and see which one you like best. Whichever one that is, is the one I would play.

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