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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Welcome to Game Update 1.6: Ancient Hypergate


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Welcome to Game Update 1.6: Slapping the Faces of Our Customers

Been that way since launch. Nothing new here or changed here.

you had better stop listening to EA money monger and start listening to the player base or you may find yourself expanding your employment criteria.

I wish that would happen to, but as soon as BioWare stands up to EA and stops listening to them EA will just write the game off and move on to destroying the next IP they own with another shoddy, half-assed MMO from a developer they've comepletely broken the will of.

Get it together Devs this game is falling apart.

Once again, been that way for a while. The only EA every does it just delay the collapse instead of avoiding it.


Also, my 2 cents. Damn! Hood toggle must be a VERY, VERY, VERY complicated thing to create because it's been "in the works" since before 1.2. Apparantely creating a button to change a small part of chest gear models takes a super long amount of time.

Edited by Bugattiboy
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*** is wrong with all of you? Complaining about game play and player satisfaction those things don't go on a quarterly report. Bioware is a money company not a gaming company, get your **** straight. As far as they're concerned it's mission success.
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Game Update 1.6 marks the release of the new Warzone: Ancient Hypergate. This Warzone centers upon the control of an ancient ruin built around a Gree Hypergate that offers secrets that both the Empire and the Republic wish to exploit. Players fight for control of energy pylons within the ruins, but occasionally a titanic energy blast will rip through the Warzone, forcing players to take cover and react accordingly. We think this play style will really mix up the Warzone experience with new strategies and tactics required to play and win.


While a new warzone is always welcome, the new one feels a bit too contrived and gimicky. Furthermore, the transportation of the energy charges could have been more believable and tactically demanding, if the charges were to be picked up in the form of an energy battery that kept the bearer from using their abilities while carrying it. That way people had to protect/take down the carrier, introducing another tactical element to the warzone, making it more than a hold and zerg fest.


This release also marks the addition of new Heroic Space Missions. These 6 new missions per faction were designed from the outset to offer a truly challenging gameplay experience to the hardcore space jockey. Players will need to be ace pilots with highly decked out ships in order to successfully complete these missions, and they will need to master them to acquire the upgrades needed to beat the challenging bonus objectives hidden within. We expect only the best pilots among you to be able to do so.


From what I've heard, the new missions are only doable with the latest tier of space ship upgrades, which can either be acquired through grinding comms and crafing, which also requires comms as well as high tier materials, OR can be bought conveniently through the cartel shop.




Really? How transparent can you get?


What's next? A new, superhard operation only doable in the latest gear, now available for 3200 cartel points?


And of course, in Game Update 1.6 we are expanding the offerings in the new Cartel Market. First and foremost is the new addition of Lifeday items! Yes, Lifeday is coming to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ as a celebration and reflection of the holiday season. Of particular note is the Czerka LD-1 Celebrator, a new vehicle that is so ridiculously awesome that it needs to be seen to be believed.


Also included in this Game Update is the Blockade Runner Cartel Pack, a new pack with more than 25 exclusive items available in the Cartel Market. Fans in particular will appreciate new weapons, new Droid minipets, the Light side’s answer to the Domination Throne, and a very cool mask that first made its appearance in the original Knights of the Old Republic. We plan to release these packs more frequently in the future, so you can always look for cool new in-game items.


That's just sad. Reskinned meshes and a bit of christmas tree decorations. For a price. The saddest thing is, that the red nuance is actually quite nice. They just had to take the ugliest robe model available, instead of making a handful of different outfits in light, medium and heavy armour.


No event. No quests to earn a few christmas themed items. No decorations or ambience.


Is it entitlement from our side, to want these things? Perhaps. However, other MMO providers make these events, both subscription based and F2P. Keyword here is "The competition".


Finally, this Game Update also happens to coincide with the First Anniversary of Star Wars: The Old Republic. We are extremely proud of the game, and this first year has been an amazing journey for those of us at BioWare and LucasArts. But it really is the players that make Star Wars: the Old Republic an amazing game, community, and experience. And for that, we on the development team thank you.


Sorry, but describing a year with this big decrease in subs, this many layoffs and the fastest transition from subs-based to F2P yet (you even beat TSW, though not by much) as "an amazing journey" does ring hollow.


Other games give you pets, mounts, tabards, consumables, vanity items and whatnot on anniversary events.


Oh... Fireworks... Yaaaaaaah.....


Rest assured that we will continue to monitor our forums and fan sites, and continually work to improve the Star Wars: The Old Republic experience for all players.


That's odd. People on the forum have been very vocal about what they want and what they don't want. And yet the game trundles on in an entirely different direction.


Damion Schubert

Lead Designer, Star Wars: The Old Republic


Jeff Hickman

Executive Producer, Star Wars: The Old Republic


Well. At least we know who to blame.


May I remind you, that the competition is making a better show of appreciation towards their player base. Perhaps WoW didn't sport so much content and events at launch, but the bar has been raised considerable since then. Personally I'll be looking at Rift and GW2 for my holiday content, because I surely won't find the christmas spirit here.

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Sorry, but describing a year with this big decrease in subs, this many layoffs and the fastest transition from subs-based to F2P yet (you even beat TSW, though not by much) as "an amazing journey" does ring hollow.


Ok, I stand corrected. It took TSW only 5 months to go F2P, leaving TOR in second place. Taking the franchise into consideration, it is still very, very impressive.

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*** is wrong with all of you? Complaining about game play and player satisfaction those things don't go on a quarterly report. Bioware is a money company not a gaming company, get your **** straight. As far as they're concerned it's mission success.


Last I checked the players aren't Bioware and the only source which will decide the fate of TOR.


Satisfied playerbase = profit

Pissed off playerbase = loss of subs / negative word of mouth

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Pay attention Bioware. You have been weighed and measured and you have been found wanting. Your pathetic attempts to impress and promote what is "so great about SWTOR" is falling on deaf ears. Your using the Cartel Market to make up for losses, when it should be an extension of current gains. I am one among many that has tried to support you in this effort. Those die hard fans of Star Wars that just want to claim a small part of the Star Wars Universe for ourselves. You are making it hard to be a believer in your efforts to offer a game worth playing. Were this any other game it would likely have been scraped. But the Star Wars name and the undisclosed amount of money Bioware paid to make this game kept it alive.


Pull this kind of game play/game content out for a Mass Effect MMO or a Dragon Age MMO and it will be luck to see it's first year. By game update 2.0 you had better stop listening to EA money monger and start listening to the player base or you may find yourself expanding your employment criteria.


Bioware your first expansion (if you make it that far with this game) should be a complete space add-on. Complete with Guild Capital Ships, OPEN FREE FLIGHT COMBAT MISSIONS, some new races (at least 2 for each side), some REAL story content, and some ******n cause and affect.


Anyone play the game Freelancer? It was and still is an excellent game for space combat (story was so-so). I personally would be happy with the same type of space combat brought into SWTOR. While I admit SWG had to be my favorite space combat simulation, what they did with Freelancer is really good. Smugglers could really smuggle, bounty hunters setting up ambushes along trade routes. Patrols guarding refuel and docking stations. The interface is 90% mouse driven (a lot like the space missions in SWTOR except its free flight).


Get it together Devs this game is falling apart.


I played Freelancer and that game was awesome. If they would bring that in this game i think they would see a huge upward move in the people doing space. Right now the only time i am in my ship is to go planet to planet. I hate the space missions where the ship is on auto pilot and all you do is spam the fire button and maybe aim a bit.

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While a new warzone is always welcome, the new one feels a bit too contrived and gimicky. Furthermore, the transportation of the energy charges could have been more believable and tactically demanding, if the charges were to be picked up in the form of an energy battery that kept the bearer from using their abilities while carrying it. That way people had to protect/take down the carrier, introducing another tactical element to the warzone, making it more than a hold and zerg fest.




From what I've heard, the new missions are only doable with the latest tier of space ship upgrades, which can either be acquired through grinding comms and crafing, which also requires comms as well as high tier materials, OR can be bought conveniently through the cartel shop.




Really? How transparent can you get?


What's next? A new, superhard operation only doable in the latest gear, now available for 3200 cartel points?




That's just sad. Reskinned meshes and a bit of christmas tree decorations. For a price. The saddest thing is, that the red nuance is actually quite nice. They just had to take the ugliest robe model available, instead of making a handful of different outfits in light, medium and heavy armour.


No event. No quests to earn a few christmas themed items. No decorations or ambience.


Is it entitlement from our side, to want these things? Perhaps. However, other MMO providers make these events, both subscription based and F2P. Keyword here is "The competition".




Sorry, but describing a year with this big decrease in subs, this many layoffs and the fastest transition from subs-based to F2P yet (you even beat TSW, though not by much) as "an amazing journey" does ring hollow.


Other games give you pets, mounts, tabards, consumables, vanity items and whatnot on anniversary events.


Oh... Fireworks... Yaaaaaaah.....




That's odd. People on the forum have been very vocal about what they want and what they don't want. And yet the game trundles on in an entirely different direction.




Well. At least we know who to blame.


May I remind you, that the competition is making a better show of appreciation towards their player base. Perhaps WoW didn't sport so much content and events at launch, but the bar has been raised considerable since then. Personally I'll be looking at Rift and GW2 for my holiday content, because I surely won't find the christmas spirit here.


As a Cybertech whats the point of buys the new schems? When the stuff can be bought in the cash shop? In 3 months I'll have it all on one of my toons, not like space has been anything but a farm for the higher level crafting materials when I can not get into a op.


New WZ, on my sorc, was real fun getting smashed to death in the middle by a team of 6 maras. After two attempts to get to the middle before getting blow up, I just decided to stay at the node. As a long time sub, been playing since beta, and I have to buy life day stuff like f2p? no discount, no benefit to being a sub. Yeah, not important to me, not going to buy it. Suggest the rest do the same, they only thing EA will hear is the fall of revenue.

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So, about the free TIonese comms. When are you going to realize that most Recruit Gear is better then Tionese gear for PvE content. If you want PvE gear and PvP gear, something really has to be done to make them more distinct cause the overlapping qualities just make them interchangeable at beginner end game content. Either that, or just get rid of the Tionese gear, cause it's not really used all that much with the free recruit gear.
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Bioware is Haveing War On Xmas just like Fox News!


They dont Care about the kids, families, players enough to have Holiday Events.


They overcharge for them in the Cartel store.


A cartel Holiday speeder, that looks like something a Drug Dealer would have on MTV pimp my ride show, that is so Ugly and Obxnixious that even seeing it, leads to disbelief.


Bioware why, oh why are you having on War on Xmas like Fox News?

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Been that way since launch. Nothing new here or changed here.

<snip> ... Hood toggle must be a VERY, VERY, VERY complicated thing to create because it's been "in the works" since before 1.2. Apparantely creating a button to change a small part of chest gear models takes a super long amount of time.


Add to that the extreme complexity in making the Drunkard's Vote Cantina a place where you can actually speak to your companion the way it was intended. I am sick and tired of all the new bugs that get introduced with each patch and get added to the "Known Issues" list where they go without a fix. The taxis still flicker, Kira Carson still carries her lightsaber on her chest, not to mention the floating lightsabers that get left behind after the companion leaves. War Zone kills are not credited properly, my camera still won't stay where I put it, and the list goes on and on. I think there was one item from the list fixed in Patch 1.6. That is ridiculous!


I have been a paying subscriber since February 2012. I agree that subscribers should have gotten a better anniversary gift than these worthless fireworks as a thank you. But I am more upset at the apparent lack of movement in the bug-fixing department. I don't give a damn about new content. By the time I get to 50, the cap will be 55. By the time I get there and start gearing up, the cap will get moved again. I'm glad that there will be new stuff for me when I get there, but FIX THE OLD BUGS FIRST.


Many posters on this forum believe that BW / EA are more focused on money than customer complaints. If that is true, then we need to get their attention by affecting their profits. I am calling for a boycott of all new content until the old bugs are fixed.


I will not support any new content until the old bugs are fixed, or at least a substantial amount of them are fixed. I will not buy Cartel Coins and I will not buy any Expansion Packs until the bugs are fixed. When the game becomes too boring because I can't play any further without paying, there are a lot of other games with quality content.

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  • 2 weeks later...


What happened to the direction you told us this game was going, before launch, in your dev blog? You, yourself, said that making this game a pure themepark would be a HUGE waste of the IP. You, yourself, said BW was making a game where people had strong community and could just "live" in the space. That was one of the best dev blogs I have ever read, and made me think you and BW REALLY UNDERSTOOD how to release an awesome MMO that was a true hybrid between sandbox and themepark. You were going to provide players with directed, story driven content AND make parts of the world open and engaging. You were going to appeal to multiple playstyles. You knew the dangers of making a WoW clone AND of making an empty sandbox.


WHAT happened??? This game is as pure a themepark as it gets, with no open endgame worlds. No social minigames, no reasons to be in cantinas other than to log out. The single player kotor 1 and 2 had more immersive cantinas, that felt MORE alive. There is NO effective difference between server types. There is no open world pvp system, no reason to do it, no rewards for doing it...etc. No players cities or ships. No community building on servers....man, what a disappointment. What happened to the endgame? The pvp endgame? Ilum was a disaster, you pulled it, and we still have no idea when you will fix it, get it right, then release it back.


Space...single player railspace in an MMO...*** were you guys thinking. Did you never play Xwing, Tie fighter, Xwing v Tiefighter or Xwing Alliance? SWG JTL? I had hoped you would go beyond JTL...instead you went below Xwing. Tragic.


What happened, man? Tell me you guys realize these problems and are going to take the game another direction....please....I am still supporting it with my money, but will not do this forever.


And the cash shop...ok. How about you give subscribers access to a "rares" section of the cartel market, where I can buy what I want. I dont mind paying money for something, IF I GET WHAT I WANT. Random packs are for the mathematically illiterate or the gamblers. I am neither. Then you could even charge F2Pers for access to the cartel rares market for the priviledge of directly buying what they want, or you could leave them to the RNG packs.


You are spot on 100% me and my friends talk about his almost everyday, one of the biggest problems, with TOR is you just play through the world and no feeling of your toon living in the world, kinda like reading a series of novels once your done your done, and the thing is it would only take some updates to turn this around, the Rift is adding more sandbox elements in the last expansion getting away from the pure theme park,scritped content can only get you so far. I am afraid the cash shop will take away any creativity they might have had for future content and all we will see is just the same ole stuff another ferris wheel for the theme park, /sigh

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