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Different Quest Symbols for Group Quests


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So I'm sitting here casually playing ToR, just wanting to chill out after a hard day, I'm not in the mood to group up for questing, I just want to take a leisurely stroll and get in a few quests. So I'm on some random planet and I see this quest giver and I'm thinking, sweet; so I go over to him and start to chat.


Straight away, as per usual for Bioware games, I'm instantly dragged in to the story being told. This quest giver is giving it everything he's got, he's talking about killing, mystery, darkness and lots more; so I'm like "SAY WHAT!" And he's all like "Yeeeee, do that shizz" and I'm like "Totally, I can't wait to get in to this, I bet it's going to be epic, I hope I get shizz loads of Darkside points". Then...suddenly I look at my quest tracker and there it is, staring at me......[Group 4+] -_-


SO, the suggestion I would like to put forward is this:


Wouldn't it be a good idea to differentiate visually between Group Quests and Normal Quests. The reason for this being, in games like World of Warcraft it's simple to run up to an NPC, talk to him, take the quest, see that it's a Dungeon or Group etc sadly it happens too late in ToR. You see a quest giver amongst all of the other quest givers, this guy looks interesting, you talk to him, fully engage in the conversation then find out it's a Group Quest and it just feels like the conversation was pointless.


Perhaps this was done on purpose because the Devs didn't want people to just skip well written stories, characters and conversations as soon as they see it's a Group Quest but the alternative side of that argument is well, really, if someone didn't want to do a Group Quest in the first place and then ends up being saddled with one after a few minutes of conversation with an NPC it's not very likely he'll go "Oh well, I have it now, might as well do it", he'll probably stop tracking it or abandon it, which is what I do.


To finalize, I just wanted to say I love Group Quests and do them with a smile on my face and a glint in my eye but when I just want to stroll through the game for an hour or so, getting immersed in the characters and stories then to take a Group Quest and kind of be stopped in my tracks to abandon it.


It doesn't need to be complicated either, how about changing the Group Quest symbol upside down or having the type of Group Quest number (whether it be 2, 4 etc) inside the Quest Symbol, that way it's very obvious what you'll be picking up, that way when you enter a new city or village and there's 5 quests you'll see straight away "Ok, 5 Quests, 2 of them Group Quests, one of them 4+ and the other 2+, I'll probably do those later and look for a group when I'm doing the other ones"


Anyone else agree? Disagree?

Edited by DukeAmminius
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Tend to disagree.

You get the feel for the quests that will be Heroic after a while. Usually they spawn when you return to a quest hub after completing the original quests. Or find a quest giver out in the middle of nowhere next to a Heroic area.


The aim of the game was to encourage players to group together, not solo the content. I'm pretty much a solo player myself so I sort of know where you are comming from however I tend to pick the quests up and leave them in my Mission Log (just untrack them) until it's time to leave the planet when I abandon them all.


Now with the huge presence buff from having unlocked the Human species and 30 companions I can solo most H2 quests (could solo them before on characters with universal Crowd Control and healing). Failing that I head back to a planet when I can solo the H4 stuff for the commendations or the orange gear.

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Totally, for some they take it in their stride but it's just the annoying feeling when you're going through the conversation, there might be some good stuff happening and then you find out you can't do it, kinda bugs me, you know. Maybe it depends on the type of person playing but when I take an hour or two out to have some solo time it's just an unnecessary pause in the game. I shouldn't have to abandon or untrack a quest just because it's totally out of my reach in most cases (perhaps not yours :d_cool: )


I just think it should be a choice instead of you being less aware.

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I've tried to get this since beta my problem with planet heroics is once you do them there's no point in repeating them unlike flashpoints which are fun planet heroics are bad. Often however you'll forget who you talked to and start to do it again. Some indication you did one run would be nice. Even if you got a prize for running it more would make it have more value.
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