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New to Sent PVP Player need advice


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Hi Guys


My Main is a healer and rolled a sent , Love it since i am now the hunter rather than the hunted. (LOL)


I really like PVP and have been doing watchman build


I was reading about the Focused and combat build s


Which is the BEST Build for PVP? in your opinions?


And please share talent builds

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I was just playing around on a skill builder, and saw it's possible to do a 0/21/20 combat/focus hybrid that lets you get most of the benefits of Focus spec (Singularity, sweep crits, etc) with the benefits of Ataru (extra damage procs, armor pen) .. can't wait to go home and try it out. It might wind up being a bit focus starved, though, as you don't get to select any of the refund skills from the Watchman tree. :/
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I was just playing around on a skill builder, and saw it's possible to do a 0/21/20 combat/focus hybrid that lets you get most of the benefits of Focus spec (Singularity, sweep crits, etc) with the benefits of Ataru (extra damage procs, armor pen) .. can't wait to go home and try it out. It might wind up being a bit focus starved, though, as you don't get to select any of the refund skills from the Watchman tree. :/


That sounds interesting. Let me know how that turns out.

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It doesnt work at all, tested it myself few days ago you loose 30% crit dmg on sweap to get 70% armor pen ( 100 from precision vs 30 from shi-cho mastery) and u actually crit for less. You gain some extra dmg from the ataru procs but you loose a lot of dmg reduction its just not worth it and again you crit for a lot less with sweap.


Sentinel is probably the only class that cant have a hybrid build ( only one that may be considered somwhat usefull was 28,6,7 but with the nerf to watchman its just not worth it) they have to bring down righteus zeal(for example swap with ataru mastery) and saber strength (swap with swelling winds)


I've been trying loads of diff things just because i rly dont like focus spec and combat is way too fragile for my liking but any hybrid version i try just fails badly.


as for the questions of the thread starterer:


Watchman - not worth it atm they nerfed the heals last patch and that was only reason to play ( survivability) the healers can cleanse your dots and you have no burst. You have the hardest time getting focus up and your best skill ( which is not that special compared to the others ) costs 5 focus and you have to keep using it as often as you can just to keep the buff from it up and have somewhat decent dps which forces u to use strike like 60% of your gameplay time.


This is an example of a Watchman build : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIrRMRMfsZhMMZh.2


Combat is the melee glass cannon of the game ( yes melee glass cannon.........) you can do pretty nice burst if they dont interrupt you and you have some nice skills to help your whole team 80% speed inc ftw and the roots ohh joy that healer wanted to escape o wait he cant :p. Your burst comes from the combination of precision slash and zen. When you pop zen the 2 skills that you can spam actually cost only 1 focus and you have a reduced GCD. Your Blade storm hits like a truck also and has a guranteed crit. And your master strike roots the target. Your focus generation is much better ( you get 1 focus from combat trance every 6 sec, you get 1 focus from rebuke if u get attacked every 3 sec and your zealous strike has a reduced cooldown) and you spend a lot less focus specially when you pop zen.


This is an example of a Combat build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bcZGMrRRrrdGzZM.2


Focus is the most popular spec atm altho i think its much more usefull on a guardian ( because of the immunities from the hybrid build). But is great on a sent also if you like that type of play style. You will have the highest dmg numbers with this spec and your main attack is aoe and it costs NO FOCUS. And you generate a lot of focus from trying to use stasis as much as you can and 12 focus from every zen ( thats like every 30ish sec if you are alive). Its very easy to play with a grp ( specially if you are 3 sweapers) but can be quite annoying if you solo que ppl will try to focus you down a lot but you can still top the dmg charts not very usefull for anything other than dealing dmg to grped up enemies.


Examples of a Focus builds:

31 points in focus: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#5010cZhMMZRMRrdfRbfz.2

28 points in focus: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bcZuMMZRMRrdfMdc.2


So to recap:


Watchman avoid it - you generate a lot less focus and your skills cost a lot more focus, and their dmg is meh - ok ish but you are forced to use them a lot less because of the focus problems. Your dots can be cleansed and your heals will suck even if they dont cleanse them. Untill they reduce the focus cost of merciless slash and make some other buff to the spec like crits on burning targets or fix the heals or just make something to reduce the amount of time you are forced to use that crappy strike skill its simply not worth it specially in ranked.


Combat is fun great bursts, speed, and a lot of roots but you'll die a lot specially if you dont have a guard/healer around. I highly recomend it atm cause we can use some more combat sents around.


Focus you'll deal highest dmg, your best skill costs no focus ( whan charged up) and you get free focus so often that you'll probably never use strike. Try it if you like big numbers and dont mind ppl flaming you for playing it ( most of them dont understand that BW is actually forcing more ppl to the spec with the nerfs to watchman its not a question of choice) Shines in group play or vs very weak players.

Edited by TheTitan_KoS
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It doesnt work at all, tested it myself few days ago you loose 30% crit dmg on sweap to get 70% armor pen ( 100 from precision vs 30 from shi-cho mastery) and u actually crit for less. You gain some extra dmg from the ataru procs but you loose a lot of dmg reduction its just not worth it and again you crit for a lot less with sweap.


Sentinel is probably the only class that cant have a hybrid build ( only one that may be considered somwhat usefull was 28,6,7 but with the nerf to watchman its just not worth it) they have to bring down righteus zeal(for example swap with ataru mastery) and saber strength (swap with swelling winds)


I've been trying loads of diff things just because i rly dont like focus spec and combat is way too fragile for my liking but any hybrid version i try just fails badly. Not sure what spec I should probably just try smash spec since it probably plays like the guardian smash spec.


as for the questions of the thread starterer:


Watchman - not worth it atm they nerfed the heals last patch and that was only reason to play ( survivability) the healers can cleanse your dots and you have no burst. You have the hardest time getting focus up and your best skill ( which is not that special compared to the others ) costs 5 focus and you have to keep using it as often as you can just to keep the buff from it up and have somewhat decent dps which forces u to use strike like 60% of your gameplay time.


This is an example of a Watchman build : http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIrRMRMfsZhMMZh.2


Combat is the melee glass cannon of the game ( yes melee glass cannon.........) you can do pretty nice burst if they dont interrupt you and you have some nice skills to help your whole team 80% speed inc ftw and the roots ohh joy that healer wanted to escape o wait he cant :p. Your burst comes from the combination of precision slash and zen. When you pop zen the 2 skills that you can spam actually cost only 1 focus and you have a reduced GCD. Your Blade storm hits like a truck also and has a guranteed crit. And your master strike roots the target. Your focus generation is much better ( you get 1 focus from combat trance every 6 sec, you get 1 focus from rebuke if u get attacked every 3 sec and your zealous strike has a reduced cooldown) and you spend a lot less focus specially when you pop zen.


This is an example of a Combat build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bcZGMrRRrrdGzZM.2


Focus is the most popular spec atm altho i think its much more usefull on a guardian ( because of the immunities from the hybrid build). But is great on a sent also if you like that type of play style. You will have the highest dmg numbers with this spec and your main attack is aoe and it costs NO FOCUS. And you generate a lot of focus from trying to use stasis as much as you can and 12 focus from every zen ( thats like every 30ish sec if you are alive). Its very easy to play with a grp ( specially if you are 3 sweapers) but can be quite annoying if you solo que ppl will try to focus you down a lot but you can still top the dmg charts not very usefull for anything other than dealing dmg to grped up enemies.


This is an example of a Focus build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#5010cZhMMZhMRrdfMdfz.2


So to recap:


Watchman avoid it - you generate a lot less focus and your skills cost a lot more focus, and their dmg is meh - ok ish but you are forced to use them a lot less because of the focus problems. Your dots can be cleansed and your heals will suck even if they dont cleanse them. Untill they reduce the focus cost of merciless slash and make some other buff to the spec like crits on burning targets or fix the heals or just make something to reduce the amount of time you are forced to use that crappy strike skill its simply not worth it specially in ranked.


Combat is fun great bursts, speed, and a lot of roots but you'll die a lot specially if you dont have a guard/healer around. I highly recomend it atm cause we can use some more combat sents around.


Focus you'll deal highest dmg, your best skill costs no focus ( whan charged up) and you get free focus so often that you'll probably never use strike. Try it if you like big numbers and dont mind ppl flaming you for playing it ( most of them dont understand that BW is actually forcing more ppl to the spec with the nerfs to watchman its not a question of choice) Shines in group play or vs very weak players.


Pretty much this. Before 1.6 watchman was ok, but post patch it's really not worth it. It takes a while to set up your burst and your dots can be cleanse. That why I'm dropping watchman. The same is true of vigilance on my guardian, but their only viable pvp spec is smash spec. The only difference between my guardian and sentinel is the gear difference. My guardians is very well geared where my sentinel is still being geared up.

Edited by Knockerz
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Awesome Advice!!!! Thanks


How about the best rotation?


So I open with Force Leap , Force Exhaustion, Zealous strike , and Sweep



Rinse repeat?


Ok i admitt i'm currently playing combat more because i dont have the proper gear for a sweap build but i'll try to give you some pointers from my limited tests.


It depends a lot on the situation but most ppl do leap, stasis - at this point expect to be stunned/knocked or target to use cc breaker and try to run away so dont pump the sweap button and expect miracles your crit buff from leap lasts 20 sec so you have some time to make sure u hit atleast 1 person( the more the better) and that you have all of those 4 stacks


After that you still have 6 focus what you do now depends if u got force exhaustion or are if you got one of the semi-hybrid builds (28 in focus)


If you went all the way up to 31 you can zealous strike so it can start cooling and u can prepare for the next sweap with FE, start using slash to reduce cooldown on sweap and spend some focus, when your sweap is almost cooled u can do a zealous leap to catch a target or to simply get the crit buff at this point you are rdy to sweap again ( make sure u hit someone).


If you have 28 points after the first sweap do 2 slashes ( to spend some of that focus) then use valor+ zen, use slash again untill sweap is almost rdy and than zealous leap and sweap.


After the second sweap if you didnt go solo on someone ( never do that you are not a 1v1 fighter) your target should be dead. So leap to your next and get rdy for your next sweap. Your 3rd sweap will be from zen regardless of what way you chose to go.


If you went all the way up you should have between 10-20 centering so its up to you and the situation in the wz you either build up the rest of your centering or use valor. In most cases you dont rly want to use valor if you have more than 20 centering but sometimes it may be worth it if there are like 3 almost dead dps enemies on your healer begging for you to sweap em just use it.


If you went the 28 points way it depends on how much you've been hit and how many slashes you've used you should have enough centering for a 3rd sweap pretty soon. In most cases you'll be able to build it using the focus you have from your previous valor and a zelous strike + leap. If ppl hit you you'll get it faster.


Because of the extra cost of FE and the fact that you build centering slower if you chose the 31 points build you may use strike a bit more but you will have a 3rd way of getting the stacks. The dmg difference is pretty small so either path is fine it just depends on how you like to play.


Try to force leap as much as you can and use zealous strike as often as possible so it can cool down while you are getting ready for a sweap. If you have FE dont forget it needs a cpl of seconds to build those stacks so you have time for a few slashes/focus building while you wait for them to build up.


WZs are usually pretty hectic so most of the times its not as easy to get all of the above done as it looks on paper, ppl have started learning how to counter the sweaps so expect to be stunned/knocked or for them to simply speed away if they see you getting ready to sweap.


You have to experiment in game and try out different things but probably you'll never be able to execute a perfect rotation. So dont give it too much tought just go in and try it till you find what suits you.


You also have a few other skills that you want to use but they are a bit situational - MS is great but dont forget you channel for 3 sec so its best if you use it on a rooted/stunned target ( you dont have the talent from combat so it wont root the target for you) or if your target is focusing someone else.


Blade storm is a nice skill it wont hit as hard as it does in combat but its still better than slash just dont forget it costs more focus so use it on targets that are running away or if u have too much focus that you want to burn and you have almost made your 30cent.


Dispatch is great but your target must have less than 30% HP use it whenever you can.


One last thing if you plan to go focus the standard builds that go up to 30 ish crit rate are not going to give you the huge numbers that ppl complain about. Your sweap auto crits so ppl go for extreme power builds with 0 crit rate.


p.s. i've changed the 31 build in focus in first post ( get gravity if you get FE the reduced focus cost is worth it) and i've also added an example of a 28 points build ( you can put that 1 point from jedi crusader into agility training or Enduring if you preffer i go for the chance of some extra focus but if you preffer more speed or some dr and reduced cooldown on GBTF either of the 3 is fine)

Edited by TheTitan_KoS
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Awesome Advice!!!! Thanks


How about the best rotation?


So I open with Force Leap , Force Exhaustion, Zealous strike , and Sweep



Rinse repeat?


My opening rotation in the beginning of a WZ is: Valorous Call, Zen, Force Leap, Awa, Sweep.

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