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Annoucement of 1st Paid Expansion on 1 year Anniversay?


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Oi. I'd rather have a place to settle instead of being a space-Gypsy for the whole life ^^


Ahh but you won't be able to fire up that hyperdrive when some crazed up sith decides to blow up a planet. :jawa_tongue:


Edited by Aelther
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Hell I want 3 more chapters.

50 more levels

I want to fall to the darkside.

I want to redeem myself to the light.

I want panets to change mobs dynamically when its night time or daytime.

oh the above requires day / night cycle and real weather and visibility changes.

New Classes?

a weaponless force using Martial artist (Teräs Käsi)

A meditating battle enhancement heavy shield protected Jedi / sith (sorta like the Bard class in EQ1)

A pure technological engineer class using droids and probes and toxins to fight.

Quality of life enhancements.




I want the SSSP

Guild Capitol ships (flyable)

New personal fighters (flyable)

Ability to land personal ship on the guild owned capitol ship.

Mining ships (flyable)

New totally explorable galaxies.

Asteroids to mine.

Barren planets full of wildlife to exploit for resources and guild and personal housing.



That's 2 expansions right there.


I know there could be more but my mind is blank now..

Edited by ZORG
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I think it would be a great time for them to announce the first major (paid) expansion to the game! This should include, but not limited to:


-Level Cap Increase to 60

-2 New Classes to choose from with fully voiced story from 1 - 60

-New Playable Race!

-New Armour/Weapons/Ships, ect

-Player Housing

-Guild Capital Ships (Guild Housing)


Any other suggestions?


To The OP,

IMO, You'll get more armor and weapons, but only armor and weapons that were created before the game went FTP.

I'm certain we'll get the Cathar ,but only by purchasing it using cartel coins.

The level cap increase and guild capital capital ships are not likely to happen at all. The SSSP? <--not real, just hype.

Two new classes and Player Housing are never going to happen, keep dreaming.


Doom? IMO, Doom happened when this game went FTP. Bioware/EA doesn't give two shakes about what us subscribers want, they never have. They cared more for Un-subscriber opinion, if they cared at all. We're only going to see stuff that is already slated for us. New stuff? Lawl, watch the last livechat for an inside peek on who is running things now, just sickening.

I've been here since... nevermind, it's embarrasssing now, but long enough to see this game turn to poodoo. IMO, FTP ruins everything... and only suckers fall for all the hype building. Agree/disagree, whatever... fanbois and haters alike can smell the stink already, and TOR isn't even all the way deceased yet.

One suggestion for you OP, to stay on topic, is to find a new hobby. One that takes you outdoors maybe. Have a nice day from #1422.

Edited by StillOne
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I'd love to see this one:


Switched to the unreal 3 engine. Game now runs like a charm, every animation glitching and animation canceling/lag issues have been fixed now. Experience a smoother gameplay like you already do in WoW.




Id like to see something like this. When an expansion is released it has the game and expansion on a new engine to get rid of the issues we have had since launch.

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