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Premade teams shouldn't be in regular WZ


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Remember the main player-base are casual players. What happens is that guilds group up against casual players in warzones and have an easy victory, turning off many casual players away from warzones.


So grouping shouldn't be allowed in regular warzones. That's what ranked warzones are for.

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Premades are fine, there should be no restriction on people who choose to group up with their friends and play a videogame.


Balancing is the reason. Those who have no friends online will get beaten and turned off by those who do. And they are the majority of paying gamers.

Edited by Sadishist
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Those who have no friends online will get beaten and turned off by those who do. And they are the majority of paying gamers.



Which SWTOR are you playing? I basically said one sentence in the general chat, and got a new friend which I Skype with.


Also, yesterday I said in General: "Anyone want to speed run this planet?" and later, we were on our way of that lousy rock, and he added all my chars to his chars friends list.

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I cannot tell you how many "premades" I have been in a 100% pug group against, and totally steamrolled them.


Not all premades are good. Some are downright bad. Don't limit them from regular WZ, you just need to stop being bad, or learn to suck up the losses when they come. And yes, I have gone up against premades that have totally destroyed my team. But it is part of the game that one has to learn to deal with.


PvP is for those with a thick skin.

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I cannot tell you how many "premades" I have been in a 100% pug group against, and totally steamrolled them.


Not all premades are good. Some are downright bad. Don't limit them from regular WZ, you just need to stop being bad, or learn to suck up the losses when they come. And yes, I have gone up against premades that have totally destroyed my team. But it is part of the game that one has to learn to deal with.


PvP is for those with a thick skin.

False, organized premades always wins against "pugs" (pick up group players). They always have a monopoly with the best gear. Casual players are the moneybase of this game, no those with thick skin.

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I cannot tell you how many "premades" I have been in a 100% pug group against, and totally steamrolled them.


Not all premades are good. Some are downright bad. Don't limit them from regular WZ, you just need to stop being bad, or learn to suck up the losses when they come. And yes, I have gone up against premades that have totally destroyed my team. But it is part of the game that one has to learn to deal with.


PvP is for those with a thick skin.

Good points, if you take the time to read them


False, organized premades always wins against "pugs" (pick up group players). They always have a monopoly with the best gear. Casual players are the moneybase of this game, no those with thick skin.


Yeah, bad teams exist in all games. Look at the Dodgers. Or (insert local sports team here)!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I play both sides of the fence, so if my friends are on we will group together and at other times, we simply queue Solo to pug.


But now that so many more players are levelling their toons and investing serious time and creds into the best kit for a serious PvP toon and actively queue their group for solo play, I think the fun and more importantly, the interest in WZ is dropped faster than picking up a super-hot potato.


I mean, solo players for what ever reason they play solo, do not sign up to be steam rolled by a hard hitting Premade and I'd like to think that the same genuine hard hitting Premade doesn't get any fun from steam rolling players with low level kit trying to learn the art of PvP from level 10 to 50+.


So I think Bioware should add an extra option in the War Zone group finder that allows the Solo player the option to queue against like-minded players.


Keep the option simple, such as 'Non Premade WZ' where only Solo players are then grouped together, no groups, just simply 8 solo players on one side against 8 solo players on the other.


Then we can all get back to enjoying the game.


Have fun out there and try to enjoy the PvP, especially those really close matches :)

Edited by Endek
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I think (All ideas in this post are simply my ideas or opinions, and by no means fact) people just don't like losing, and so turn to the perceived reason they lose. Pre-mades.


Honestly, there are some good ones that will steam roll people in Warzones. Yeah, it is frustrating when they keep getting matched against you, and you can't beat them because they have their tactics down, and communicate well. Which a PuG doesn't normally have or do.


However, I don't think we need to restrict a "Pre-made" team from entering a Warzone. I know my Guild likes to run sub-50 Warzones as a group. They can't even do Rated Warzones. Why limit them? Just because a random PuG group doesn't like getting beat? That's not a real good reason to stop a group of people from enjoying Warzones.


As for a level 50 pre-made; well again, why limit people? Not all pre-mades are good. Not all pre-mades can enter a Rated Warzone. Its just not a good idea (in my opinion) to prevent pre-made groups from doing Warzones. It takes away from the social aspects of this game's PvP.

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False, organized premades always wins against "pugs" (pick up group players). They always have a monopoly with the best gear. Casual players are the moneybase of this game, no those with thick skin.


dude really its complaints like this that will destroy this game, waa i cant win 24/7 so i want everyone to have to suffer. really get over it. i go solo a lot with pugs against pre-mades and win if you know how to pvp and what to do its really not an issue. what makes a team good is cohesion and communication so maybe the problem you have is you. really.

and before you complain about class, i have played them all and their all kick *** if you learn how to use them use sites like noxic to figure out what your lacking.

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I am 'that guy' in warzones.


I don't terribly enjoy them, and as a result rarely do them.


The few times I've tried, there was no communication among the team. Things happen too fast to type in chat.


Most of the time I'm not even 100% sure what the objectives are, or what my class' role is in it.


They are frustrating enough to me that I rarely bother to even try anymore. I don't mind losing.. i just don't like dragging other peoples groups down.

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  • 1 year later...
Remember the main player-base are casual players. What happens is that guilds group up against casual players in warzones and have an easy victory, turning off many casual players away from warzones.


So grouping shouldn't be allowed in regular warzones. That's what ranked warzones are for.


This is what Ive been saying for over a year now. The devs wont listen. This game is handed to premade psychotic bully kids and will Always be.


But there will be a new game that launches soon where theres NO premades - its ESO and it lanches the 4th april. It will instakill this crapgame and send its devs straight to the soupkitchen. :)

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