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Romancing Temple and Kaliyo


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A question on the Imperial Agent romance options:



My agent is a good match for Kaliyo and I plan to finish the romance arc with her. However, he also enjoys snu snu with anyone he can until that point. I took Temple up to the dinner conversation, but haven't completed it yet. Now, Kaliyo has been arrested. Does she magically reappear for the breakup conversation, does it lock out her romance arc even though she's not there, or does it let you take Temple further along her romance track without hurting the Kaliyo arc? I'd like to see what else is in store with Temple, but I don't want to lock out Kaliyo.



Advice from anyone who has tried this would be appreciated. Thanks!

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A question on the Imperial Agent romance options:



My agent is a good match for Kaliyo and I plan to finish the romance arc with her. However, he also enjoys snu snu with anyone he can until that point. I took Temple up to the dinner conversation, but haven't completed it yet. Now, Kaliyo has been arrested. Does she magically reappear for the breakup conversation, does it lock out her romance arc even though she's not there, or does it let you take Temple further along her romance track without hurting the Kaliyo arc? I'd like to see what else is in store with Temple, but I don't want to lock out Kaliyo.



Advice from anyone who has tried this would be appreciated. Thanks!


Well.... this is long and complicated. The short answer is yes. The long answer:



You said you hadn't completed the dinner conversation - well, if you do, she will immediately ask you what your relationship with Kaliyo is. If you tell her Kaliyo comes first, you will end any chance of romancing Temple.. If say Temple is more important, then you will end Kaliyo's future romance. Now, there are some weird things that can happen with this, and I'm not sure why it will differ. Some people have managed to romance Kaliyo up through marriage, then dump her for Temple. Some people have claimed that they romanced Temple, then when they got affection up with Kaliyo, she approached them about starting a relationship. :confused: One time out of the 3 agents I leveled (yes, three), I had Kaliyo come to me and try to stop me from continuing my relationship with Temple before it even started.


Also, if you go through with that conversation about dinner with Temple while Kaliyo is on ship, Kaliyo will get a little pissy and tell you basically you can have Temple, but again, you'll end Kaliyo's relationship. If she ISN'T on the ship, you'll still end it. You just won't get a reaction from her.


So, TL;DR, yes you'll mess it up with Kaliyo even if she's not there, I tried it. I think they may have put some things in place to stop people from romancing both of them entirely, because I know some people did using a couple of sneaky exploits.


One thing you can try is holding off from talking to Temple, when you get Kaliyo back see if you can finish her romance without her telling you to ditch Temple. IMO Kaliyo is more interesting than Temple anyway.


Fortunately, neither of them seem to care when you engage in snu snu with anyone else you run into.




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