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Level Cap Increase?


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...A video posted earlier this year on the fourth of June, boasting that coming to Old Republic this year will be a level cap increase included among other updates. Yet here we find ourselves, the 9th of December, with 1.6 patch planned only 2 days away. Unfortunately, a read through 1.6 patch notes from the play test server reveal no information about a level cap increase. Levels of gear modifications are already reaching 63, a number in excess of 10 levels beyond the current, original level cap of 50. With only 20 days left in the year beyond this update, one is left to wonder; when will we find ourselves with our first level cap increase? For that matter, when might we find new planet Makeb?

Edited by Rykashu
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Lol. Bioware? Keep a promise about a release? Ha. You must be new here. The funny thing is if you try and tell this to some of the fanboys theyll come up with all kinds of irrational arguments ranging from "makeb was never promised this year" to some crap about giving them a break cause they never do this.
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Keep in mind things change. An MMO development is completely different to any other game development. Its an ever evolving world where problems can come up out of no where and they have to be sorted before anything happens. Priorities get shifted around.


Now i'm really big into devs being more open with what they are doing. I truly believe that is the way to go. But if people just take everything they say and hold it to gospel, well no wonder devs are so quiet.


The most logical guess is that when Makeb comes, the 5 level's increase will come at the same time. New quests, new xp, new levels. Yay! Bioware have stated that they are working on and its coming sometime next year. But won't give us a solid aiming date. Why? Well... this thread is proof of why.

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Keep in mind things change. An MMO development is completely different to any other game development. Its an ever evolving world where problems can come up out of no where and they have to be sorted before anything happens. Priorities get shifted around.


Now i'm really big into devs being more open with what they are doing. I truly believe that is the way to go. But if people just take everything they say and hold it to gospel, well no wonder devs are so quiet.


The most logical guess is that when Makeb comes, the 5 level's increase will come at the same time. New quests, new xp, new levels. Yay! Bioware have stated that they are working on and its coming sometime next year. But won't give us a solid aiming date. Why? Well... this thread is proof of why.


Theyve never been open with us. They made promises twice now of "becoming more active" and all we get is "soon!" "sorry no new info on that but we wanna do it someday!" and "its on our wall of crazy!" they never commit, they didnt even give a specific date. they gave themselves a year to do it and couldnt even do that. If theyd quit lying, stop making promises they dont intend to keep, and actually COMMUNICATE Id be happy for one. I used to be a staunch defender but the abysmal customer service, the terrible communication, and all the bugs specifically for me ability delay...well it speaks for itself. Dont blame the community for Biowares silence. They brought this on themselves.

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Theyve never been open with us. They made promises twice now of "becoming more active" and all we get is "soon!" "sorry no new info on that but we wanna do it someday!" and "its on our wall of crazy!" they never commit, they didnt even give a specific date. they gave themselves a year to do it and couldnt even do that. If theyd quit lying, stop making promises they dont intend to keep, and actually COMMUNICATE Id be happy for one. I used to be a staunch defender but the abysmal customer service, the terrible communication, and all the bugs specifically for me ability delay...well it speaks for itself. Dont blame the community for Biowares silence. They brought this on themselves.


I respectfully disagree. I've been in MMO communities long enough to know that if a developer gives themselves a date and they don't reach that date that a loud minority of the community will blow their top. It is just so much easier for developers nowadays to just keep quiet until they know they 100% they can hit the target date.


Now don't get me wrong they can improve communication so much. As I said I still strongly believe that communication with the community is key. That if something does get delayed that they come out, tell us and say why it was delayed. But we as the community can't just forget the fact that people will absolutely crucify a dev and a company if they don't hit a target or if something changes. I'm not surprised devs don't come onto the forums with the hostility and trolling this game gets.


Again keep in mind I'm talking about a small, loud minority which every MMO has. I think we all know how bad the WoW forums were. Not sure if they still are.

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Exactly. I love it how age old posts, hell even speculation and rumour people take as the solid truth. Always on the witch hunt some people, just never seem to be happy :/


When people show up to E3 with a video saying "These are the things we are doing with our game this year," and keep it posted on their own site, then it isn't rumor or speculation.

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why do you want a new lvl cap anyway? What does that bring you?


Was curious about this as well. I'll have all my level 50s to 55 (assuming a +5 cap) within a month (not playing more than a few hours a day), then it's back to...whatever. Level cap boost...eh, whatever, it'd be okay...I guess.

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