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Lightsaber and bleeding


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It's not impossible to bleed after a weapon who cauterize. If blood pressure is high enough, the cauterized flesh won't stand and the person will bleed.

Not sure that a weapon swung with velocity can provide a surgery-class cauterisation...


If something should annoy you in Annihilation, it should be how making someone to bleed can actually heal you.

Edited by Altheran
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Jedi Knights get burns because they have always used lightsabers. Sith Warriors get bleeds because they traditionally used vibroswords and only later started to use lightsabers.


(That is why on my Sentinel I use 2 lightsabers and on my Juggernaut I use a vibrosword :).)

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Something something, it's the force.


The Force is a good excuse when people need to explain the unexplainable. It's the emergency exit of the ones who didn't give a second thought before to create things.


Look at it : it's not a Force technique, it's just bleeding. At the same time, Consulars and Inquisitors can do the same thing just with the Force. So why this guy need a bleed to drain life with the Force, while there is a more direct way to do it ?


For me there is no link between draining life and making people bleeding.

It makes even less sense when you consider Sentinels' burns.

Edited by Altheran
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It's not a Force technique unlike Consular's ad Inquisitor's DoT spec... it's just bleeding.

As far as I can imagine the Force as a tool to suck people's life, I don't see any link with making people bleeding.


Your attempts at logic are insignificant next to the power of the Force.

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Your attempts at logic are insignificant next to the power of the Force.


So the logic is that in Star Wars universe there is no logic because of the Force, right ?

There is always logic. You can't make Jedi poop ivory and Sith poop gold because they have the Force... hmm, why not after all ?

But even with the Force breaking real life logic, there are some kind of universal logic that can't be broken.


Long story short, there are two way to approach this heal :

- If we try to follow the path of "what if it is a Force technique that drains people's life when they're hurt ?", we'll face the unbreakable logic that says "so, why direct hits can't make heals occur ?" (It would mean that all crits should heal).

- the only path that remains is "it is a specific Force technique that drains life from its own damage", and then it will face the other unbreakable logic "if it's a Force technique, it doesn't need a lightsaber, and so it doesn't need the wounds it provokes" (It would mean that it shouldn't be bound to bleed/burn effects that are directly caused by the lightsaber and not the Technique, or if the DoT is the technique, the DoT shouldn't be a physical effect).


There is no other choice : either it needs some physical hurting, and so all hits should be a good material for it, either it doesn't and it shouldn't be bound to any physical effects or hits. Annihilation/Watchman specs follow none of these logic.


It would make sense only and only if the DoT were cause by Force-engulfed Lightsabers that leave a Force-type DoT (basically the same reasonning of Combat Technique/Dark Charge) and not by an overloaded Lighsaber that leaves physical wounds.


But all of this start to go off-topic.

Edited by Altheran
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So the logic is that in Star Wars universe there is no logic because of the Force, right ?

There is always logic. You can't make Jedi poop ivory and Sith poop gold because they have the Force... hmm, why not after all ?

But even with the Force breaking real life logic, there are some kind of universal logic that can't be broken.


Allow me to introduce you to a thing called the Extended Universe.


I apologize in advance.

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