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Unanswered Questions & Curiosities


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Please use spoilers where appropriate (and identify which story you're spoiling), including if you have answers for some of these questions. What unanswered questions do you have - things you're madly curious about?

My List:


1) What is under Vector's body suit? I have a feeling that the reason Aric has underarmor is because Cathar would naturally have color patterns that would extend over their body and the designers had not had the time or resources to create new skins for Aric and all his customizations (here's hoping that will be fixed when they open up the Cathar race). HOWEVER, that doesn't answer the question of Vector - what's going on under there?????


2) What is Pierce's first name? Does he HAVE a first name?


3) Why in the galaxy does Zenith like Imperial gifts so much? For someone who hates Imps as much as he does, it makes no sense.


4) Why is Rusk on my JK's ship? What purpose does he serve?


5) jk spoilers

What does Scourge's vision mean? "In the vision, I bowed to you and took a crown from the Emperor's head. It ended when you held his power in your hands." That doesn't sound at all like what has happened so far.



6) ia spoilers

What is Doc Lokin up to? Clearly he has a purpose in attaching himself to your crew. Does it have to do with Protean? Some other plot he has hatched?



7) And finally, why oh why can't my bounty hunter kill Skadge??

Edited by iamthehoyden
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Too many questions marks D:


Seriously, though:


Why is Malavai the only person I've seen with a beauty mark?


Are there water showers on Imperial ships or are do they have the special atomiser showers? How do atomiser showers work?


Why don't any of the ships seem to have a kitchen, dining room or bathroom?


Why is Kaliyo still hanging out with my Agent? It has reached the point where I'm sure they both secretly hate each other...

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3) Why in the galaxy does Zenith like Imperial gifts so much? For someone who hates Imps as much as he does, it makes no sense.


Imperial gifts are the equivalent of trophies in his eyes. Skulls and sleen tails and crap you took from animals or whatever? Meh. Stuff you took off the cold dead body of an Imp? Awesome.


(Just don't tell him you bought half this stuff at the corner store. He would be so disappointed.)


I'm sure I'll have questions to contribute now that I'm thinking of it. So many mysteries!

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Imperial gifts are the equivalent of trophies in his eyes. Skulls and sleen tails and crap you took from animals or whatever? Meh. Stuff you took off the cold dead body of an Imp? Awesome.


(Just don't tell him you bought half this stuff at the corner store. He would be so disappointed.)


Nar Shadda fancy dress shops provide the best fake blood, if you need it.

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Imperial gifts are the equivalent of trophies in his eyes. Skulls and sleen tails and crap you took from animals or whatever? Meh. Stuff you took off the cold dead body of an Imp? Awesome.


(Just don't tell him you bought half this stuff at the corner store. He would be so disappointed.)

That makes sense. Thank you for solving one of the burning questions running around in my head!

Nar Shadda fancy dress shops provide the best fake blood, if you need it.
"Yep, pried this out of the cold dead hands of an Imp back on Tatooine. You can see the dried blood and tear marks where he cried while begging for his life. ..... The tag? Uhhhhh...he must have forgotten to take it off. ...... Yes, I know it says "Republic Fleet Companion Gifts." Crazy huh?"
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