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Looking to start a guild for quieter/shy players


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Hey guys,

I've been playing for a while now (currently as a republic player) and I know from personal experience it can be daunting involving yourself in the social aspects of the game, such as group missions/flashpoints. Not to mention that I've seen people asking for help on the chat and get some pretty rude responses from people insulting them for not knowing their way around the game.


As a result of this, I've been considering for a while setting up a guild for players who might otherwise be too shy/scared to engage with other players. My main goal would be to offer patient help, assistance with group missions, an understanding attitude if it doesn't go too well the first time, help with other aspects of the game (advice etc), and a friendly environment in which to ease your way into the game.


I'm looking for a group of people to start-up the guild with me (as you need 4 people to start a guild), absolutely anybody who is willing, class/alignment are no issue (though obviously it needs to be republic players only). I am hoping in the long run to recruit not only shy/quiet players to help them, but some more experienced players who are willing to be patient and help others.


Thanks, whisper me in game (Loqui-sperare) or send me an email through the in-game mail if you're interested, in either joining or setting it up with me.


(For anyone who wants to know, I am a currently playing as a Female Jedi Shadow with dark alignment, lvl 22 on Nar Shadaa)


Hope to hear from you soon

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If you have something in mind like the guild Paranoid ( http://www.paranoid-ed.com/ ) I'm in. The character I'm currently playing the most is An'dra (Trooper, healer specced - with absolutely no clue how to play that specc since all my other chars I ever played are DPS).


I'm a roleplayer. We are social creatures. You'd think joining a group for a quick FP is no big deal.... WRONG! Every time I try I get a serious case of shaky-hands, and I decide "Another day. Maybe."

Edited by Artanisia
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Hey everyone!


I'm not a shy person, but my english is not good enough to communicate freely and kill mobs at the same time. ) The constant switching between chatting with other players and dealing with my fight is not very easy concept fo me! So I managed to get to 50 lvl of my first character, Sentinel, without joining any guilds. But, as Artanisia said earlier, we roleplayers are social creatures, and I feel like I'm missing out.

Anyways, I just wanted to say that i'll gladly join this guild. Most of the time I'm playing with my 50 lvl Sentinel (leaning to use dps rotations and not to be killed too often) - name's Daxel, though i have two other chars (both Republic) to level up.

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Love your idea i am currently playing on the imp side (level 42 sith warrior) and have been going back to the lower planets to help new players find their way around and teaching them things (crew skills, datacrons, etc) have just started a new jedi knight about level 4 at the min called zi'ack i would join your guild as we need to help the new players get the most out of this awsome game and keep the game going.
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Have added you all to my friends' list. The original poster went a bit nuts. Either that, or hacked, or sth.

But the rest of us are trying to put the original poster's idea together. :)


send me a message on either the website or in game to get this started, their is so many people asking for help

Edited by zoist
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Good luck with your initiative.


If you ever need a patient and experienced guest in your flashpoints - a tank to lead the way and explain the tactics, a heavy DPS to allow a greater margin of error, or a healer to help keep it all together - feel free to poke me or one of our guys at Binary Sunset: http://binarysunset.enjin.com/wall


Most of us have lowbie alts too, and I'm 100% certain that most of our Guild would rather level through FPs with shy, but polite - and maybe inexperienced - players, rather than some of the complete **** you come across sometimes.

Edited by Solaufein
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hey guys


i'll be in it


i have three sentinels (i'm completely new to mmo and learning the class / skill trees)


one of which, ódysseus, i'd like to develop towards PVP arena and the others for RP / OPs n PVE


if ok - will add you


i'm currently time rich subject to hopsital visits so am very flexible on game time too

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I am surely willing to help out! I play on the Imperial side with two characters at the respected level of 50. I surely know my way around in this game, and would love to help new players. Surely, if I don't have a bad mood (which rarely happens that I have one) I could put up with a flashpoint for hours because of the deaths that would happen.

Only a level 18 Vanguard Trooper. His name is Pemrindo, at your service! :sy_havoc:

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More than happy to join you peeps.


Sad to say that ever since I started mmo's I played as a tank, I can't help it, I just am a sucker for getting hit in the face I suppose ;).

However, ever since the dungeon tool came out in world of warcraft something "broke" inside me (due to the mentality change and a whole bunch of stuff I hardly need to explain to those who pug) which made me decide to only tank for guild groups or people on my friendslist, something I still hold onto. I just don't like tanking for a bunch of strangers no more.

Currently after a few months hiatus I took a subscription again and started a fresh character, at the moment I'm a lvl 20 Jedi Guardian who's more than willing to tank for you peeps in flashpoints and who knows, maybe operations in the future.


I do admit that I am someone who likes a good laugh both in guild chat and group chat, so patient and laidback runs are my favourite. I simply don't care how long a run takes, as long as people in the group have fun.


So if you need more players, I'm more than up for it :).


Give me a shout when I'm online tonight for sure!


Dal'trey , lvl 20 Guardian.

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hi guys


I have had a good response from quite a few people about forming this guild, i have added the people who have posted on this thread and the people who have sent me in game messages to my friends list. I will be online tonight on coruscant at about 10:30 if anyone who wants to form and join the guild, if you can either post when ur able to meet up or send me a message ingame.

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Tried to stay online as long as possible last night but had a massive headache, hence I didn't make it.


Besides I believe that was 10.30 GMT? :)


It's a tad too late for me as I'm in CET and my alarm clock goes off at 5.00 in the morning :).

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I've been looking for a guild in my timezone in or around my timezone (GMT+1). I like the idea you put forward. I'd like to volunteer. I am no expert (my highest char is lvl 26) but I like to help others and learn at the same time. I'm a big fan of the Star Wars/SWTOR universe and I'm eager to experience the social side of MMO'ing. My character name is Joost. Go ahead and add me, hopefully I can make it online this evening. Otherwise we'll run into eachother pretty soon...




Spikey Joe

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to everyone intrested we have formed the guild called Temple Watch whisper Zi'ack, Malkavius,odysseus or del'tray for more info or send in game mail.


For those trying to contact me please note that it's Dal'trey instead of the above mentioned name :).


We are in the process of building a website with all the bits and bobs required, alongside that we are writing down rules, guildelines and mission statements to what we want to accomplish with the guild.


As soon as all that is in order you will find us recruiting both on the website and ingame (we promise not to spam!)

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I'll be more than happy to join your guild.I really wanna get into all the social stuff in the game.im currently playing as a shadow and commando.im kinda new to the game too ive been playing for a month now and i would like to start to make some friends on the game now :)


hi send me a whisper or a mail and we can meet up



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