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Harbinger PVE DPS Leaderboard


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10minute fight, best one yet.




think i've got my spec and rotation down...now, just need BiS gear to max it out!! :)


8/8/25 Assault


21200HP, 2334AIM, 133Cun, 99.89%Acc, 35.28%(39.34%)Crit, 75.82%Surg, 1039.9Pow.


61/61/61 Armor, 63/61/61 MH/OH, 63/61 bracers, DG power/internal Relics. AIM augments.


still need +10 datacron, 1 aim DC, and most cunning DC's.

Edited by T-Assassin
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10minute fight, best one yet.




think i've got my spec and rotation down...now, just need BiS gear to max it out!! :)


8/8/25 Assault


21200HP, 2334AIM, 133Cun, 99.89%Acc, 35.28%(39.34%)Crit, 75.82%Surg, 1039.9Pow.


61/61/61 Armor, 63/61/61 MH/OH, 63/61 bracers, DG power/internal Relics. AIM augments.


still need +10 datacron, 1 aim DC, and most cunning DC's.


That's to much endurance you need the gear that give you higher power,ctrit or what ever stat you need.

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That's to much endurance you need the gear that give you higher power,ctrit or what ever stat you need.


my gear is min/max'd at 61's to maintain ~100/35/75/1000+. (aim>end on ALL pieces/armoring)


8/8/25...no points in SS damage.


p.s. what is the Habringer? (sig)

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10minute fight, best one yet.




think i've got my spec and rotation down...now, just need BiS gear to max it out!! :)


8/8/25 Assault


21200HP, 2334AIM, 133Cun, 99.89%Acc, 35.28%(39.34%)Crit, 75.82%Surg, 1039.9Pow.


61/61/61 Armor, 63/61/61 MH/OH, 63/61 bracers, DG power/internal Relics. AIM augments.


still need +10 datacron, 1 aim DC, and most cunning DC's.


I see your parse and raise you my 13 min parse



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sexy gearz!


one thing i've noticed, on my Merc, when i was 33% crit(1100+ power) vs. 35% crit(1030-ish power), my DPS was about ~100 lower w/ the 33% crit.


that was in 61's however...not sure on DR's or caps not being BiS...just something i noticed.


my main goal was just to get my tech crit chance to 35%, since the eliminator set bonus gives me 15% bonus crit for tracer missile

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Previous post was sans adrenal (something I've never really used)...I read the top Shadow's log and saw that he was using it, so I decided to as well.


I am a Madness Assassin: 5/5/31, Toblin..think this should put me at second on server and add an Imperial character to this AC.




Also, it should be 1823.7, but I don't know how to trim fights. <shurgs>


Can anybody help me out with that?



Edited by Kahntun
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Well, I hope this helps at least one gunslinger/sniper out there.


Chopped parse here: http://www.torparse.com/a/93206/time/1357597029/1357597342


Details on how it was done in this thread and the post below it.


And thanks for all the fish (and Nanites). :)


Excellent! I'm waiting for someone to reach the cap on an annihilation marauder (2554 dps) as that'll be something else! I've been up to low 2300's but past 6 minutes and it drops low really quickly ( I only parse for 10+ minutes).


Thanks for the info though, I'll link this to my Guildies for sure!

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Wow, after looking at all the excellent parses..... the cream certainly rises to the top. I had heard of all these mystical dps figures but had yet to see anything on paper. I'm starting to believe the "gap" that has been created between the classes.... I don't put a lot of stock into 99% of the whining i see on these forums.


Had saying that, dummies are good for dummy runs. If we got the top pars'er from each class and ran an op together.... would we see the glaringly obvious disparity that we are witnessing on this thread? Or would the boss/fight mechanics pull everyone closer to the magical 5% number the devs have spoken of....?


I wonder if after this thread is updated, if the top pars'ers would be willing to donate their time and see once and for all exactly how far the gap is, over the course of several ops? I think this would be a lot more accurate then player X getting into an op with a build that is wwwaaayyyy off, dps'n with player Y who knows his SH$T and is min/max'd to the teeth!! Then whining about class imbalance on the forums because he got rolled.......


Anybody interested in this idea, because i would love to see the outcome!!

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Wow, after looking at all the excellent parses..... the cream certainly rises to the top. I had heard of all these mystical dps figures but had yet to see anything on paper. I'm starting to believe the "gap" that has been created between the classes.... I don't put a lot of stock into 99% of the whining i see on these forums.


Had saying that, dummies are good for dummy runs. If we got the top pars'er from each class and ran an op together.... would we see the glaringly obvious disparity that we are witnessing on this thread? Or would the boss/fight mechanics pull everyone closer to the magical 5% number the devs have spoken of....?


I wonder if after this thread is updated, if the top pars'ers would be willing to donate their time and see once and for all exactly how far the gap is, over the course of several ops? I think this would be a lot more accurate then player X getting into an op with a build that is wwwaaayyyy off, dps'n with player Y who knows his SH$T and is min/max'd to the teeth!! Then whining about class imbalance on the forums because he got rolled.......


Anybody interested in this idea, because i would love to see the outcome!!


that's what got me started. i wanted a way to prove how much VG/assault was better than Merc/pyro. and the only way to properly debate is with facts, evidence, and testing/experimenting.


in a matter of hours, i proved, beyond a reasonable doubt (in my mind), how truly gimped Merc/PT is.


i've been playing Merc/PT full-time since 1.2. i've gotten him in all 61's, 63 barrels (all Black Hole) 100/35/75/1000+. my VG was in all 58's, 56's belt/bracer. he outperformed my Merc is almost every dummy test, spec, and situation. i've tested nearly everything. moving, not moving, kiting, melee range, specs...everything i have encountered in-game.


i've ran Battle for Ilum perhaps 100 time on my Merc, and on my 2nd run on my VG, i've achieved #3 DPS ever recorded. in the gear i gave my VG, from my Merc!!! (with NOTHING BiS).




i would gladly run any zone, anytime i am on, with(versus) the best DPS's in the game. and i would wager only marauders and snipers would be able to outperform VG consistantly. and even that is variable, based on fights and fight mechanics. (Darth Sev stunned me w/ about 5 seconds left in the fight, and i had already blown my escape CD :( )


BW can shove their metrics right up their Arse (Merc).


*EDIT* when left to free cast, Mercs(Arse) can put up very respectable #'s. but, so can PT/VG! how often in OPs/FPs are you able to just stand there DPS'n? in my experience, not all that much. and, PT/VG can still produce the max amount WHILE moving, kiting, in&outs, etc.

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Leader boards have just been updated and "us" consulars are the only ones (sage & shadow) that aren't hitting at least 2k dps....... apart from the scoundrels but that is another story...... hmmm, i wonder if we have reached the full potential of the consular dps.
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Leader boards have just been updated and "us" consulars are the only ones (sage & shadow) that aren't hitting at least 2k dps....... apart from the scoundrels but that is another story...... hmmm, i wonder if we have reached the full potential of the consular dps.


caster classes have a SERIOUS disparity in DPS than that of instant cast classes.


as i've stated, i just switched my main to VG/Assault from Merc/Pyro about 3 weeks ago.


i just topped all parses from The Harbinger in Maelstrom Prison (minus Daksh) in a GF group (they will be up tomorrow).


5% is just not true. you can see, just by looking at most of the top 25 in parses, in any zone, that there needs to be improvements made on quite a few classes.


i will never play a class that relies on casting in SWTOR, ever again.

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Wow, after looking at all the excellent parses..... the cream certainly rises to the top. I had heard of all these mystical dps figures but had yet to see anything on paper. I'm starting to believe the "gap" that has been created between the classes.... I don't put a lot of stock into 99% of the whining i see on these forums.


Had saying that, dummies are good for dummy runs. If we got the top pars'er from each class and ran an op together.... would we see the glaringly obvious disparity that we are witnessing on this thread? Or would the boss/fight mechanics pull everyone closer to the magical 5% number the devs have spoken of....?


I wonder if after this thread is updated, if the top pars'ers would be willing to donate their time and see once and for all exactly how far the gap is, over the course of several ops? I think this would be a lot more accurate then player X getting into an op with a build that is wwwaaayyyy off, dps'n with player Y who knows his SH$T and is min/max'd to the teeth!! Then whining about class imbalance on the forums because he got rolled.......


Anybody interested in this idea, because i would love to see the outcome!!


Honestly, I would love to do this, as I am curious as well. . I kind of feel like a random SM TFB/EC that no one's guild really relies on for farming would be fun this next week (Aside from the bosses dying 4 minutes ahead of enrage... lol). I'd be more than happy to organize it Imp side, if someone is willing to do the same on Repub side. Also, just something to have my fellow mara's/sent's look at...


This is from my guilds down of NiM F&S this week. http://www.torparse.com/a/94469/time...0/Damage+Dealt I start the pull with the WRONG form, completely stop doing anything 10s into the pull swap form; and end the fight with 1956 dps. This would put me in the top 5 for that boss, with a huge stop like that. The only reason it wont, is as you can see by clicking on the unedited version of the pull in torparse, it registered me as staying in combat with the next pull of trash after the boss (My combat log does occasionally glitch out)."

Edited by IAmViiOLENT
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Leader boards have just been updated and "us" consulars are the only ones (sage & shadow) that aren't hitting at least 2k dps....... apart from the scoundrels but that is another story...... hmmm, i wonder if we have reached the full potential of the consular dps.

For a shadow/Sin, definitely not the cap of them. Sim wise, they have over 2k potential dps. For sorcs/sages they'll cap in lightning/tele at a bit above 1900.


Also, Chukles; this parse http://www.torparse.com/a/83755/1 was ruled by various players as being invalid as it is the exact same parse as another one that another player linked of him, he just edited the damage value of his burns.

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New log, now that I am biochem lol

<- noob, didn't know I could use adrenals even as artifice...


WIth shock: 7/3/31: 1850ish.



Without shock 7/3/31: 1945 dps




Very nice, the no shock methodology makes sense for balance, Shan'ro made a similar remark when using madness on his assassin.

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Also, Chukles; this parse http://www.torparse.com/a/83755/1 was ruled by various players as being invalid as it is the exact same parse as another one that another player linked of him, he just edited the damage value of his burns.


i concur. throw it out!!


while proving how awesome i am at DPS can be fun :) , i started parsing to prove the gross imbalance between Merc/Comm and PT/VG.


and continue to parse to theorycraft my spec and its viability. also, as a tool to those that would like to improve on their DPS.


dishonesty has no place here.

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