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Beggars emerged after F2P


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Back in SWG, I'd always mail them a waypoint to the nearest money dispenser.

Then I'd get hate tells when they found out it was a mission terminal.


Beggars are hardly a new development because of F2P.

They've been around in every MMO since time began.




Now thats a clever use of waypoints!


Well done :)

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On Jedi Covenant, the only "begging" I have seen is from returning players, and they have been very polite about it and have even admitted their impatience with questing and the like. They want to buy something that may have not been available when they previously played (like some Cartel items) or have even said they were just lazy atm.


I gave one 150k credits.


3 days later she sent me 300k credits in the mail with a note of thanks.


In the year I have played, and the (not ashamed to admit) more than 90 hours played since f2p has launched (I can play at work), I have yet to encounter anywhere NEAR as many "beggars" as what existed in WoW, EQII, and pre-CU SWG.


As far as my personal observation goes, the only thing f2p has increased are the amount of questions about game play in general chat.... ESPECIALLY on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant.

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I haven't had to deal with people begging for credits/items.


I have however, encountered people begging for help to do their solo class quests. Yes, the very quests designed to be completed by you by yourself, or you and your companion. I've also gotten annoyed at people asking for help to get to datacrons that have absolutely no NPCs around them, and are an easy path right to it, even after being told how to get to them, or even better, given tons of links to guides that show them. Example: the Strength Datacron on Dromund Kass.


This annoys me more than any credit/item beggar ever could, especially when I notice they are below-level for the planet the class quest is on. It means they are essentially begging the L50s on the planet, to come bail their lazy asses out.


Now however, if I have some unbound items laying about collecting dust in my cargo bays, I will make an effort to give it out to someone if I noticed that they are actually attempting to play the game, but maybe just didn't get lucky on drops. This has payed dividends, in that I've had people say they've stayed subscribed to the game, thanks to the help that I gave them.

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