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Twi'Lek Headgear Fix / Example Pictures


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Hey all I know there have been a few threads regarding this issue (which has unfortunately plagued this great game since it's launch). The issue being: *** is up with bioware hatred towards Twi'Lek heads?


I mean come on it is not difficult to add an element of "artful stuffing" to aliens outside the realm of "Human", "Blue Human", "Red Human", "Green Human", "Robo Human", and "Blind Human" is it? I rolled a Twi'Lek because it seemed the most "alien" of the available races followed only by Zabrak. I love my smuggler, but it seems I have to permanently enable "Hide Head Slot" for the rest of my characters life since there isn't a single headpiece that looks good on Twi'Lek and frankly, it's lazy.


I'm no fanboy but I have to bring up the Tauren as an example from WoW, the helmets were tailored to flow and bend over the horns most of the time, and for helmets that didn't the horns stuck out in a believable fashion, instead of clipping into oblivion.


Enough ranting though, the purpose of this thread is to receive any vented anger from my fellow Twi'Lek players as well as act as a hub for pictures to be uploaded by users who have found a headpiece or two that doesn't look completely half-assed and ridiculous.


Thoughts :rak_02:

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I think its unfair of you to expect that a 200 million dollar, six year design cycle game should have proper skin textures and exo-skeletons for its player characters. You should give Bioware a break. Clearly six years and 200 million dollars wasn't enough time and money to properly design and develop SWTOR.


I mean the amount of time and effort that went into designing the skin textures for the races in SWTOR clearly was a difficult thing for Biowares development team to manage. Its not like thats first year programing and design or anything.

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My question is that does anyone ever see Twi'Lek with hood in any star wars movie? Maybe it is the whole character design that they aren't suppose to wear hood or headgear.



Which also reminds me my personal experiences. I was making night elf with hood 3d model in school and my instructor asked that if I really need to cut the hole in the hood to allow the ear go trough. Later He end up ask me to scrap the hood because it look "stupid". Those instructors are the one whom worked in movie, animation and games.

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I think its unfair of you to expect that a 200 million dollar, six year design cycle game should have proper skin textures and exo-skeletons for its player characters. You should give Bioware a break. Clearly six years and 200 million dollars wasn't enough time and money to properly design and develop SWTOR.


I mean the amount of time and effort that went into designing the skin textures for the races in SWTOR clearly was a difficult thing for Biowares development team to manage. Its not like thats first year programing and design or anything.


I'd really like an accountant at EA to disclose where a lot of that money went lol... pretty sure it did not go into the game art direction/animation . and I seriously doubt that Voice acting alone can account for it . Voice acting is expensive , but not 200 Million dollars expensive . I am gonna guess it doesn't take up 200 million , The estimated 200 million dollar was not invested into this game the product. I love the game, but let be truthful yeah it not 200 million dollars .There are games with far more complex AI , rendering engines that don't even approach these numbers . If I was to make a hunch I'd say they money got soaked in a lot of ways that have nothing to do with the game play


Big Budget Internal Bleeding

Hype (Huge marketing campaign ) Commercial New-york Time Square Ads

Setting up a Network infrastructure where none existed before , compare to Nexxon or Ncsoft who already have there infrastructure in place for MMO in both North America and Asia.

Paying Lucas for the Star wars Brand Name Cost ,

Revising/Reverse Engineering the Crappy Hero Engine

Mismanagement of a Large Team of people over a long period of time which lead to the mass firing

(Stuff that happens when trying to manage 500 people )


As someone who taking some gaming classes and trying to get into the industry ,I came to realize a lot of game development suffer from internal issue that bleed money for all sort of reason that have little to do with the final product (The First Final Fantasy 13 ). Duke Nukem was in development for 13 years and when it came out it was literally garbage and trashed by most reviewer . TOR is a good game ,but it suffers from many development issue that any big budget game has due to massive amount of hype and money being thrown at a massive project and lacking efficient ways to channel those resources.


Many professional 3D designer on site like Cg-society when the game launched criticized the Texture (Not because of the cartoon style Nothing wrong that ) because it came off lazy and simplistic . Not something to be impressed by simplistic texture rendering . I gotta agree it is lazy the clipping on the armor also is another issue .

Twilek have 3 faces per -body type rest are just slight texture modifications . Sith Have 1 face per body type with slight texture reorganization and changes in how many things are sticking off there face . alot of the Colored Aliens /human for being very human still have such a limited amount of faces . For something that is so close to human and share the exact same body type, it just comes off extremely lazy that they couldn't be bothered to make helmet adjust for the one species that different . Seem like they were over budget and just tried to get the game out as quickly as possible by that time . Early months of the game suffered from far more issue than it does currently . Current game is paradise in comparison.


The rest of the species are Colored humans that require only to change the color of the skin and the eyes to make a new character .


I'll defend the game on somethings ,but I won't on this lol. With the Mass firing restructuring and the need to get more fundamental things into the game (Group Finder . , More Content After 50 , New source of revenue to support the game Freemium support ) I gave them a pass , Good now there making a steady profit to support new content with the cartel shop . Now there trying to sale "Appearances /Equipment " there some great thing in the cash-shop that are cute and innovative (Party Jawas , Balls ,Thrones ) but Equipment and appearances is not one of them. If there serious about making money off that cash shop they better improve the appearance systems by a huge percentage , Not just changing a few values in the game recoloring system on an outfit and trying to sale it to me because they artificially restricted it before, that worse than an artist stealing art and changing color in Photoshop and demanding money LOL .


There a reason they got screamed at for the recolor of the War hero and /Dread master so yeah that excuse doesn't fly anymore .


Could be a problem that widespread in the Western Game development problem in relationships to Art though East Asian Games Market have a much lower tolerance for lazy art design for cultural reason. Granted one can argue mass effect suffer from the same issue and had millions pumped into it


(Female with Male Skeleton Animation , FemShepard running like a man , Like the artist couldn't be bothered to even flesh out there own hyper-realistic rendering fantasy with you know actual realism lol..in terms of structure gone into it . Nope long as the Guns shooting looks right ! )


(Horrible dirty texture that make the character look like they have bubonic plague )



Some excuses for this Bioware/EA game (It was designed for consoles )... well.I don't buy it since an artist works within the technology limits to make something look good via illusion .and Uncharted doesn't look like that , there alot of photo realistic game using the same hardware that doesn't look like that crap .(Even the Texture in Dragon Age 2 are better than that )


But yeah, fix it bio ware Free 2 play game live and die on cosmetic vanity ,trying to pan the crappy visual equipments in the cartel shop as something worth paying for is insulting lol. along with being too lazy to create specific helmet for the "Slightly alien Colored human " LOL. give us some proper head-ware for twileks. . I believe they can do it , At first I didn't believe it , But Terror From Beyond is Gorgeous and showed real effort put into it , Now half assed like it has been up to now.


As for Example of Twileks ? There countless but i'll just post two




Edited by OceanwaveII
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I'd really like an accountant at EA to disclose where a lot of that money went lol... pretty sure it did not go into the game art direction/animation . and I seriously doubt that Voice acting alone can account for it . Voice acting is expensive , but not 200 Million dollars expensive . I am gonna guess it doesn't take up 200 million , The estimated 200 million dollar was not invested into this game the product. I love the game, but let be truthful yeah it not 200 million dollars .There are games with far more complex AI , rendering engines that don't even approach these numbers . If I was to make a hunch I'd say they money got soaked in a lot of ways that have nothing to do with the game play


What, you mean to say you're buying into the 200 million dollar rumors? Even including all the additional advertisement and such I think the 200 million dollar figure is a gross overestimation.


80 million dollars for the game and 40 million dollars on advertisement campaigns, initial hardware investment, etc is where I'd place my bets on.

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What, you mean to say you're buying into the 200 million dollar rumors? Even including all the additional advertisement and such I think the 200 million dollar figure is a gross overestimation.


80 million dollars for the game and 40 million dollars on advertisement campaigns, initial hardware investment, etc is where I'd place my bets on.


Eh , Yeah 80 million sound more likely ,Well to be fair Fonix there so much Spin and Tabloidism in Gaming news Not sure what to believe anymore , Had an article on forbe mentioning 500 mIllion , Next year it might be 1.2 billion =/

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Did not expect this many responses, thanks guys, but I'd like to redirect the purpose of this thread back to its original goal: twi lek stuff.


Don't get me wrong I'm all for a financial debate over Bioware's huge game but that's a beast to be slain another time...


Has anyone heard of any future patches to fix this disgusting head clipping thing?

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Proud Twi'lek here, and for the life of me, I will never understand people that roll a Twi'lek and want to place some sort of helmet on....

Let your lekku flow free!


I don't have a problem with clipping as long as it looks at least plausable. It bothers me that there is only one position you can put the lekku in. A robe would be believable if you could put them forward over your shoulders.


It bothers me more that I have to look for a "hood down" robe just so it wont cut the chest piece off at the neck!

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