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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

++++ Scold's First (and hopefully not last) Dueling Tournament! ++++


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Operatives win these things a lot.


The one in July was won by an operative. Every other tournament I know about has been won by an Assassin (but those were on other servers).


... so stealthers do tend to win these tourneys. We could implement a no stealth rule if it is considered to be an unfair advantage; though you could argue that the stealth mechanic is an integral part of the class on the other hand. Either way, tis something that should thought about for future tournaments; we'll see how much of an issue its going to be.

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The one in July was won by an operative. Every other tournament I know about has been won by an Assassin (but those were on other servers).


... so stealthers do tend to win these tourneys. We could implement a no stealth rule if it is considered to be an unfair advantage; though you could argue that the stealth mechanic is an integral part of the class on the other hand. Either way, tis something that should thought about for future tournaments; we'll see how much of an issue its going to be.


Justbodies won that tournament on his operative.


He's signed up for this tournament already under the name Justbaddies.

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Sounds like a great idea. Going be a lot of fun! Could always take the fight to Illum, sure that wasteland wouldn't mind some action going on. Imagine fighting on the edge of a steep cliff, no where to run n hide but to face the opponent.


Let the class be allowed to play their class. not being allowed to stealth is like telling me I can't use force speed or saber strike . . . doesn't make sense to ban one's ability and not the other. More ppl that come to play, the merrier!!


Might could do a seasonal type deal and just keep an overall record for the future games *(2v2, 3v3, 5v5) so get a chance to play every team at least once that signed up.

Edited by izzyallgood
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hopefully there will be lots of matches recorded and people will announce matches in the /2 - PvP channel. I'd like to watch some. If there was a prize for worst dueler I would enter.


EDIT: 2v2 and/or 3v3 tournaments would be cool too except for the problem that guildmates can't fight one another in Outlaws Den. *** BW :mad:

Edited by funkiestj
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With this many people and judging from previous experience in other games, I'm thinking that the first round deadline will be about a week and a half. So maybe Wednesday Dec. 19.


Deadlines will get much shorter after the first round.

Edited by Morde_
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