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Something to do with starter planet Commendation


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The commendation vendors for the starter planets (Tython, Hutta, etc...) only have those chest pieces for 8 commendations and nothing else. - I often find myself with either not enough commendations or leftovers on my characters for those planets.


You can always farm mobs to get to exactly 8 to be able to get rid of them, but this is annoying and pointless for the player who is doing the farming and also annoying for low level players when a level 50 is farming level 5 mobs like a maniac...


Here are some suggestions to make it able for players to get rid of those starter planet commendations:


1. Make a Heroic on every starter planet which awards 1 commendation (there is none on e.g. Tython). You can do this for a few days as a high level in an instance without annoying low level players to get to exactly 8.


2. Add a credit case (there are all kinds of levels for the credit cases already, like the ones obtained from slicing missions) to all planet commendation vendors which costs 1 commendation. I'd be happy to trade in a commendation for 100 credits, just to get rid of it.


3. Make an option to right click commendations in the currency tab, and select something along the lines of "drop", "delete", etc.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Or just make them legacy wide that would also kinda help


I don't want to see legacy wide currency tokens ever implimented. It would only lead to level 50 characters farming mobs and dailies on low level planets such that leveling actually becomes a chore. As it stands now, the commendation gear is only valuable if you find a modable piece that you think is cool enough to look at until you hit 50. Other than that, all we really have to spend comms on are the specialized mods that, for some reason, EAWare decided not to make available to cybertechs (or of they are, they're very low drop rates from very specific areas).


That said, it would be nice if starting players could use their comms to buy simple, no frills, low level equipment mods. Especially now that cartel sets are out that only require level 1 and a pulse. Having basic mods, enhancements and armorings available at around item level 4 or 5, I feel, would incentivize players to gear up in their custom outfits sooner (this advertising it to new players that might not know about the cartel store items) and not take anything away from the lowest crafted mods that could be sold on the GTN. If they did this, however, I don't know that 7 comms is a fair price for armorings. Exchange rates may need to be looked at and/or drop rates in comms increased in this case.

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Or, turn the system from Beta back on, where you could trade your commendations for higher level ones. Just give it an exchange rate that makes people think twice before they start farming Korriban for commendations to turn into Corellia commendations. So 5 or 10 commendations for 1 commendation on the next planet. Someone who's just 2 commendations short for trading up might consider farming the last ones, while someone who doesn't have any commendations left shouldn't, but instead feel that moving to that next planet would be more beneficial.
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