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Hair or no hair for sith marauder?


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Hey sorry for the random question but im making a sith marauder and i cant really decide, he would be dark with the right eye tatoo thing (human) (< tatoo 6) head 1, complection 18, (would have stubble if no hair) skin color 30, hair color 10 (black) if had hair, eye color 5, body type 2, (no beards or scar's). (Would have hair 2 probably if did have hair)


haha sry for random silly question just really cant decide right now

Edited by -DarkBright-
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Ah, complexion 18 without hair is a great option. Aside from my Sith Inquisitor, I've not seen any character on my server with that combination. It can make for an intimidating look when used properly. That said, I'd recommend you go with whatever you think looks best personally. As for my personal opinion, I'd imagine your character would look better without hair. Edited by Curry_Guts
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yeah thats what i was gonna do originally but then looked at the hair 2 with all that and looked pretty nice but i guess sith and his voice probably go better with no hair but still would kinda like to know which ones you guys think is better


P.s thanks for the advice :)

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Well, I've checked them both out in game and can safely say that he looks far better without hair. Have a look for yourself: tough or effeminate.


haha alright thanks alot man for goin all out with this kinda a big thing for me plus im very indecisive, but thanks not positive what im gonna do but probably no hair but yeah thanks again man :D

Edited by -DarkBright-
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You're welcome. I understand, considering there's no option to re-customise the character after creation. I always spend a good while customising my characters, too.


Yeah if im gonna play many hours on a character im gonna be seeing the whole time i really always wanna make it the best i possibly can dont really wanna rush through it (though i am being a little obsesive xD)

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