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Imp symbols/sith thrones on republic fleet


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Edit: my response isn't so much about immersion as it is trying to give equal appeal to both factions for new, incoming players to swtor.


Personally I'm not bothered by the presence of the Imperil cartel items, but I do find it odd and quite obviously given more attention (I.e., more attention given to making imperial cosmetic appeal than Repubs).


The throne and the mask come to mind so far.


Looking at content that already exists, just the simple differences in legacy abilities given when you level 1 of each class, difference in spell graphics between the two factions, getting unique appearances for dark side corruption (t admit this isn't imperial just because it's dark side, but it's still the "evil" side getting more aesthetic option.")


I love being a pub so I don't really care. I'm not mad about it and I wouldn't leave my faction. But it's quite obvious that one side gets more aesthetic attention, and I think it unfortunatey has more of an effect than I'd like to see (e.g., people rerolling empire/leaving the republic).


The source material is the culprit.


Artists like working on things that they can be creative with. You can be way more creative with bondage space nazis than you can with the Vulcan boy scout monks.

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It's a valid gripe, and you make a good point that they can still, at some point, fix this by just patching in a Republic appropriate skin that displays when it is mounted by a Republic aligned toon. They do this for all of the neutral orange armor sets in-game already, so the basic mechanics are in there, they just need to light a fire under the art people to get the assets in place. Edited by Heezdedjim
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How about this, if you get one of these chairs from a pack, it will be faction-indifferent. You can keep it that way, but you could select this button that would say something like "Choose Faction." If you choose Republic it would turn blue with Republic symbol. If you choose Empire it is what it is now.
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How about this, if you get one of these chairs from a pack, it will be faction-indifferent. You can keep it that way, but you could select this button that would say something like "Choose Faction." If you choose Republic it would turn blue with Republic symbol. If you choose Empire it is what it is now.


I'd still choose Empire Throne on my Republic characters and drive around the Fleet with them, occasionally dropping Imperial Banners.

Edited by monkgryphon
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