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Community Cantina Tour - New Orleans, LA


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Hi, all! Sindol, here.


I wanted to extend an invitation to anyone in the Louisiana / New Orleans area to attend the Community Cantina Tour tonight from 7:00pm - 10:00pm (CST) at the Marriot SpringHill Suites New Orleans Downtown. I will be attending and think it would be cool to connect with some other players from my home server, The Ebon Hawk.


If you're going to attend or are interested in attending, please hit me up on Facebook. I look forward to hearing from any of you who are interested in attending!


Here's my Facebook link: http://www.facebook.com/stephen.k.hatch


Edit: Also, if you send me a friend request or a message, just let me know who you are so I don't unintentionally decline it. :)

Edited by Sindol
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So, I'm back. It was a pretty good time and I can honestly say that it was a cool event, even though it was a little bit uneventful. They had some cool give-away prizes and it was cool to just have some drinks on Bioware and kick it with some of the Bioware staff.


Some things that were interesting to hear at the event are:


Damion Schubert (Lead Designer of SW:TOR) talks to Jeff Hickman (Executive Producer of SW:TOR) about Guild Ships on a weekly basis. There was no mentioning about when we might see them.


The Bioware team is carefully monitoring the scale of PvP gear in the game and how Recruit gear will match up against Elite War Hero and War Hero gear. They expressed there desire to make sure that fresh level 50 players don't go into War Zones and get obliterated, because the result of that would mean that they stop playing and that wouldn't benefit anyone.


Jeff Hickman stated that the way that some of the gear is presented in the game is designed to intentionally get players to go the extra mile to min/max their gear to be optimized to the max potential of said piece of gear per class, per spec, per role. This is something that we've always joked and speculated about in my guild. Turns out it's actually true! Haha. **Disclaimer, that isn't verbatim words that came out of his mouth. It's just my general explanation so you better understand what I'm trying to relay to you.


Patch 1.6 will be released before Christmas.


That's really the only points that were brought up. However, I know these things aren't ground breaking or important in the grand scheme of things, but I highly encourage participation in these types of events in the future. Have some beverages on Bioware and enjoy shooting the **** with the devs. It's a good time.

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I went and we had a great time (and I managed a trivia question). They did not really answer questions about upcoming features so much, but we did get a pretty good perspective on what they are interested in, and in turn, they got a pretty good perspective on what we're interested in.
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