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Bio, Please Act Quickly And Aggressively Against Credit Selling Spammers


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Yes these sellers are everywhere now ON Jedi Covenant. As soon as I ignore one another pops up. We had one friday spamming for literally hours right by the gtn and using "say" so you had to hear them.


Bioware you need to be moving faster on shutting these accounts down imho.

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Yes please.


I don't remember if ignore lists have limits, but I will reach mine soon since I get whispered by credit sellers every half an hour. Very, very annoying. If there's no system in place to ban them quickly, there should be. Or at very least, have it so normal F2P players cannot use whisper, only preferred players. That will not solve the constant spam on the fleet, but it's part of the battle won. I do not like all the limits on F2Pers but...this one is justified.

Edited by Radzkie
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Sunday night on The Harbinger there was a level 10 trooper spamming a website for credit selling. I was surprised that they would have taken the time to get all the way to 10 and be spamming.


I would think that now that you can legally buy cartel coins and then buy packs to sell on the GTN for credits that there soon won't be any customers for these seller sites.


Once I found out the price people were selling the packs on the GTN for I stopped spending cartel coins and just started buying them on the GTN. Save the CC for various unlocks I want.

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What do I value a million credits for real money.....


Considering the time it would take me on 3 level 50s doing dailies....


Considering it's probably some kid in an Asian sweat shop playing and or hacker....


1,000,000 credits for 5.00 USD sounds about right.

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I'm getting sick and tired of getting whispered in game from these spammers. I've already disabled general chat so I don't have to see this crap but now they are whispering every person on fleet and it is ruining my game play.


This right here. It's one thing to see spam on the fleet. The only time I go there really is to pick up/collect on the dailies from the terminal, or when I exit/enter my ship to reset the crewskill list if it didn't pop up with what I was looking for.


Getting sent tells is just downright annoying. Almost as annoying as seeing the same credit seller spamming the fleet that was there 8 hours earlier with the exact same name.


I've played a lot of MMOs, but I've never seen an MMO with as lax of a response to this kind of issue as I have in TOR. Even SWG (which had a skeleton crew) had a more active response to credit farmers.

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I doubt that the ban-stick team works after normal business hours, since it's not mission critical to server play. So it's unrealistic to expect insta-bans. Besides, they need to review a report before taking action.... since players could grief other players with spam reports. They will see the reports in the morning when they come in to work and take appropriate action after they review what actually happened.


This MMO has been better then just about every other in terms of dealing with currency spammers. So report them and move on. Lots of people reporting a particular character speeds the resolution process I am sure.


Personally, I think the credit sellers are testing limits again to see what they can get away with post F2P launch. If history is any indication.... they are going to get beaten down hard by Bioware.


Well said

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The tools exist in game to deal with credit sellers. Report them for spam and then ignore them. I played for about 6 hours tonight and came across 2 credit sellers, the first whispered me while I was doing a class mission and the second was on the fleet. It took me all of 5 seconds to report and ignore them both.
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I can't take credit for this entirely, since I saw someone say something about it on Republic Fleet for my server, but I'd like to present the math for all y'all.


The proposal? Instead of buying 1 million credits in game for $30 in the real world, why not buy Cartel Coins, use those to buy Crime Lord's Cartel Packs, and sell those packs for the credits you need? There are some compelling reasons to do this!


If you buy credits from the credit farmers at current rates, every dollar you spend gets you roughly 33k in-game credits. Keep that number in mind.


If, on the other hand, you buy 5500 CC for roughly $40, you:

  1. put real money into BioWare's hands, and have a shot at supporting further growth and development of the game;
  2. get virtual goods for other players, from possibly Masks of Nihilus to possibly Minor Exploration XP Boosts
  3. give other players that short but meaningful thrill as they open their pack, get the little asteroid-storage bin to land at their feet and anticipate the chance of netting a Mask of Nihilus rather than a Minor Exploration XP Boost; and
  4. get yourself a big chunk of credits.

How many? Well, 5500 CC will get you 15 Crime Lord's Cartel Packs and leave some change. At current market values of 375k credits per CLCP, that means over 5.6 million credits, or roughly 140k credits per dollar you spend.


So, add it up. You folks desperate for in-game credits: do you want a return of 33k credits per dollar with an end result of sending money and jobs overseas, or would you rather have a return of 140k credits per dollar with an end result of possibly supporting more developers for the game and giving your fellow SWTORians a chance at some phat lewt?


Actually you bring up a good point.


Also, I made millions selling the uber rares I got from cartel market.


360 CC per pack, thats over 10k CC per month. Thats alot of real money.


Now, I have several uber rares, that I bought from market, and that I sold.


I dont know that spending over 100 bucks was worth it. I didnt do it for the credits. I fell into the impulsiveness trap, and wondering what was in those fancy boxes. Maybe to make amends for leaving the game for a while (even though I had an active account).

In a way it is quite opportunistic to spark our commercialistic impulses like that. But it is what it is:)

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