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Speeding up levelling.


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Hi peeps,


First off, yes,I am sub human scum, as I am looking at ways I can twink my Sith Sor, so he can quest quicker.


So here's where I am at -


1. I have a level 47 Consular

2. I have a level 40 Knight

3. I am playing a level 13 Sorc, who I want to be my main.

4. I still have 1300 Cartel points for when I re-subscribed.

5. I have 2mil creds on my consular, but my Sorc cannot get access to it (/sigh).


Taking all into account, what can I get/buy to speed up leveling.


I can buy the packs that give 25% extra experience. What about getting HK? Is he a tough companion? Can I get him on my level 13 toon?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Any grief responses I get, will also be tolerated, if I get some reasonable answers from those reasonable people out there that are happy to help.;)



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1) Do the PVP and FP daily every day. They give a decent amount of XP. Will also net you commendations and modable gear which makes questing smoother. Also those introducing missions to space combat(not the dailies) are good xp.

2) Quest grind. It's the one and only efficient way to level in SWTOR at the moment, sadly neither leveling in WZ's nor FP'ing compares, really.

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I'll point out some obvious options that come to mind:


*Purchase xp bonuses from Legacy, Cartel shop, etc.

*Make sure alts are in rest zones while idle.

*Run group content via the queues. Keep running your normal quests and not waiting for the queues to pop.

*Once you get your characters to level forty seven, run the Bel and Ilum dailies. Bel's are worth roughy 13k per and Ilum's are 26k per, the quests are fairly quick. And of course you get the daily coms early on.

*Always complete the bonus quests while you're in the field.

Edited by Pirana
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mare sure you're rested at all times, get the xp bonus thingie (hate it and youre a bad player tor using it BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO to you) and do quests on each planet.

Keep giving gifts to your companions, as they progress in storyline you get quests to talk to them .. xp for nothin.


If you hate taking things slow and enjoying the storylnie (the best part, most players agree) then id do the daily fp and pvp quests. Fine xp and you can queue for them whilst questing on planets.

You can do the daily quests, for daily comms, on belsavis/ilum etc from 47 (as far as i recall) and they are heavy xp too.

Make your char a healer/tank if you want insta-queueing for FPs, thats also handy for quick xp and gear. Heroic 2mans/4mans also give a tonne of xp/gear/moneys .. make sure you do them all on each planet. Dont wait around for a group for 2 hours but do make sure you ask in general chat and dont be shy to join other teams.


My personal favourite .... discovery dings.

Youre travelling around the place and you get a small amount of xp for discovering new places. I LOOVEEEEE dinging to a new level by discovering a new area on the map hehe.

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(sorry for the repeats was typing while everyone was responding)


Speed leveling doesn't make you scum but I have a few tips for you. I have leveled three 50's so far and learned a few tricks.


1. Level in groups and use legacy armor to do it. Saves money on mods and equipment. What I mean by this is get your self a set of legacy gear from one of the home planets for whatever class you are playing. Now after you go up 5-10 levels send the armor to an alt pull out the mods and reuse them. This saves on cost. If your going to level more than 1 50 like say a Sorcerer and a sage or assassin this will help you alot and save you a ton. (bonus if you have the legacy bowcasters even your weapons can be reused pulling out mods and placing them into the equivalent weapons: worst case you use a melee and a range of all you have to buy is a hilt.

2. Grab the datacrons as you are on each planet. Gives you more stat bonus and xp to help level quicker and prevents having to go back at the end.

3. gear your companion character with greens or blues: they are extremely effective and purple isn't worth the cost. For that matter most purple while your leveling is a waste with only a minor stat difference so go cheaper blue gear while you level because you will just be replacing it anyways.

4. with few exceptions take comms over gear. This way you can buy mods cheaper for your characters you will level later.

5. Do all mission bonuses and planet bonus missions.

6. Carry a holo-statue with you and unlock your repair droid in legacy. This will allow you to repair and sell off things while questing and train when you need without having to go back each time you level. More time spent in field is less time leveling.

7. Do heroics but don't wait in one spot for them. Keep eye on general chat. Most people are looking for groups. Ask them to share the mission and go. They normally offer great xp and some good gear. (Need I remind you of the group xp bonus)

8. When you get to a planet let general chat know your just starting missions there and am looking for someone to group with. The hassel of occasionally waiting for a party member is lessened by the amount of bonus xp you get while grouped.

9. When solo queue for pvp and flashpoints to get you daily bonus and xp while you quest.

10. Do the green yellow and red space missions for more daily xp.

11. Really important when your missions start turning green go to another area of planet or finish class quest for that planet and move on to next. Yellow missions provide better xp.

12. Group up whever you get the chance even while just running missions each kill grants bonus xp.

13. Do grap the major xp bonusand use them.

14. Stay away from fleet while level grinding it's a time killer.

15. Log off in ship, cantina, or fleet when your done for the day or going afk for longer than 30 min. Rested xp is bonus xp.

16. This is a bit controversial but dps spec allow quicker kills. If your stout enough and confident in your abilities you and a dps companion may be flimsy but if your good enough you can finish off strong mobs before they can put the hurt on you. If not stick with a tank or heal companion.

17. Stay away from elite and champion npc's unless the mission calls for it. The time wasted on them unless in a group is time away from leveling.

18. Upgrade gear every 5-7 levels. Provides a better advantage.

19. I cant' stress it enough. Group. Thou shall group when speed leveling! That xp boost you get takes into consideration group bonus xp and if your rested even more so....So group whenever there is a chance .

20. Lastly....Don't be a D!ck. Everyone is trying to level and everyone gets frustrated so if someone tags a mob near a chest or is waiting on a spawn...don't be that guy. You know the complete @ss who sneaks in and grabs things while someone else does all the work . The game gets frustrating at times to everyone and we are all here to have fun and relax a little so don't ruin it for someone else. Courtesy works both ways. The person you may of ticked off today may be that class you meet up with in a flashpoint with a gear drop you really need tomorrow. Also I know your speed leveling but take some time to help someone if you can. I'm not saying all the time but if you come across a person having a hard time with same mission as you then by all means add him to the group and help him out. Remember bonus xp if nothing else. (I will get off my carebear soapbox now.)


Lastly look at general chat while speed leveling. It gets boring and monotonous so take a moment and see what's up with chat. You may find a group or get some laughs. Either way your entertained while leveling.

Edited by morningstation
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Why can't your Sorcerer have access to the money on the Consular? Are they on a different account?


Well even if they are on different accounts, he can create an Imp on his Consular account, send money from Consular to that new imp then send money from there to his Sorcerer.


I don't get what is the OP's problem with credits.

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I would never advice this in tor where story is the prize but f you want it here.


Always be rested [not possible in the I play this guy non stop scenario]

With cartel points buy the xp boosts

Unlock the legacy perks for increased XP with the credits they stack

Do the daily's through group finder while planet questing.

forget weekly's team take forever to assemble.

Do not do other then class quest on planets of your level. [see below]


Purple mod out to maximum and skip to planets with level over your actual by 2 or 3 levels


Use the best purple stims as well to maximize DPS.

Get the speeder unlock at lvl 10 to move around quick.

Same for your Companion as far as the gear.


Fully stimmed up and Purple geared you can blast through the content 4 levels above you the game is setup for mix of green and blues not min maxed gear and the XP gain is much much higher.


I tried it on one of my guys from level 15 to 22 in 2 hours [of course it took a bit to get all he stuff this is just play time] and it costs a but load of credits. Purple mods and Stims are not exactly cheap. If you want to go all the way like this you will need more then 2 mils.

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Well even if they are on different accounts, he can create an Imp on his Consular account, send money from Consular to that new imp then send money from there to his Sorcerer.


I don't get what is the OP's problem with credits.


Hi, sorry, I was under the impression that I cannot send mail from a republic toon to an empire toon. They are both on the same account, but am I wrong? I just simply send my Sorc an email from my Consular?


Oh and to everyone else, great tips. Thanks alot for helping out.

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