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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Same people get hit by unscheduled maintenance every time


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There is a reason why Oceania's playerbase has dropped to almost 15% of what it used to be, and its not because of other games.


I would say that DESPITE Bioware giving oceanic people servers on australian soil, the oceania's playerbase still dropped (according to you). They would rather go back to WoW who after 8 years still refuse to have australian servers, when SW:TOR and other MMOs like Planetside 2 have done so.


This shows that the majority of aussies don't appreciate oceanic servers, and would rather be screwed by the lack of oceanic servers simply because that MMO has 9 million subs.

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Heheh, I don't think anyone here would argue that they messed up and this whole thing shouldn't have happened in the first place. The argument is just the TIME at which they chose to fix it....and that it is the same TIME they choose to fix everything they mess up--so same players are effected(pay for it) each time.


Please, PLEASE go to work as a game tester, programmer or game developer and then try to get it right in the first place.


Even if a patch works perfectly in small scale, its impossible to know what might happen once you go large scale, its just the nature of code, at times it even feels devoid of logic!


Oh, and this all at the same time while having your consumers yelling at you what a horrible job you're doing... No wonder bioware hardly replies on the forums anymore.

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Please, PLEASE go to work as a game tester, programmer or game developer and then try to get it right in the first place.


Even if a patch works perfectly in small scale, its impossible to know what might happen once you go large scale, its just the nature of code, at times it even feels devoid of logic!


Oh, and this all at the same time while having your consumers yelling at you what a horrible job you're doing... No wonder bioware hardly replies on the forums anymore.


Astronium, I get that. I do. However, your post is not on topic at all. The time that they choose to fix things and that it is the same time thus effecting the same people every time is the topic.

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I remember there was actually a time when maintenance didn't happen all at the same time and the general complaint was calling for consistent maintenance so people could plan it out.


Er..... that was the "never time" because it never happened. :) (unless it was in earliest Beta)


Occasionally the servers have gone down (or still been down) in US prime time due to unforseen or major issues and all merry heck breaks lose on the forums by people that never have any down time, but that's not the same thing.

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This is a pretty standard thing to do with not just MMOs, but any software that anybody uses. You want to do your maintenance at a time that will affect the least amount of people. I tend to play during those hours as well, and it sucks, but unfortunately that is how it is going to be. Doing maintenance during prime hours would be REALLY dumb.
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I feel for you guys that play during primetime there. I don't know why they don't go to 6am central since that would affect the least number of people, even on 12-hour maintenance days.


6am central would affect fewere people in the US but would affect more in Europe. They pick the time with the lowest population of all servers, not just the US ones.

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Unsceduled maintenance realy isn´t that unsceduled. The only thing unsceduled is the day, the hour is the same every time. That´s the complant. If an emergencypatch is needed that bad, patch it as soon as the patch is ready. If it can wait 12 hours for the right time of day, surely it could have waited untill maintenance day.
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Unsceduled maintenance realy isn´t that unsceduled. The only thing unsceduled is the day, the hour is the same every time. That´s the complant. If an emergencypatch is needed that bad, patch it as soon as the patch is ready. If it can wait 12 hours for the right time of day, surely it could have waited untill maintenance day.


Couldn't have said it better!! Nailed it.


This latest patch brought the servers down for about 1 hour...maybe less? If you're not a player typically effected by the late-night, unscheduled maintenance, you could care less. But, if you are, then this was yet again another kick in the butt.


This patch could have been done earlier with little problem. Even during prime-time, people would have rejoiced that their companions were fixed after a short downtime..........AND the "late-nighters," like me, wouldn't have been "hosed" yet again. Don't know why they waited.

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Can you please change up your schedule a bit?? I know that you do maintenance at the lowest populated times, but for those of us that play at that time....well, we are getting hit pretty hard... with no compensation to show for it.


Just rotate your hours for unscheduled maintenance periods. I understand that fixes need to go in, but why totally spit on the late-night/early players every time? We already don't play on Mon/Tue due to the scheduled maintenance, but you're taking multiple days of the week from us now.


I'm all for fixing stuff, but the people that get "screwed" are always the same ones over and over. Change it up.


TLDR: Major issue that needs a fast-fix emerges; Bioware fixes or brings servers down at the same time every time. Same people pay for it every time.


Great OP that contradicts itself on line 1....this is UNscheduled.....


And the point of doing this at the lowest population time....is that point itself; only a small portion of people are on instead of screwing the majority. This is the risk all out of region players take. If this was some EU game, etc, I'd expect the opposite and N. America getting hit with this.

Edited by Eillack
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there should be a separate maintenance for EU and USA. but that costs extra working hours and EA wouldnt allow it. they operate cheap and expect great results, that will never happen.. but i guess one year isnt enough for them to learn.


That wouldn't work, not when they have patches to release.

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Having been a subscriber since launch, I have seen unscheduled maintenance at all hours. I have seen emergency maintenance at all hours. Regular maintenance at the usual times. Here are some facts: bugs happen. Maintenance happens be it regular, unscheduled or emergency. Deal with it.


For those who are demanding different time for US, Oceania and EU, not going to happen. Mainly due to the fact that there is only 1 global client, not different clients for different regions like that other mmo has, therefore the client is worked on all at the same time. Now with that said, I will reiterate: maintenance is done when it is needed and if it mostly affects those that play in the midnight to 6 am timeslot, too dam bad. Suck it up or leave the game.

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Having been a subscriber since launch, I have seen unscheduled maintenance at all hours. I have seen emergency maintenance at all hours. Regular maintenance at the usual times. Here are some facts: bugs happen. Maintenance happens be it regular, unscheduled or emergency. Deal with it.


For those who are demanding different time for US, Oceania and EU, not going to happen. Mainly due to the fact that there is only 1 global client, not different clients for different regions like that other mmo has, therefore the client is worked on all at the same time. Now with that said, I will reiterate: maintenance is done when it is needed and if it mostly affects those that play in the midnight to 6 am timeslot, too dam bad. Suck it up or leave the game.


There has not been maintenance/patches at all hours in SWTOR. Just like this last patch to fix companions (critical, no?) even though it was obviously ready sooner as they were able to post several hours in advance exactly when it would be deployed.... they saved it for exactly midnight pacific (2am central) like every other patch and/or maintenance period.


I would have thought that a problem as global as the companion issue would have been deployed as soon as it was ready.... but nope, they waited until the normal maintenance time of 2am central.


The only other time a server is down is when The Harbinger crashes in prime time pacific.


How is it that this is the ONLY mmorpg that has the lowest population at midnight pacific (2am central)? You would think that the lowest population time for MMO's would be fairly standard across the industry as we as players tend to play several of them, not just one. (and if the answer to this question is a single world wide client, then why is there a single world wide client at this time in history ((2012)) when having different ones for different continents has been around for more than 10 years in other games?)

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