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Cartel: Look at price for Major XP pack x5


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XP packs are a waste of cartel coins IMO. it's a 25% boost. Just kill a few more mobs as you play and you get the equivalent and killing trios of weak mobs is gravy in this game.


Besides, I'm seeing minor packs issued as in game quest rewards on a new character I am leveling... so I'm not sure why anyone would buy packs from the CC shop unless they were almost free.


They are over priced in the GTN as well.

Edited by Andryah
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That's pretty funny.


You'd be surprised at how frequently this happens, not just in the game but in real life. The bigger packages of things aren't always the best deal per unit of measure any more...



XP packs are a waste of cartel coins IMO.


Besides, I'm seeing minor packs issued as in game quest rewards on a new character I am leveling... so I'm not sure why anyone would buy packs from the CC shop unless they were almost free.


Don't get used to that. They're using drug dealer marketing for those things.

Edited by DarthTHC
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XP packs are a waste of cartel coins IMO.


Besides, I'm seeing minor packs issued as in game quest rewards on a new character I am leveling... so I'm not sure why anyone would buy packs from the CC shop unless they were almost free.


It's only on the starter planets.


And to the OP, arent the major XP boosts 120? I'm pretty sure its the minor's that are 90.

Edited by Tommot
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XP packs are a waste of cartel coins IMO. it's a 25% boost. Just kill a few more mobs as you play and you get the equivalent and killing trios of weak mobs is gravy in this game.


Besides, I'm seeing minor packs issued as in game quest rewards on a new character I am leveling... so I'm not sure why anyone would buy packs from the CC shop unless they were almost free.


They are over priced in the GTN as well.


Maybe those free minor packs are for subs only?

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Sort of off topic but, I started a trooper the other day and was reqarded one of those 25% XP boosts from a class quest turn in. It had the cartel market logo and everything.


Is this normal? I thought it was a nice cool thing to do. But I've been wondering if it was intentional.

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Sort of off topic but, I started a trooper the other day and was reqarded one of those 25% XP boosts from a class quest turn in. It had the cartel market logo and everything.


Is this normal? I thought it was a nice cool thing to do. But I've been wondering if it was intentional.


Yes. You should get 2 on your origin world, if you do all the right quests. (They're rewards from side quests.)


Like I said above, drug dealer model. Get 'em hooked while they're noobs!

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Sort of off topic but, I started a trooper the other day and was reqarded one of those 25% XP boosts from a class quest turn in. It had the cartel market logo and everything.


Is this normal? I thought it was a nice cool thing to do. But I've been wondering if it was intentional.


Yes, I started an inquisitor and got one as a quest reward on korriban.


Also, 25percent is a huge boost for subs, I knocked went from 38 to 47 in one day easy with rested XP and the major boost.

Edited by itsmymillertime
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Yes, I started an inquisitor and got one as a quest reward on korriban.


Also, 25percent is a huge boost for subs, I knocked went from 38 to 47 in one day easy with rested XP and the major boost.


Yeah, must be nice when combined with rested XP (I assume they stack), you can afford to skip a planet or two and focus on the class story and maybe a few WZs and stuff.

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Yes, marketing experts know how to be tricky. That's what makes them marketing experts.


I remember once getting a Sausage Biscuit from McD's for 89 cents. The very next day the same biscuit cost 99 cents and according to their menu it was on sale. A week later it was priced at $1.09. Most people didn't seem to even notice.


It's like when Coke came out with New Coke and then switched back to Classic. Most people didn't realize but that was a marketing ploy done so that they could change from using all sugar to a sugar / corn syrup blend. New Coke was purposely made different so that when people tasted the new version of Classic Coke (with corn syrup) they wouldn't notice the change. Most still don't know that a change was even made.



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Yes, marketing experts know how to be tricky. That's what makes them marketing experts.


I remember once getting a Sausage Biscuit from McD's for 89 cents. The very next day the same biscuit cost 99 cents and according to their menu it was on sale. A week later it was priced at $1.09. Most people didn't seem to even notice.


It's like when Coke came out with New Coke and then switched back to Classic. Most people didn't realize but that was a marketing ploy done so that they could change from using all sugar to a sugar / corn syrup blend. New Coke was purposely made different so that when people tasted the new version of Classic Coke (with corn syrup) they wouldn't notice the change. Most still don't know that a change was even made.




So the marketing genius you're referring to is purveyors of poison convincing you to put their products into your body?

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Yeesh, I know your hate for TOR is strong but for McDonalds and Coke too?


I still pay for and consume products from EA. Not the other 2. Never. Well, unless Tropicana is owned by Coca-Cola? Have to check that.


Anyway, it's not so much hatred of those organizations so much as a highly developed sense of self-preservation, right?

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I'll take Micky-D's and Coke over EA any day. :p


Ya know I was just about to agree with you..... but I just can't. That stuff is too much of a poison for me.

( that is kinda sad that I can't even do it over EA)


But I can tell you another trick about them.


20 piece nuggets..... $5.99..... Dollar menu 4 piece $1.00 .... Do the math.


They do things like this all the time. Not just McD. Go through alot of stores.... this is common practice.

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Sort of off topic but, I started a trooper the other day and was reqarded one of those 25% XP boosts from a class quest turn in. It had the cartel market logo and everything.


Is this normal? I thought it was a nice cool thing to do. But I've been wondering if it was intentional.


Yes it's intentional. It's a free sample. Popularized by supermarkets and drug dealers everywhere! :jawa_tongue:

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Ya know I was just about to agree with you..... but I just can't. That stuff is too much of a poison for me.

( that is kinda sad that I can't even do it over EA)


But I can tell you another trick about them.


20 piece nuggets..... $5.99..... Dollar menu 4 piece $1.00 .... Do the math.


They do things like this all the time. Not just McD. Go through alot of stores.... this is common practice.


Dog food, Kleenex, paper towel, really anywhere you see stuff in smaller and larger packaging side-by-side, don't assume the larger packaging is less expensive per unit-of-measure. It's often not the case any more... because the marketing geniuses know we all think that way by default now and just buy the bigger packaging out of habit because it used to be cheaper that way.

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Dog food, Kleenex, paper towel, really anywhere you see stuff in smaller and larger packaging side-by-side, don't assume the larger packaging is less expensive per unit-of-measure. It's often not the case any more... because the marketing geniuses know we all think that way by default now and just buy the bigger packaging out of habit because it used to be cheaper that way.


Yup....... And they have even gone so far as to change the way the orange part of the price sticker reads as well.


For those that don't know, if you look at the price of something, there is also an orange part that tells you price per pound/count. ( In my state any way so sorry if this does not apply for all.)


I have seen them do this with Bacon ( of all things).


They would change it for some to say per 12oz. Instead of pound. Took alot of people some time to catch it.

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