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Smash Statistics: The Red Eclipse.


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Hello my name is Clockwork, keeper of the records at the Red Eclipse unoffical server found here http://www.redeclipse.eu/redeclipse.eu/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=441&p=6530#p6530


This is just a little heads up to BW in regards to how much the Smash/Sweep spec is dominating all in PVP.


Let me show you a few vital records from our server..


Total Damage in a match


Serverbest:- Mreek @ 1.55m


Imperial 1:- Mreek @ 1.55m

Imperial 2:- Zar'rok @ 1.25m

Imperial 3:- Ohhsookiss @ 1.08m


Republic 1:- Ully @ 1.197m

Republic 2:- Morrokei @ 1.16m

Republic 3:- Draki @ 1.143m


All of these guys except Zar'rok who is a PT, are Smash/sweep spec.


Serverbest:- Gosia @ 1662


Imperial 1:- Muall @ 1345.61

Imperial 2:- Zorth @ 1130.78

Imperial 3:- Telbosio @ 1126


Republic 1:- Gosia @ 1662

Republic 2:- Draki @ 1530

Republic 3:- Gosia @ 1411


Again, except for Telbosio (opertive), all are Smashers, and let me inform you that the guys in 4th 5th and 6th that are not included in our records were all Smashers.


As you can see with the odd exception of a few lucky matches from the PT and Operative our records are dominated by this spec, its running wild on our server, Rank is pretty much 4/5 Smashers and a few Op/Scound healers. I was in a game yesterday with 6 smashers (FOTM much?). And as for the 7k smash on this forum now, thats nothing, we have Juggs smashing for 8k and 9k, most top end sents smash for 7k.


The 1.3 Records show that PT's were crazy OP, myself having the old highest dps record for my PT of 1453.54 with the top dmg being actually from a Assassin tank. In 1.3 we also had Commando DPS doing very good dmg and dps along with a Sorc, so a pretty mixed bag in 1.3. You nerfed the PT's to a decent level and i would say were ok as we are, but now its time to act on smash spec.


You need to address this issue and if you dont you WILL lose alot more subs than you are already, at least tell us theres going to be some class changes in the future, your silence is helping no one stay.


Thank you.


Clockwork Jedikiller - TRE.

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Muall's no longer a lolsmasher. Just thought you should know. Still, regular warzones ARE dominated by the likes of Gosia, Kravn, Nyvani etc. Smashing is running rampant, with the added result that all too often these days I see guys with 15k HP in Shii-cho form - you just gotta love them rerollers.
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Theres only more on the way 70% of all players on RE in the 1-49 bracket are lolsmashers some are hitting for 4k crits already.


Been solidly 1-49 PVP for the last 2 weeks now and its getting a bit beyond a joke majority are dumb and can be facerolled but those odd good guys you cant do much against when they are opening with a move that wipes 3rd of your health pool at those levels. Worse still you get 4 jump at the same time goodnight.

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Pyro was out of control, but the pyro fotm was never as bad as lolsmashfotm ...

Still in my oppinion sents are a bigger problem, a jugg tank is a one trick pony, can be dealth with, a sent has a neverending stream of 2.5k slashes that lower the cd of smash, full centering to get the stacks of singularity and on top of that, because of the cooldowns, they take AGES to kill.

Edited by SajPl
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This is just a little heads up to BW in regards to how much the Smash/Sweep spec is dominating all in PVP.


Just how exactly records from matches where one team steamrolled other sre supposed to display that one spec is better than other? Just curious.

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Just how exactly records from matches where one team steamrolled other sre supposed to display that one spec is better than other? Just curious.


Even if that was true, then why is it only 1 spec that is dominating? Thats not how this game should be, 1 spec dominating all, which is happening now.

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Yesterday evening on POT5 (US East) I played sub-50 with a sniper I'm leveling and found this predictable although hilarious scenario:


I played 5 or 6 matches. In 3 of the matches, 7 out of 8 of the opposing team were knight or warrior. My teams fortunately were all mixed except one, where I ended up with a bunch of jr. warriors and lo and behold we were trounced. With mixed teams though we crushed them embarassingly without trying.


I remember a few of the past FOTM phases being as ridiculous or worse, but am having fun with this one since they're pure sniper and GS fodder.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Those numbers are not meaningless. Those players are players that know how to get a lot our of their classes and this just proves its a lot easier to get silly damage from smash spec than any other spec right now. Stack those classes in that spec and the problems are magnified.
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Same trend on the harbinger:


Total Damage:


1) U'should (1.25M) - Smash spec

2) Akhilio (1.18M) - Smash spec

3) Chukles (1.12M) - Balance shadow

4) Agapex (1.11M) - Pyro Powertech

5) Cristine (1.04M) - Smash spec




Damage per second:


1) Nekron (1574.52) - Smash spec

2) Tuloc (1427.19) - Smash spec

3) Sirlen (1342.96) - Smash spec

4) Vullesh (1249.98) - Smash spec

5) Perdigon (1242.12) - Smash spec

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Even if that was true, then why is it only 1 spec that is dominating? Thats not how this game should be, 1 spec dominating all, which is happening now.


AoE. That's all. PT also has decent AoE capabilities, Merc/Commando in such match would most likely also get great results(but won't since most people don't take them to premades).

If enemy team has fast enough respawn or healers that are not quckly killed, it's almost like hitting dummy, with one or two more standing nearby and getting hit by AoE. And since Rage/Focus is based around that one AoE atack, it plays biggest role even in their single target damage, it gets most benefit of enemies that are clustered together.


Now, I'm not saying Smashspec is fine or not, only that is has affinity to pulling big numbers in very good conditions. And very good conditions are not best environment to determine true value of spec.

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Those numbers are not meaningless. Those players are players that know how to get a lot our of their classes and this just proves its a lot easier to get silly damage from smash spec than any other spec right now. Stack those classes in that spec and the problems are magnified.


I'll say it again. Those are probably stalemate matches. The numbers are not meaningless, they do prove some things. They prove that:

1. the damage wasn't enough to kill guarded healers


2. the teams were building high numbers on purpose to get best in server numbers. why do you think that site exists?


3. one team wasn't winning on purpose to again, get high numbers. I see this a few times a week on The Bastion in non rated.

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I'm just curious who is suppose to have the highest DPS at the end of a match? When OP's were on top everybody QQ, then came sages and everybody QQ, when powertech's where on top here came the flood of QQ's, when merc's where flourishing on top of the DPS mountain QQ's brought the mountain down on our heads. Now that warriors and knights are reigning DPS kings here comes the villagers with QQ's. So please answer me this who is suppose to be on top of the DPS chart? Once the "LOLSmashers" as you call them, get nerfed who will be on the QQ'ers radar then?
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AoE. That's all. PT also has decent AoE capabilities, Merc/Commando in such match would most likely also get great results(but won't since most people don't take them to premades).

If enemy team has fast enough respawn or healers that are not quckly killed, it's almost like hitting dummy, with one or two more standing nearby and getting hit by AoE. And since Rage/Focus is based around that one AoE atack, it plays biggest role even in their single target damage, it gets most benefit of enemies that are clustered together.


Now, I'm not saying Smashspec is fine or not, only that is has affinity to pulling big numbers in very good conditions. And very good conditions are not best environment to determine true value of spec.


Do you actually play PVP, the records show the trend on TRE and across other servers that this class is dominating, but all you have to do is login and play PVP for yourself to see.

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I'm just curious who is suppose to have the highest DPS at the end of a match? When OP's were on top everybody QQ, then came sages and everybody QQ, when powertech's where on top here came the flood of QQ's, when merc's where flourishing on top of the DPS mountain QQ's brought the mountain down on our heads. Now that warriors and knights are reigning DPS kings here comes the villagers with QQ's. So please answer me this who is suppose to be on top of the DPS chart? Once the "LOLSmashers" as you call them, get nerfed who will be on the QQ'ers radar then?


Translation- I whined and whined til I got all these other classes huge nerfs and that was ok- but now that you're trying to get my class nerfed whining isn't the right way.


/sith warrior and jedi knight logic

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