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more races


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can anyone tell me when bioware will be releasing more races its extremely frustrating seeing so many diverse and epic looking races and not being able to play a single one. They almost brought out the Cathar as a playable race but for some reason they havent done it or if they have they havent made it very public and i havent seen a single Cathar player, so answer me this bioware where is my Jedi wookie?
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Cathar would be cool though I doubt I'd play one. I just got to Voss and I'd love to play one of those characters. They look cool and it lends an interesting perspective to things. Sarkhai like Nadia Grell would also be pretty cool. Edited by McDestiny
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  • 4 months later...
yes i know a wookie might be pushing it but what about togrutian like Shak ti or Nautolids like kit fisto and surely they could do subtitiles and the whole thing about relationship barriers it isnt all that important especially considering its widely considered bad for a jedi to hold one person above everyone else because its distorts their rational thinking if that persons in danger
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can anyone tell me when bioware will be releasing more races its extremely frustrating seeing so many diverse and epic looking races and not being able to play a single one. They almost brought out the Cathar as a playable race but for some reason they havent done it or if they have they havent made it very public and i havent seen a single Cathar player, so answer me this bioware where is my Jedi wookie?


The Cathar aren't available yet.


From the State of The Game #3 that was put out, it sounds like they'll arriving in the summer alongside the Barber Shop.


As for why you haven't seen any of the races like the Togruta, here's the official response on that...


Making an alien race fully human playable is a huge amount of work, at least if you want to give players the level of customization options that they have come to expect. It takes a lot of work to make all of the customization options work together and look good, while still ensuring people still can find looks that are unique to each other.


The Togruta provide a unique problem in this regard, in regards to the tentacles. Yes, the Twi’leks have tentacles too, but they are typically behind the player, whereas the Togruta’s canonically drape across the front of the character. This means that they struggle to work with the existing animations and gear without clipping — indeed, the first screenshot you see for Ashara if you google her is one with her chin ridiculously clipping through her tentacle. While this may be acceptable for a companion who is frequently offscreen while fighting, or NPCs who we can dress and pose carefully, its much more problematic for player characters who need to be able to wear anything and perform any animation and still look good. (The Twi’leks clip somewhat as well, but much art was tweaked to make this a lot less prevalent than it otherwise would have been)


I’m not trying to pour cold water in the species discussion. Quite the opposite – if the Cathar do well, I hope to expand your options even more, and we should know the answer to that ‘soonish’. I just don’t want anyone to think that just because an alien is currently in the game as an NPC, that it is trivial to turn it into player art — it’s a TON of work to do that, and do it well.




Also note that the Cathar were announced almost a year ago at this point and still haven't been released. Of all the races they'd be one of the easier to add into the game, yet by the time they're released it'll have been a full year from announcement. Who knows though, maybe the process of doing a single new race once will cut down on the dev time of future races. In that regard it's better that they went with something easier first because they might have just given up had they started with something more difficult first.

Edited by Darth-Obvious
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