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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Best /favourite quests


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Let's be positive for once, and let people know which are the best / favourite quests out there between levels 1 and 50. -

I thought that 'the thing Czerka found' on Tatooine was pretty creepy, the droid factory on Belsavis was really fun, and 'escorting the cheating wife' was really challenging from a gaining light/dark side points was great too.

Collecting eggs, and using a rocket launcher on Alderaan, kicking eggs on Tython, picking up poo on Station X , wandering around the crashed spaceships on Hoth...They're most enjoyable even 3rd time around.


But best of all was the end of Voss, playing it straight or playing it as a hard-bitten non-believing cynic was very memorable.


There are some great heroic 4 quests that are really fun when they're for chracters 10-20 levels below one's own. - Even the meek (but cute) BH 1st companion can take out some of their end-of level super-elite bosses -If you are over-levelled enough!


Suggestions, thoughts.....?

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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