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PvP Gearing for Carnage Marauder


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Hello all, long post looking for some advice for my Valor 62 Carnage Marauder.


I'm at the 1/2 BM, 1/2 WH, smidge of Recruit gear point. Missing relics, implants, head, chest, legs, belt.

Up until this point I've been pretty much buying the Bioware Marauder Approved PvP gearset. So I'm outfitted in Weaponmaster BM/WH gearsets so far.


So its:



Hands WH

Feet WH

Ear WH

Wrist WH

Head BM

Chest BM

Waist BM

Legs BM

Implant BM

Implant BM

Relic Recruit

Relic Recruit


8 pieces of BM/Recruit left, but I'm running into some questions.


I've been augmenting my WH gear as I get it, and at this point I'm:

1385 Str

1479 End (17.4k health)

1266 Exp

103% Accuracy

36% Crit (30% DR)

77% Surge (75% DR)


If I upgrade to the WH implants, I lose out on a ton of Crit for Power. Which is a bad trade for us correct? Admittedly my web-research says that after 30% Crit you are in diminishing returns for Crit, but the other gains on the implants are minimal (5 Str, 6 Exp, 2 Surge). Is it worth turning in Crit (-102) for Power (+138) on the implants?


Same deal with the relics. Replacing one of my relics (Recruit Champion Relic of Forbidden Secrets) with the Warhero Relic of Boundless Ages results in a +7 End, +9 Exp, +113 Power, -57 Crit, -57 Surge. Again, I'm into DR on the Surge and Crit (just barely on Surge), but Power is the lowest stat priority as far as I know.


I'm willing to do research obviously, but the itemization seems odd, and I've heard that maybe going straight weaponmaster gear/mods/enhancements isn't the way to go. I've also heard that there might be a point where Expertise for DPS isn't the god-stat anymore.


Nothing seems to be pointing me in a definite direction, so I turn to our community for help. Where should I go from here? Continue on the Weaponmaster WH track laid out by Bioware?



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im sitting at 28.5% crit buffed and i coundnt care less cause i have 910 power atm, with ravages hitting for 6,5k and screams at 5.5k killing ppl in 3 seconds is all too easy, plus since force scream is an auto crit i alteast have one skill i can rely on 100% to make for my burst, the thing is carnage spec, every attack has a chance to proc a ataru strike, which also has a crit chance , so all in all every strike you do has 3 hits ( base attack, ataru form strike, offhand strike) so i feel that even with my low crit im still criting quite often, my ataru forms crit for 1.1k which is quite nice, so im not too bumed about loosing that crit rate
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im sitting at 28.5% crit buffed and i coundnt care less cause i have 910 power atm, with ravages hitting for 6,5k and screams at 5.5k killing ppl in 3 seconds is all too easy, plus since force scream is an auto crit i alteast have one skill i can rely on 100% to make for my burst, the thing is carnage spec, every attack has a chance to proc a ataru strike, which also has a crit chance , so all in all every strike you do has 3 hits ( base attack, ataru form strike, offhand strike) so i feel that even with my low crit im still criting quite often, my ataru forms crit for 1.1k which is quite nice, so im not too bumed about loosing that crit rate


Ravage is not an auto crit, so u need crit rating for that.

Also, most of your damage comes from massacre, with ataru being 3rd or 4th on the list. Guess wat, they aren't autocrits either, so his 36% crit chance is a good thing.

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