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Harbinger Offline Again


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It being free to play is not an excuse. Don't offer a service if you can not provide it. btw some people do still sub like me so i demand to get what i pay for.



Cuz every piece of software you've ever purchased is 100% bug free and or never crashes... mmkay...

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It is after all the weekend and free 2 play...


And? Whats your point? We subs who are paying now cant play but its ok somehow because of F2P and it being a weekend? Like thats some excuse? Bioware made these "super servers" to eliminate lag and handle this. Guess what? They do neither. GG BW.

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And? Whats your point? We subs who are paying now cant play but its ok somehow because of F2P and it being a weekend? Like thats some excuse? Bioware made these "super servers" to eliminate lag and handle this. Guess what? They do neither. GG BW.


You're crying over 15mins to an hour of down time? Seriously? You're getting angry cuz you have to either back away from the computer or find something else to do for a bit. Oh wait, f you brah I can only play for 20mins every 6 days and this is when I play, that was gonna be your retort, amirite?


Meh, so the game's down for a bit, it really isn't the end of the world.

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You're crying over 15mins to an hour of down time? Seriously? You're getting angry cuz you have to either back away from the computer or find something else to do for a bit. Oh wait, f you brah I can only play for 20mins every 6 days and this is when I play, that was gonna be your retort, amirite?


Meh, so the game's down for a bit, it really isn't the end of the world.


Again spoken like a true Biodrone. I want to play when I want to play because thats the service I pay for. 2 crashes in two days shows that the servers cant handle it and is bad for the game. How long do you think subs will stay around if the servers crash over and over? What part of this dont you get?

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Bottom line, there are scheduled maintenance days so being down randomly is unacceptable, something should be done, even if its as small as offering $0.50 back to each pay to play account on the server.


Money means different things to different people so don't pretend like it doesn't mean anything at all.

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Again spoken like a true Biodrone. I want to play when I want to play because thats the service I pay for. 2 crashes in two days shows that the servers cant handle it and is bad for the game. How long do you think subs will stay around if the servers crash over and over? What part of this dont you get?


So quit and find another game to play. Guess what, that game will probably have issues also.


As for subs sticking around? Well nearly a million people have suffered through utter total crap for almost a year, so clearly a lot will put up with more than just a few mins of down time. You clearly never raided nightmare EV back in December of last year or KP.

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So quit and find another game to play. Guess what, that game will probably have issues also.


As for subs sticking around? Well nearly a million people have suffered through utter total crap for almost a year, so clearly a lot will put up with more than just a few mins of down time. You clearly never raided nightmare EV back in December of last year or KP.


And 2 million subs have left and we dont have near 1 million right now. Seriously dude just give it up. And actually I did. Server First 16 man for both. Those bugs were ridiculous. They "fixed" pylons 4 times. SOA went through the same treatment. Wanna take a guess why after a few months we lost 400k? Then even more? You answered your own statement. People WONT. Thats why the game is a borderline failure and had to go F2P.

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