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IMPS pvp


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the empire faction players are the utmost WORST ever pvpers their is no sense of communication, no tactics, being exchanged, every one seems to think their a one man army, ignoring objectives, or farming for points by either taking their own hp down and healing them selves, or just afking at the nodes. i used to enjoy smacking some rep around in pvp. but now these days i might as well go over my tax information and wait for the matches to be over, since that's all any one else seems to do
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Most solo queuers don't have a clue. Not only on imp side =p

If you really want to enjoy pvp on this server you will need a group to play with or even a guild to play ranked! =D


trustm e i would and i do a shout out on the fleet for pvp guilds to gorup with and i might as well talk to my bedroom wall

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If you look back on this server forum you will notice this isnt the first thread about this issue.

Imps really suck here speaking in the overall lvl, and from what i heard this is the same on many servers, a main reason for that is becaus its the more popular side, therefor you get allot more 12 year old wannabe Darth Maul/Vader types on average.


I know out of own exp that WoW had the very same issue in the first 1-2 years of pvp, there you also had the less popular side more or less owning high lvl pvp 90%+ of the time and i see a dejavu over here.


What eventually solved it in WoW and balanced this situation out was cross server pvp, however WoW by that time had a ton of servers to cross with, SWTOR has allot more limited choice if it ever will bring in cross server pvp, i expect in time we will get it and that will improve this issue to some extend but i dont see this coming anytime soon.

Edited by Plasamxd
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