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MAC Client Anytime Soon?


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Just saying, LOTRO launched 5 1/2 years ago without a Mac client. It still doesn't have onw, unless you boot camp your system.


LOTRO has a native OS X client. It kicks ***.


I guess Turbine thought it was worthwhile to develop a NATIVE Mac client for the "microscopic" Mac community. Yet another MMO company without a clue? :cool:

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Why not? If the hardware can manage it, which it most definitely can, what's the big deal? "I'm an elite gamer" mentality aside, opening TOR to another segment would be a great thing from a PR perspective irrespective of the actual numbers. In fact, it may introduce MMOs to a new very devoted base.


If EA really wanted to do it, it would be done. The whole not enough resources argument is Bantha piss.


BTW, just so you know, I prefer PC hardware. I have been building my own for years. But I don't see any limitations now aside from peeps preferences and biases.

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Yes we need a MAC version of this game ASAP. There are many more users that anyone really knows. Frankly, every time I am online playing the game and bring up the "MAC" issue, you wouldn't believe the people that are playing on mac book pro's Imac's etc. Way more that we really know. I personally only use Parallels and do not have any major problems whatsoever because we still use the crappy windows engine. However, because I enjoy this game so much I put up with it. The crashes however have got to stop. This has nothing to do with either windows or mac, it is simply SWTOR. Thanks for the thread starter. Too bad you always get rude windows users sticking there two cents in because they cannot afford an imac.

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I'd support an OSX client as well. My Mac has better specs than my PC right now, but I just hate running windows on my Mac. Seems to defeat the purpose of owning a Mac.


LOTRO and GW2 both had native OSX clients. Although I heard the GW2 is just a wrapper.


Either way, the engine can be changed to support it. They would haut need to handle the graphics rendering with OpenGL instead of DirectX

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Many games are slowly adding Mac support. Turbine has a Mac client in live beta now for LOTRO. Why do I know? Because my husband is a die hard Mac user. I started using Windows boxes so that he wouldn't fiddle with my machine and mess me up. He won't TOUCH a Windows box.
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I'd like to see a mac that could run this game without imploding, tbh.


Lol I run win 7 natively on my pimptastic mb pro 13 inch lmao. It owns most towers in gpu and mem distribution and management.

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The rapid increase in Mac sales and users beg to differ. This summer they got over 12% 1 in 10 is not a microscopic market, and they are above that. Since it is the OS that counts when comparing this because of a games customers, you would need to count it this way, if else it would be much more fair to compare Apple's market share to single manufacturers of PC in which they are only beaten by Dell and HP. Also the other four on the top 5 list are loosing marked share, Apple is gaining.


Source: Gartner


12% of 500k (best case active subscriber guess) is 60k. Those 60k can still play via bootcamp. Do you really, really believe the stripped down live team that can't even code the regular game properly is going to devote resources to such a small number? Maybe if F2P takes off - then it could possibly be justified. But until then, no chance.


As for WoW, ~1million is a profitable base to target. 60k is not. Unless SWTOR starts sporting WoW's numbers, its just not an accurate comparison. I know it's tempting to pretend they need to code the Mac client first and then the numbers will rise...but it does not work that way.


PS - Macs suck. If you want to pay premium prices for a label and midline components, more power to you. But for the same price, you could have bought 2 better PCs/laptops.

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