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Only use Healing Companions?


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Weird prejudice to have, on my Powertech I was soloing bosses around the world (champion mobs) with my healer companion at my side, never have any downtime, soloing +2 stuff, and some +4.

It's all personal preference but actually developing a prejudice against someone using a healer ?

Perhaps it's an issue you should take up with a shrink hehe ;)


Never played PT and I imagine there's some class variations, but I do the same without a healing companion. I don't think we're alone either. Anyway, I do agree that mine is a bit of an odd stance to have, but I can't help it. I feel like if you're using a healer you're chosing to play easy-mode and paying the price of moving slower.

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I was wondering if anyone else was pretty much only using healer companions? For most of my characters I have used only the healers, which makes me a bit sad because they tend to be more boring than the others. Is anyone having success using DPS or Tank Companions? Currently I am playing a DPS Shadow.


It really depends on what char I'm playing. For example, I made a Jedi Sentinel (DPS) and she needed the healing companion to lower "down time". But when I made a Jedi Guardian (Tank) he stuck with his DPS companion. Companions help "round out" the character and fill the roles the character can't do themselves.

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While leveling I think healing companions make a lot of sense for melee dps specs. You'll be on top of the mobs and bound to take some damage and the healing companion mitigates that.


For ranged classes or classes that have positional attacks, a tank companion works well since they can hold mobs to prevent an interruption to casting sequences or keep them in position for positional attacks.


DPS companions can be used effectively with a tank or healing spec character, but I often level as dps spec to kill as fast as possible. DPS + DPS can be somewhat tough on gold mobs - I always needed my companion to take some of the damage, so I'd let them get aggro then run in and start dps'ing and hope to grab aggro off them before they died.

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My Guardian tank uses Kira 90% of the time (though as another said HK geared is great!)

My Vanguard tank uses Elara 90% of the time

My Sage healer uses Nadia 90% of the time

My Gunslinger dps uses Corso or Bowdaar 90% of the time


Sometimes I pull out a random companion during dailies and the like for a change of pace. My bud and I duo Chasing the Shadows heroic 4 with our two Docs, etc. But in general I use the companions above. I swap em up for story reasons if needed.

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I'm leveling a new Assassin and I've been using my ship droid for healing as I quest. I'm leveling as a tank spec and don't really need Khem to tank for me, also he annoys me more than the ship droid does.


Had you been Deception/Infiltration, Khem is a Godsend for keeping your enemies' backs towards you for mauling.

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