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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are Commandos/Mercanaries Overpowered?


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Wondering what you guys think.


Things to think about:

They have arguably the best burst damage

They're Tanky

They're Ranged

They have heals


I think you should stop, have a think then stop posting rubbish. Getting a bit bored of seeing all this nonsense.


1. Commandos dont Tank, Vanguard does.


2. Best burst dmg? possibly if they spec for it (which means their 2 Empire equivs have the same burst dmg too I.E. Bounty Hunter). If they spec burst they generally dont spec into survivability I.E. Heals to make them viable at healing.


3. Yes, they're ranged. Thats why Melee classes get stealth, sprints, Stuns, Charges and all the other tools they get to close that gap.


4. They have heals. Trooper base class gets a 2.5 sec and and a 1.5 sec weaker castable heal. They heal for peanuts if you dont spec into them/gear for them. Also, plenty of other (if not all) classes get self heals / absorb shields / mitigation abilities.



Stop posting garbage. Spend some time with YOUR class, and learn to play it better.

Edited by Phuzz
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I think you should stop, have a think then stop posting rubbish. Getting a bit bored of seeing all this nonsense.


1. Commandos dont Tank, Vanguard does.


2. Best burst dmg? possibly if they spec for it (which means their 2 Empire equivs have the same burst dmg too I.E. Bounty Hunter). If they spec burst they generally dont spec into survivability I.E. Heals to make them viable at healing.


3. Yes, they're ranged. Thats why Melee classes get stealth, sprints, Stuns, Charges and all the other tools they get to close that gap.


4. They have heals. Trooper base class gets a 2.5 sec and and a 1.5 sec weaker castable heal. They heal for peanuts if you dont spec into them/gear for them. Also, plenty of other (if not all) classes get self heals / absorb shields / mitigation abilities.



Stop posting garbage. Spend some time with YOUR class, and learn to play it better.

Aha. Well, I think you misinterpreted my post a bit there, friend, and went straight for implying that I am garbage.


But that's okay, let me help you out.


I am not complaining about balance. I'm merely posing a question. I PvP fine - better than most, actually. So now that we've gotten that out of the way... I didn't say they tank. I said they're tanky. As in they use heavy armor, which they do. This, in addition to their heals and range, makes for the best survivability in the game. They do indeed have the best burst in the game, that much is fact. I said arguably because Assassins/Shadows have the best burst hits, but their sustained burst is not as good as BH/Commando.


I appreciate your input , and forgive you for being rude. It's late. I understand. :)

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they have the best aoe damage, but they're not tanky.


assassins, snipers, and operatives have more burst damage.


if they go dps, their heals can't stop 1 person from killing them.


heavy armor seems to only give like 5% more resistances than medium.


they are immobile in their highest damage spec.


fun fact: snipers are harder to kill than mercs while in cover. they do more damage, and don't suffer skill knock back.

Edited by zeroburrito
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I dont think they are OP. i doubt they have the best burst. As sniper im able to burst more. Abmush + probe = 5k hits right at end of abush.


But i think they have the best AOE things like flamethrower or mortar rounds do pretty good dmg


And they can obly be tanky OR have heals. Heavy armor still makes them hard to kill buy they aren´t really tanky.

Edited by Fou_Lou
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Wondering what you guys think.


Things to think about:

  • They have arguably the best burst damage
  • They're Tanky
  • They're Ranged
  • They have heals


1. Arsenal/Gunnery has some pretty intense burst damage. However, it's almost entirely reliant on chain cast tracer missiles/grav rounds. It is a mistake to leave a Trooper/BH casting out in the open without any interrupts.


2. Not so. Just because we have heavy armor, doesn't mean we fit to tank. Powertech/Vanguard have those toys - in PvP, once my Jet Boost/Electro-dart/Energy Shield is exhausted, I am usually dead meat until they come up. We're not as squishy as Sorcerers without Static Shield, but we are definitely not that tanky.


3. Yep.


4. Again, depends. If you sub-spec or hybrid into Bodyguard/Combat Medic, then the heals are quite decent (although you won't be out-healing main spec healers). The cost of that is damage. If you don't spec into the healing trees at all, you might as well have no heals because the base heals for only about 5% of a person's max health.


Hope that helps give a better image of the class.

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Perhaps it was luck, gear, or perhaps the player was just better than me, but I was playing Huttball as a 29 JC, and this 41 BH was just hammering me down. I'd die to him a matter of 7 or 8 seconds. I float around ~11k HP in warzones and this BH would hit me for 2k, 3k, 2k, 2k, then 1k, and I'd be dead. He'd always crit. I couldn't heal past it, I couldn't run, and, as a JC, my sustained DPS was no match for that burst. I could maybe bring him to 1/2 HP in a 1v1 before I died.


What surprised me was, at the end of the match, that BH and I were about the same damage-wise. He had done about 209k, and I had done 201k or something. Does this mean we're balanced? I'm not sure.


This may just be a bolster-issue. Maybe not. As I recall from beta, I was in my prime for PvP at levels 35-40. Or it may not be an issue at all.

Edited by Herculieas
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if you want to talk about OP class take a harder look at the operative class, AOE CC on players, backed with another 2 CC's and a vanish ability.....oh and their knives do insane damage. 1v1 you will never beat a decent operative.
I have fought many operatives 1v1 - several very good ones, as far as I could tell. I have yet to lose to one.


Focusing them is key in team-fights. Left alone, they'll wreck players. I wouldn't necessarily call them OP, though.

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My Immortal Spec Juggernaut eats them for breakfast lunch and dinner.


Get close with charge on a 2 second stun and hope they break it with cc break, then either choke or backhand or even push and start laying that damage up, before they can get away however make sure that chilling scream is put on them and never again will they pose a problem!

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My Immortal Spec Juggernaut eats them for breakfast lunch and dinner.


Get close with charge on a 2 second stun and hope they break it with cc break, then either choke or backhand or even push and start laying that damage up, before they can get away however make sure that chilling scream is put on them and never again will they pose a problem!

Okay. Then there might be no issue. Perhaps certain classes have their strengths and their weaknesses, my sage's weakness being the BH, and his strength being IA. SW's... meh. A good Juggernaut I'd have trouble with. I'll destroy any Maruader. Boy, are they terrible.


None of us have enough experience with the game as a whole to call for nerfs or buffs yet, so just give it a rest.


I don't want to see this game going in the same direction that WoW went, by catering to impatient players!

I've been playing since late September. On the whole, the game and the BH/Commando haven't changed much.
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I'm a 30 commando, I've only put points in gunnery so far, and I can tell you one thing, my heals are completely useless. They have been for about 10 levels now. I've taken them off my bar, the time it takes to activate them is a waste for the 5% or so it heals. Also, the aoe effect, mortar volley, creates a big blue circle on the ground where its going to hit for a few seconds so anyone who wants to get out of the way has plenty of time to move. As far as I know, the sniper classes don't have that problem. Once in a while, I stick one on a few guys trying to capture a turret or something, and it feels gratifying, but thats it. I mainly stand still and try to fire my grav round 3-5 times and hope that no one closes with me, and I certainly don't feel overpowered. My sith juggernaut alt on the other hand...That shield mod in the off hand is what makes him a tank, not the heavy armor.
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Also, the BH's ability to use his lasso to pull you into the acid bath in huttball might need to be looked at...


Why, pulling someone into the acid or flame vents and then stunning them is a viable tactic, even more satisfying if the target is carrying the ball.

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I specced as a DPS sorcerer and have killed commandos easily in single encounters in PVP. Just stack DoT stuff on them, interupt their abilities and use stuns to lower their damage output. Out of all the classes I have seen played in PVP I wouldn't call any overpowered. Those that do well at PVP tend to be those who know how to use their class well. Those that do badly tend to be trying to play a class they are not.
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Why, pulling someone into the acid or flame vents and then stunning them is a viable tactic, even more satisfying if the target is carrying the ball.
I agree. It happens to me all the time (because I tend to be the first to grab the ball) and I thoroughly enjoy it.
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I've been playing since late September. On the whole, the game and the BH/Commando haven't changed much.


You have been playing an evolving beta since late September. You have not played the retail version since late September. No matter if BH/Commando hasn't changed "much" (which really needs to be defined), other classes, abilities, skills and the game as a whole has.


There are issues in the game, but performing broad spectrum nerfs (especially based on PvP) this early in the game cycle WILL cause unintended issues, simply because of lack of overview and perspective. I've seen this happen time and time again.

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You have been playing an evolving beta since late September. You have not played the retail version since late September. No matter if BH/Commando hasn't changed "much" (which really needs to be defined), other classes, abilities, skills and the game as a whole has.


There are issues in the game, but performing broad spectrum nerfs (especially based on PvP) this early in the game cycle WILL cause unintended issues, simply because of lack of overview and perspective. I've seen this happen time and time again.
I'll concede to this.
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