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Bought an ultimage gaming rig, and game is still laggy!


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WOW, that is way too much money for way too little. I have a AMD Phenom II 3.4 BE, 8Gb Ripjaw gSkill ram, GTX 580 3Gb, 1Tb & 500Gb HD, cooler master case, water cooled cpu, 750W Cooler Master power supply, all for about $1000.


Quick return that thing and have someone build you a decent PC.

Edited by SPMOkc
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Just so you know I'm not lying, here are my specs. This was bought from Bestbuy and even setup by a Geeksquad computer expert:


- 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor

- Dell gaming mouse

- Windows Seven Ultimate

- Intel quadra processor

- Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

- One TERABYTE Hard Drive

- BluRay player

- Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage

- Sound Blaster sound card

- GE Force GT 520 video card


So after getting a $1500 gaming computer ($2100 after signing up for the extended warranty and 2 years of Geeksquad protection) the Star Wars game is STILL laggy! Not only that, but it can take up to 40 minutes just to log in if I do it after getting home from work.

I've verified with the Bestbuy salesperson that this computer should speed up my game, and if it's not then it's Star Wars' fault.

Nice job Star Wars, you fail at making an MMO.



Wow son, they lured your *** off, that's no way near the most average gaming computer out there, and they overpriced you like ALOT!

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Just so you know I'm not lying, here are my specs. This was bought from Bestbuy and even setup by a Geeksquad computer expert:


- 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor

- Dell gaming mouse

- Windows Seven Ultimate

- Intel quadra processor

- Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

- One TERABYTE Hard Drive

- BluRay player

- Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage

- Sound Blaster sound card

- GE Force GT 520 video card


So after getting a $1500 gaming computer ($2100 after signing up for the extended warranty and 2 years of Geeksquad protection) the Star Wars game is STILL laggy! Not only that, but it can take up to 40 minutes just to log in if I do it after getting home from work.

I've verified with the Bestbuy salesperson that this computer should speed up my game, and if it's not then it's Star Wars' fault.

Nice job Star Wars, you fail at making an MMO.


Star Wars? I didnt know star wars made games? what is this company?


" I've verified with the Bestbuy salesperson that this computer should speed up my game, and if it's not then it's Star Wars' fault. "


Again, you cant blame Star Wars for it, its not like Yoda had anything to do with this, ripping you off...


quad core? Quad core have been out for like 7 years or something, your cpu could be ****.


12 gb ram? its probably some low budget kingston 1335mhz ram sticks.


foxconn 400 watt..... CRAP


GT 520 card.... MORE CRAP




And what is geeksquad? I dont know about the rest of you but i wouldnt buy anything from a company called geeksquad.... more like hustlersquad in regards to your computer Zeus.


Im sorry to say this but you got ripped off big time, they are probably laughing right now because of the money they gained from this deal.

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You have been trolled your rig is slower than my 3 year old laptop. Most of the information that you give are not relevant to the game performance. You do not even hit the minimum specs for this game.

E.g. your gfx card is an office card! To enjoy this game in its full "beauty" *sigh* you need at least a GTX 550 or higher.

Your high amounts of ram have no impact on the game performance. 4 GB would have been enough. Subsequently, you have one of the worst power supplies ever manufactured. I hope you have a good fire insurance. Spend some money for a good 450 -500 W PSU from Enermax, Silverstone or another good retailer. I think the power supply is not cappable to use a Geforce GTX 560 TI or higher. (Not the Watts are the problem.... it the quality).


But an update of your GFX card and your power supply could solve your issues with the game.


Your wrong about the graphics card, needing at "least" a GTX 550. I've got a 2.4ghz Q9900, 4 Gig Ram and a 295GTX and I'm running @60fps outdoors, 80-120 indoors...


however, I would go back to that store you purchased from, with your receipt, and get a FULL refund!

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i can get same rig for 600$.


Thats a **** rig u got there, that makes u laggy is your graphics card, its ****** and with that powersupply u cant even upgrade to better gfx card as u req 500 watt or more.


And DELL are expensive. and why pay for 3 years warrenty? its useless in 1 year it has been down to half the price.

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Just so you know I'm not lying, here are my specs. This was bought from Bestbuy and even setup by a Geeksquad computer expert:


- 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor

- Dell gaming mouse

- Windows Seven Ultimate

- Intel quadra processor

- Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

- One TERABYTE Hard Drive

- BluRay player

- Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage

- Sound Blaster sound card

- GE Force GT 520 video card


So after getting a $1500 gaming computer ($2100 after signing up for the extended warranty and 2 years of Geeksquad protection) the Star Wars game is STILL laggy! Not only that, but it can take up to 40 minutes just to log in if I do it after getting home from work.

I've verified with the Bestbuy salesperson that this computer should speed up my game, and if it's not then it's Star Wars' fault.

Nice job Star Wars, you fail at making an MMO.


You need to eject the cd while playing the game, it work much faster.


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The system they sold you has so many issues it's not even funny. Anything over 8 GB in Windows is wasted, period, and then you really only need that much if you are doing high end video editing/encoding or 3d rendering. 6 GB will do most every gamer fine. Your processor details are absent of all the important facts - my desktop runs an AMD 1090T 6-core processor which runs at 3.2 GHz (and I only paid $250 for it). Your GPU is entry-level for general computing - it is no where near powerful enough to run this level of game on anything above low/medium settings and resolution. Your power supply is short about 300-400W to be powering a machine to the levels required by any gaming system.


I'm pretty sure my laptop will run this game better than your "ultimate gaming rig" - in fact, I know it does, since I was playing Early Access on the highest settings at maximum resolution.


Hate to say it, but you got ripped off. This is why I never buy a gaming machine premade. I don't even like to buy motherboard/cpu (and maybe ram too) bundles because generally one item in the set is a piece of crap.


If you can still take it back, do so ASAP. Print off the pages from this post and speak to the manager if they give you more crap - tell him that the sales associate (helps if you remember his/her name) misled you and you are very upset. If you still don't get anywhere, contact the BBB and Consumer Reports about this specific Best Buy.

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Dude... you gave 1500$ for this? This is not even a rip off. This is a robbery. A face raep. They stabbed you in the face with a dull rusty knife. Return that crap asap. For 1500$ you could get an ultimate gaming rig. What you got is below medium. GT 520... srsly? That thing won't be able to run 5 yo games. You could buy a hgh end gaming rig for a lot less than 1500$. It's really sad to see some companies mocking their clients like this. This is really sad... They sold you a piece of ridiculously overpriced junk for the money you could've bought a high end gaming machine... Really sad...


Next time ask on forums or at least use Google before buying such things from such ridiculous place for such ridiculous price... :(


P.S. I'm not trollin' you, i'm really sad to see such travesty... It's not your fault you're not some tech geek. They just took advantage of you and robbed you.

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wow !


'ultimate gaming rig' with a mere geforce 520 gt, and a whopass 24 inch monitor ?! AND A RIDICULOUSLY UNDERPOWERED 400 WATT PSU ?




your gig is nothing 'ultimate'. its overpriced. you got shafted dude. return it. that's what happens when you buy things from bestbuy.




Just so you know I'm not lying, here are my specs. This was bought from Bestbuy and even setup by a Geeksquad computer expert:


- 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor

- Dell gaming mouse

- Windows Seven Ultimate

- Intel quadra processor

- Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

- One TERABYTE Hard Drive

- BluRay player

- Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage

- Sound Blaster sound card

- GE Force GT 520 video card


So after getting a $1500 gaming computer ($2100 after signing up for the extended warranty and 2 years of Geeksquad protection) the Star Wars game is STILL laggy! Not only that, but it can take up to 40 minutes just to log in if I do it after getting home from work.

I've verified with the Bestbuy salesperson that this computer should speed up my game, and if it's not then it's Star Wars' fault.

Nice job Star Wars, you fail at making an MMO.

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This is a troll post right? That is not a gaming rig.


Return that crap to Bestbuy and go to a custom PC shop and have them build up something for you.


For the price you say you paid you can get a nice i7 rig made up with all the goodies including SSD and a real gaming video card.

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P.S if you are interested i have 'the ultimate driving machine' for sale. Its from 1960 but trust me i know what im talking about im a total cargeek


actually indeed.




Irv Gordon, the only person to drive nearly three million miles in the same car – a 1966 Volvo P1800 – congratulates the latest person to reach one million miles in his car: a Maine man who last month turned the mile in his 1990 Honda Accord.


dude is driving the same 1966 volvo throughout 3 million miles, and its still going.

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