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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

For BioWare from russian community


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hello, dear bioware. Undoubtedly swtor are very good game and f2p model attracted lots of players in game. But you plan to lo localize the game for russian players? I read a lot of threads on russian forums about swtor, many of people do not want to play swtor because the game is not in russian and many of this people have a very bad english. I think, if bioware localize the game in russian, the game popularity will be increased. In russia and other countries who speak russian are a lot of people who are ready to pay for swtor, but their bad english not allows them to play because they do not understand the game etc.


Это хорошая идея .... я буду играть на русском языке!

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Even though I could play SWTOR in my first language (Garman), I prefer not to, the english voice acting is much better (I played my first char to 50 in German switched to English and never looked back). Nevertheless, I support translation into other languages, but I doubt BioWare will do it any time soon.


Das hoffen wir alle, dass Swtor ihren Fehler anerkennt. Die Menschen aus Russland zu verachten! Die sind halt nicht schuld, dass sie Englisch nicht beherschen. Und ich bin fest überzeugt, dass SWtor dort die gleiche Gewinne erzielen kann, wie in Europa!:rak_04:

Edited by Ba-bai
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