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Please make ftp servers - or something


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Or make it so paying customers can at least have their own instances of every planet. Or the ability to create them, so you can quest in peace.


It is impossible to quest, and I have met nothing but rude and respectless people ninjaing your quest objectives etc. On Balmorra there was 5 instances, all filled to the limit with these ftp'ers.

It can't be right that I as a paying customer can't even get my quests done. And I can't be the only one feeling this.

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Oh I forgot to add their constant spam about how unsatisfied they are with their free version in general chat, I'd like to be free from that too.

Ofc I could just shut the channel down, but i'd like the chat on, so I can see and ask for the occational heroic.

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Perhaps mmo aren't for you. You should expect some competition for quest objectives in an mmo with a healthy population.


Or you could go play GW2 where it's about collaboration instead of competition. It's really a good system and I hope that future MMOs take from the example. It eases up on the ******ery by a quite a lot.

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This betters with some days. It's the same as during launch days. Too many players on the same phase in the game. After a few days, difference in progression speeds seperate the players apart naturally.


This. Many of us went through the same things during early access and launch (and beyond), it's not just a fF2P thing. As for the chat, it'll die down eventually just as chat usually does. Personally, I think I'd rather see the preferred and free players complaining about restrictions than the racists comments I was often seeing from paying players over the last several months.


In case you don't get what I'm saying, none of what you have described is specific to F2P and it usually comes and goes in cycles. Every time there is an update/change, people complain/praise it in chat then move on to something else. Every time there is a change that puts more people on a server (free trial, server merges, etc.), you experience more of the ninjas and rude players but that usually doesn't last long either; eventually it levels out to just a few rude players out of the masses. It's annoying, but just give things time to settle and hopefully things improve.

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I was there as well at early access and release day. People were just more polite then. Ofc there were rude people too, but not as many as now. A coincidence? I think not. People tend to be careless and rude when they are not playing because they like it, but solely because they can - for free. They have no obligations or responsibility, they dont give crap about their reputation in the community, so it ends like this. And those are not people I want to mingle with, sorry to say.

So I prefere seperate servers. Did I make myself clear now?

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Just re roll yourself on an Aus/Oceanic server, no threat of running into anyone then


Lol, I play on an APAC server and I quite enjoy leisurely strolling out to pickup an unusual egg without having to worry about it already having been taken. A guild with a, relative to other APAC guilds, healthy population helps for the Heroics. :D

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