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What if? Cenario on voice actors


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Let's have some fun here.


I've come up with a small list of voice actors I think would have been perfect for the playable classes.

It's up to you guys to expand upon the list (I tried to come up with more but I couldn't, I don't know that many actors with distinctive voices that fitted the roles too).


Here is my list so far:





Trooper - Arnold Schwarzenegger

I think he would be perfect for the role since his forte is hard-boiled, commando type soldiers (Predator, Commando, Eraser).


Smuggler - Michael Madsen

He has a fantastic dry deep and sarcastic tone that carries well and would suit both light and dark side Smugglers.


Jedi Knight -


Jedi Consular -




Trooper -


Smuggler -


Jedi Knight -


Jedi Consular -






Bounty Hunter - Michael Ironside

He has a very deep, very sinister voice that would perfectly suit a Bounty Hunter. When he starts talking in his "serious voice" (as demonstrated in this video) you pay attention.


Imperial Agent -


Sith Warrior -

Before your fingers begin even typing the letters "James Earl Jones", let me just say that he was already Darth Vader, and casting him again as the Warrior would cheapen the performance incredibly.


Sith Inquisitor - Alan Rickman

Very dark, very sophisticated, very British. What more is there to say? In case that doesn't sway you, here is a video of him as Professor Snape in the Harry Potter series.




Bounty Hunter -


Imperial Agent -


Sith Warrior -


Sith Inquisitor -


Yes, I realize that I don't have any female actors listed, I just couldn't come up with any that fit the classes well, I'm sure you guys will come up with a few names that I'll facepalm and yell "Why didn't I think of that?!"




This is a purely hypothetical "What if?" scenario and should not be taken seriously. This thread was created for the sole purpose of having fun, that is all. Don't worry, be happy!


Edited by Scryer
Spelling errors.
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