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Incorrect description for Master Strike?


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This has been bugging me for some time now. I don't recall noticing it on my Jedi Guardian, but as I was new to the game, I simply may have overlooked it. The description for Master Strike states, very clearly at the bottom, "Cannot be interrupted." And yet, I am routinely interrupted during its use--frequently by Strong enemies & above, and even occasionally by normal mobs! (The same issue applies for the Sith Marauder version, Ravage.) I've submitted a couple of bug reports about it, but I don't see it on the "Known Issues" list. Anybody else noticing this? What gives?
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When Bioware says interrupt they don't mean it in the general term they refer to the actual interrupt power. So MS can not be "interrupted" with an interrupt power, but KB, cc, etc are not "interrupt" powers but do prevent MS from finishing.
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Then what is "interrupt"?

For me, anything that stops masterstrike before it is finished, is an interrupt.


interrupt, is being interrupted by skill which interrupts by description. Being pushed/stunned does not interrupt your channeling master strike (from definition point of view), it simply moves you/stunns you, and being moved /stunned stops casting (not interrupting).

Sorry, was never good in expressing my logic.

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interrupt, is being interrupted by skill which interrupts by description. Being pushed/stunned does not interrupt your channeling master strike (from definition point of view), it simply moves you/stunns you, and being moved /stunned stops casting (not interrupting).

Sorry, was never good in expressing my logic.


Ok, that makes some sense from a game mechanics point of view, but the description is still counterintuitive.

Since whether you are interrupted or simply stopped, doesn't change the outcome.

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Ok, that makes some sense from a game mechanics point of view, but the description is still counterintuitive.

Since whether you are interrupted or simply stopped, doesn't change the outcome.



this is definition of being fully immune.

"granting immunity to interrupts and all controlling effects for 4 seconds." (from link) so you see 2 parts, interrupts, and controlling effects.


edit:it's also like snipers/gunslingerscover, immune to interrupts, but not to cc,pushbacks (additionaly immune to leaps and pulls) , but if use entreh, they are fully immune to all but diversion

Edited by Atramar
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Ok, that makes some sense from a game mechanics point of view, but the description is still counterintuitive.

Since whether you are interrupted or simply stopped, doesn't change the outcome.


^^^ This. If that last sentence were dropped, I'd have no issue. Do NPCs even have "interrupt" skills like players do? I don't mean stuns or knockbacks or anything like that. Every class has a skill that enables them to interrupt a NPC that's channeling or building up to a skill use; do NPCs have anything like that?


Am I just splitting hairs here? Am I the only one bothered by this?

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You guys are splitting hairs... You can't cast or channel while moving, a knock back isn't an "Interrupt" per say. A knock back is an ability that forcibly moves your character. And interrupt is an ability that prevents the use of an ability for a period of time even if it didn't already have a cool down. A knockback will interrupt a cast or a channel because it forces a character to move, but it doesn't impose a cooldown on that ability. For example, if you use a knockback on a player that's casting Grav Round, they'll be able to recast the ability as soon as they land with no delay, but if you interrupt the ability, they wont be able to use Grav Round for about 4 seconds.


You're just focusing on the fact that you weren't able to finish the full cast of Master Strike, but being knocked back isn't the only thing that can prevent Master Strike from channeling to its full duration. Being stunned is one way and the target just moving out of range is another (about 4-10 meters). None of those are "interrupts" because they don't impose an additional cool down on Master Strike.

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^^^ This. If that last sentence were dropped, I'd have no issue. Do NPCs even have "interrupt" skills like players do? I don't mean stuns or knockbacks or anything like that. Every class has a skill that enables them to interrupt a NPC that's channeling or building up to a skill use; do NPCs have anything like that?


Some do. Notably the big droids that also apply Ion Cell have one, usually which they use as their first or second attack.

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