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I just hit 50. Now what?


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If you want to gear up for ops, do a FP HM chain runs and tier 1 ops via group finder. No matter what role you intend to be, queue as dps (the most forgiving role for having low gear). By doing so you can get full Columi set in a few days, a week max, depends on luck. Your next step would be to accumulate BH comms and buy BH gear plus campaign armorings for set bonus. An occasional PuG for Rakata won't hurt as well if you're lucky enough to get inside one. Edited by Trollokdamus
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From our guild website...


When you reach 50 you can either level an alternative character, or you can participate in the end game. Of course there's no reason why you can't do both!


If you want to participate in the end game, the most important thing you must do is start running the hard level instances. There are two reasons to do this. First, and most important, it will help you gear up for the operations (the eight man instances). Second, and closely related to the first, if you use the group finder once a day you can earn black hole commendations which help you gear up with black hole gear. This gear will qualify you for most of the operations.


The second most important thing to do when you reach 50 is to earn credits to fund your activities. The primary way you do this is to run daily missions. Some of them pay as high as 16k credits! You will find these missions on Ilum, the Black Hole, and Belsavis.


Another way to earn credits is to do the daily space missions. These don't pay as well as the dailies, but hey, a credit is a credit.


Another way you can earn credits is to run heroics. These can be run once a day.


At 50 you have a choice to make. You can stay with the guild as a teacher, or you can be placed in a raiding guild (allowing you to run operations). The guild will not run operations so if you want to participate in that part of the end game you will need to be a part of a raiding guild.


There are two kinds of raiding guilds. The first kind is the hard core raiding guilds. These usually raid three or four times a week and require you to attend them all. The second kind is a casual raiding guild. These may also run three or four times a week, but attendance is not required.


Whether you stay or not, another important end game activity is to help other players. Social interaction is an important part of an MMO (Massive Multilayer Game). You can help others level, run heroics, and gear up for operations by running instances with them. You can also just be available for answering questions leveling characters ask.


Another important aspect of the end game at 50 is crafting. You can make a lot of credits on the GTN by selling your crafted items. You can also help people in the guild by making items for them.


Something else you can do at 50 is to search for all the datacroms in the game. If you didn't get them as you leveled, this can be very satisfying. The datacroms increase your base stats and make you a better character. BW has made finding the datacroms challenging and fun. To find out where the datacroms are and to get some help in finding them go to this site: http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/


Finally, when you reach 50 you can pvp. I know, you don't think you're any good at it; but, the only way to get better is to do it. PVP requires special gear so will want to buy the recruit set first (about 130k), and then earn the next two tiers by pvping.


Life after 50 is good! Enjoy it!

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As people have suggested, do the dailies for credits and comms. But remember to do your research on where to find them.


For instance, there's two quest hubs for dailies on BOTH Ilum and Belsavis.


The Black Hole just has one.


Doing all the dailies, from all hubs, for seven days straight will net you more than 1million credits, and possibly a trip to a psychiatrist.


It takes 2-3 hours to do all each day.

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False Emperor is considered hard? I always thought it was one of the easier FPs.


I'd rank FE first or second in terms of being the hardest. I ran with my guild, all fresh 50s, FE first since we thought it'd be the easiest HM but we wiped in a blink of an eye on first boss. I'm all prepared now but I do gasp when there are new 50s; had a tank with 14k HP and DPS around 15K HP from my recollection. Took longer than usual.

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From our guild website...


When you reach 50 you can either level an alternative character, or you can participate in the end game. Of course there's no reason why you can't do both!


If you want to participate in the end game, the most important thing you must do is start running the hard level instances. There are two reasons to do this. First, and most important, it will help you gear up for the operations (the eight man instances). Second, and closely related to the first, if you use the group finder once a day you can earn black hole commendations which help you gear up with black hole gear. This gear will qualify you for most of the operations.


The second most important thing to do when you reach 50 is to earn credits to fund your activities. The primary way you do this is to run daily missions. Some of them pay as high as 16k credits! You will find these missions on Ilum, the Black Hole, and Belsavis.


Another way to earn credits is to do the daily space missions. These don't pay as well as the dailies, but hey, a credit is a credit.


Another way you can earn credits is to run heroics. These can be run once a day.


At 50 you have a choice to make. You can stay with the guild as a teacher, or you can be placed in a raiding guild (allowing you to run operations). The guild will not run operations so if you want to participate in that part of the end game you will need to be a part of a raiding guild.


There are two kinds of raiding guilds. The first kind is the hard core raiding guilds. These usually raid three or four times a week and require you to attend them all. The second kind is a casual raiding guild. These may also run three or four times a week, but attendance is not required.


Whether you stay or not, another important end game activity is to help other players. Social interaction is an important part of an MMO (Massive Multilayer Game). You can help others level, run heroics, and gear up for operations by running instances with them. You can also just be available for answering questions leveling characters ask.


Another important aspect of the end game at 50 is crafting. You can make a lot of credits on the GTN by selling your crafted items. You can also help people in the guild by making items for them.


Something else you can do at 50 is to search for all the datacroms in the game. If you didn't get them as you leveled, this can be very satisfying. The datacroms increase your base stats and make you a better character. BW has made finding the datacroms challenging and fun. To find out where the datacroms are and to get some help in finding them go to this site: http://www.swtor-spy.com/datacrons/


Finally, when you reach 50 you can pvp. I know, you don't think you're any good at it; but, the only way to get better is to do it. PVP requires special gear so will want to buy the recruit set first (about 130k), and then earn the next two tiers by pvping.


Life after 50 is good! Enjoy it!


I like this. Too many times I see or hear comments from people to the effect that you should pvp or pve when you hit 50 - don't often see that there are other alternatives. When I hit my first 50, I tried - really tried - to get into doing ops and HM flashpoints... even tried pvp. It didn't take me long to realize that I would rather watch paint dry or water boil or go to the dentist to have a root canal than to keep doing those things regularly.


Instead, I help others, level alts either solo or with guildies, do dailies (usually with guildies - so its not a grind), craft (I have toons committed to most of the crafting in game), and enjoy the stories from different classes on both factions.


There are multiple options and you should do what you enjoy doing.

Edited by ladyalchemist
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