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Gaming PC Help


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Ive been playing SWTOR on my laptop and its fine apart from entering buildings where the detail is more. It lags and causes minor probs when playing even with low graphics but bareable.


Im looking at getting a Gaming PC but dont want to spend alot of money obviously. Live in UK, if anyone knows of any prebuilds for sale in Currys, Comet, Argos, PC world something like that and would be suitable for SWTOR with good graphics not low.


I understand the Nividia range are good but which ones.. Id rather buy a already setup one than trying to build myself. Price range ideally £300-£400.


Thanks in advance.

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With the holidays coming, you can probably buy something off the shelf and get a good deal. While I personally like Intel and nVidia, you can get more bang for the buck if you look at AMD and Radeon. Something like this:


Everyone's definition of a gaming PC is different. Important thing is stick to your budget, and don't be put off by people who will tell you can't game without spending a lot more money on a more powerful rig. Name brand, off the shelf units will have reviews in Amazon, tomshardware, etc. or notebookreview if you go that route. Newegg does ship to the UK, but I'm not sure if it will be cost effective for you. Retailer doesn't matter as much as rig. I know, common sense, right? So find one that suits you and then figure out who is selling it.

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If your going high street way of getting a gaming pc, ignore whatever the sales people tell you is a 'great gaming pc'

every single time they tell people that crap they have no idea what they mean.


Your better option would be to buy a pc for the processor and ram, then see about putting a graphics card in seperately yourself if you are confident enough. A lot of stock PC's nowadays through the high street tend to advertise towards the everyday use option, which means good for internet and videos and thats about it.


If your confident technically you can usually save yourself a buttload by building yourself, and for that i personally use either ebuyer or scan.co.uk. Both sell parts cheaply in comparison.


I personally run the game on AMD CPU FX Series 4170 Black Edition Quad Core @ 4.2 GHZ (around £100), 8GB RAM (around £30), 2TB Hard Drive (can use smaller and will run the same), EVGA GTX 480 @ 1.5GB (around £150) and a cheapish generic Asus board (around £60) and a Corsair gaming pc power supply (around £70) and then got an NZXT case (£50)


In total thats around £400 minus the hard drive and OS but at the minute I can fully run anything available at the moment on full graphics. If you do decide to go the DIY route, all I will say is don't crap out on your power supply it always ends up costing in the end.


EDIT: Sorry missed the part where you said you didn't want to build.... in that case maybe just a graphics card switch on this would do quite well..



Edited by Wartitans
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I bought a Lenovo G570 laptop about a month ago for £420 i know its just outside your budget but with the holidays coming you might get it a bit cheaper and it runs all areas at no less then 40FPS on med graphic settings
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For that price range you can get a decent gaming system but don't expect too much like ultra settings on all games now and the next couple years.


But yeah check out newegg.com and another place but it is pricer, however, they might have something in your range too is digitalstromonline.com.


Like the first poster linked you a pc which is pretty good for the price but I am not an AMD or Ati fan. That's just me though.

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Nowadays even Dellienware has poor after-the-sale service. High initial quality is the best you can hope for, but anybody will be hating life if they get into a situation where they need timely help from the manufacturer. That's why I recommend reviews as an invaluable tool. And you are right, newegg will usually at least replace something for you.
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Nowadays even Dellienware has poor after-the-sale service. High initial quality is the best you can hope for, but anybody will be hating life if they get into a situation where they need timely help from the manufacturer. That's why I recommend reviews as an invaluable tool. And you are right, newegg will usually at least replace something for you.

^ Definitely right. That was one of the many things I loved about Digital Storm. Their customer service was/is awesome.

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Hey Sukalo,


I'm from the UK as well. I just sorted out my cousin with a decent entry level gaming pc which atm is running SWTOR at 50-60 fps on high settings at a res of 1400x900. He also had a budget of £300-£400 and a AMD rig suits exactly that sort of budget.





Overclockers are a very good in the UK for prebuilt gaming pc's.

I have no idea what resolution your at atm but this gaming tower will suit your budget and run the game perfectly fine.

The option of the first graphics card is the very basic entry level but still good enough to run swtor. (HD 5450)

Any other querys mate i'll try and help you as best as I can.

Edited by Shaystar
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You are better off looking around for yourself.


There are plenty of PC websites that let you build your own PC and help you along the way.


I won't offer my own advice as I spent close to £4000 on mine, I got incredibly carried away .... and my wife was not impressed.

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