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New Marauder needs help


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So I am a little confused about the Force Camo skill. When I use it I get 50% damage reduction for 4 seconds. It then says dealing direct damage ends the effect prematurely. So if I activate the skill, then hit a mob I lose the 50% damage reduction, or do I still get that bonus?


Also I plan on leveling mostly solo with a few FP here and there going the Anni build. And I don't know what skills are preferred for my play style. Cloak of Annihilation, Enraged Charge, and Phantom, I am not sure where to put the two skill points.


This build is what I am looking at so far.

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Force camouflage have a few uses :


-1st dumps your threat


-2nd its a stealth, meaning you can use it sometikes to bypass a group or in pvp to escape a situation


The damage reduction can help mainly if you hit a boss in an ops that has a big AoE coming.


Your build is good for the annihilation tree. However I'd remoge the points in malice, and go for ravager, and invest a total of 7 points in carnage to get Defensive Roll, especially if you want to run ops.


You'll have one free point, I personnaly chose to put it in Cloak of Carnage, but either narrowed hatred or malice is a good.



This is mainly an end-game build, if you plan on it. For solo PvE, especially if you like to attack champs for the heck of it, investing points in Cloak of Annihilation can be interesting, but its a DPS loss, both from the fact there is better place to dump those points to increase damage, and because it means you'll be sacrifying 3 rage rather often in Retaliation, to keep a near 100% uptime on cloak of pain. Note that its utility is rather limited, even then.

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Your role as Marauder in End-game operations is straight up damage dealing.

As such, you will want to adopt a build that let's you do this in the most efficient way possible.

It may be tempting to choose a talent like 'Defensive Roll' just because it seems so useful, but in reality, you can, and should live without it.


Almost all area effect spells that Operation bosses use, are either fully, or partially avoidable, thereby making the AoE damage reduction less than desirable.

Here is the Talent build that i used for a long time while playing as Annihilation.


I would argue that this build will serve you well for any PvE content, whether Solo, Operations, or Flashpoints.

Edited by Hazchem
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Your role as Marauder in End-game operations is straight up damage dealing.

As such, you will want to adopt a build that let's you do this in the most efficient way possible.

It may be tempting to choose a talent like 'Defensive Roll' just because it seems so useful, but in reality, you can, and should live without it.


Almost all area effect spells that Operation bosses use, are either fully, or partially avoidable, thereby making the AoE damage reduction less than desirable.

Here is the Talent build that i used for a long time while playing as Annihilation.


I would argue that this build will serve you well for any PvE content, whether Solo, Operations, or Flashpoints.


Some fights AoE is unavoidable, and imo defensive form can help build even more fury for more dps there. Your build is going to be awesome for dummy parsing, or if your healers are overgeared for the fight, but defensive roll/defensive form are very useful even then. If you take too much damage and gotta avoid it through LoS, you'll lose a lot more dps than what you gained from the extra crit chance.

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Some fights AoE is unavoidable, and imo defensive form can help build even more fury for more dps there. Your build is going to be awesome for dummy parsing, or if your healers are overgeared for the fight, but defensive roll/defensive form are very useful even then. If you take too much damage and gotta avoid it through LoS, you'll lose a lot more dps than what you gained from the extra crit chance.


Yes, some AoE is unavoidable, but none of it truly significant enough to warrant giving up the extra DPS talents in Rage.

PvE content is to a large extent predictable, so with some practice you might (should) learn how to predict when big AoE hits are incoming and use your defensive cooldowns appropriately.

Chances are, if you are dying because of AoE damage, it's either because of A : You are not moving fast enough, or B: Your healers are slacking, or C : All of the above.

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You're definitely on the right track with your current build. That's the basic 31/3/3 +4 skeleton that you need to be using. There's some validity to taking Defensive Forms and Defensive Roll for hard progression where your heals are not overgeared and you don't know the fights all that well, but after the first few pulls, there's no reason you should need to lean on those talents as a crutch freeing you to use Ravager and Brutality. As far as Ravager vs. Malice, it's not really a debate at this point. Bleeds are 40% of your damage, are Force attacks and thus benefit from it. Unless your Surge is woefully low Malice is better point for point.
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Yes, some AoE is unavoidable, but none of it truly significant enough to warrant giving up the extra DPS talents in Rage.

PvE content is to a large extent predictable, so with some practice you might (should) learn how to predict when big AoE hits are incoming and use your defensive cooldowns appropriately.

Chances are, if you are dying because of AoE damage, it's either because of A : You are not moving fast enough, or B: Your healers are slacking, or C : All of the above.



I'll just point to you a few instance.


Annihlator droid missile salvo

Kephess's jump and last phase




Its all fights where we get party wide AoE, and the healers will be very taxed. If I can reduce damage and avoid breaking dps due to either running to cover for it, and your healers will be able to keep someone else up if need be.

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Annihilator Droid & Garj.. eh, old news, not even worth discussing.

And as for Kephess Jump, there's a big red circle where he's about to land, just.. y'know don't stand in it.

In the last phase (after breath of masters) you shouldn't even be taking any damage at all, if your tanks know what they are doing.

Edited by Hazchem
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I believe the 'red circle' refers to TFB HM Kephess, which cannot be avoided.


No, I'm actually refering to the last phase where Kephess starts dealing constant damage to everyone. It becomes a dps race where we cannot avoir damage, and also need to not stand on orange circles.


As far as his "jump" goes, he directly targets one player, and therefore its unavoidable, even in SM since I really don't have the gear to try HM TFB.


Its simply get away from the others and take your hit, altough undying rage is very handy there. Its howver not what I had in mind, since done right you'll be the only one who takes damage.


And saying in a thread to a new marauder that EV and Karraga are "old news" is poor advice. They are the ops where many people still gear up their fresh 50. So advice to them must include way to deal with damage not to die on raids. A DPS YES must keep the damage going, but if a dps requiert constant heals, there is some times where he'll die, and what DPS do you have then? You'll simply take the ressurect for the party, so if a healer dies, you are done for.


If you always run with the same ops group, got dread guard gear with healers also with as much 63 as they can, and their main concern is not overhealing, well I'll agree with you, what do they care that you are taking 30% more damage from AoE? But for a fresh marauder, I'd say its poor advice as far as my experience goes.

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Right you're talking about Kephess The Undying in TFB.

It is true that the jump cannot be avoided, but again, it's not a huge hit, you have plenty of time to activate your Cloak of Pain and reduce the amount of damage you take.

As for the last phase, yes, there's a lot of damage incoming, but again, if you are fast you can mitigate some of it.

Use your defensive Cooldowns and med-packs, etc.


And saying in a thread to a new marauder that EV and Karraga are "old news" is poor advice. They are the ops where many people still gear up their fresh 50. So advice to them must include way to deal with damage not to die on raids.


These operations are old news, they've been around since the game was new.

The amount of information, tactics and videos you can find on each encounter in these Operations are so numerous,

that there is no excuse for new players not to at least have a passing knowledge of each encounter and therefore know what mechanics they need to avoid, and what they can just eat.

Also, i say it's about establishing a good raid mentality

The first tier of Operations is a stepping stone to the harder content in this game, if you start at story mode level to play like you need to in the next tier, the difficulty jump will not seem as a big deal.

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