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Playing as Empire just feels... right.


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as a light side BH, for instance, you still work for an evil empire and kill people for a living...


Nope. Bounty Hunters don't kill, they bring 'em back alive.


Mild BH spoilers, but not really:



There are many instances during the Bounty Hunter class story line where the BH is given the option to kill their target or simply put them in carbonite to bring them in alive. I was playing a BH who always tried to do the latter, and there was even a dialogue option given at one point where the BH could point out that s/he was a Bounty Hunter, not an assassin, when asked explicitly to kill the target.



The BH works for the Empire ICly because the Republic claims bounty hunters are evil, but I personally find the reason to be more of an OOC meta decision because they wanted/needed a class to balance out the Republic Trooper. :/

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Join the darkside. We have cookies, unlimited Powaa, and dance parties every tuesday.


That's right, those aren't "Maintenance Periods" those are the devs shirking the duties and dancing with us Darksiders. Also "Extended downtimes" are just them working off the hangovers from the spiked cookies.


That's a win. This post gets Dogmaticus' Official Seal of Approval.

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I find both sides to be all about Star Wars, I think they really nailed the story focus for each class. My main is a Jedi Knight, as that is what I have wanted to play in an MMO since forever. But I do envy the empires armor designs, not that I want to look like a sith warrior, it is just that they have armors that actually fits their classes... Jedi Knights are a bunch of ilogically dressed shy people, walking around with a wardrobe malfunction since most have somehow managed to put their belt on after they put the robes on, how is that practicall??! And they seem to really hate their hair or they are really shy as they always hide their face under a hood... Both Consular and Jedi Knight have horrible design for their armors, most just wish they had a normal jedi knight garment like they do in the movies.
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Its not like you can work against the empire or in favor of the republic either.

My light sided bounty hunter, imperial agent and sith warrior all did precisely that at one point or another. Sometimes repeatedly.


Bounty Hunters are a bit of an odd case, anyway. The story isn't particularly well written to accomodate light sided decisions, primarily down to the fact that, as you say, they still work for the Empire, but unlike the other classes they don't particularly have the excuse of servitude or attempting to do good from within. They're just hired guns.


It works much better for agents and warriors, I've found. Inquisitors are a mixed bag. It works for a while, until act three comes along and starts ignoring your decision to not be a dark sided super jerk.

Edited by Bleeters
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I strongly believe that it is possible to play the Imperial side without being evil per say. It's war so even the "good" guys kill, in a way it's just to avoid being "mean" in the decisions one takes.


Being on the side of the Republic does not mean being good. You must see through the lies of the Jedi, look beyond their dogmatic, narrow view. ;).

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I'll say this, at least: the Sith Warrior story deals pretty closely with the balance between light and dark, and the dangers of powerful emotions. Pride, passion and hatred cause the fall of many a character along the way, even those with the noblest intentions.


As a Jedi Knight, you and everyone around you are effectively emotionally infallible. Falling to the dark side is never a concern for anybody.


Between the two, I know which I'd say is more 'star warsy'.

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Yeah even if I think all light side sith are heretics( which they are. :D) that need to be put down the sith warrior story if you go light recognizes this and various events with characters change I watched on youtube and pretty much most of the time its you wondering if other sith are going to catch on if you are light side.


Since light side sith are hunted and killed it makes playing one interesting and at various points in the story there are various moments where the dark side tempts you and you have to temper your hate and aggression.


If you roll dark side its still interesting because you spend time corrupting/tempting other other people which is awesome.


Plus tatooine is awesome for light and dark people who played the SW story know what I am talking about. :p As Bleeters said the sith warrior got the right balance.


JK on the other hand it seems like people are ignoring that you are dark side and act like you can do no wrong what so ever.


I don't have even 1 republic character because the stories are not really that interesting compared to empire imo. Same goes for planet quest lines.

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I'm an altaholic and so far, I like all of the stories (maybe not the Trooper).


They all show different perspectives from quintessential SW archetypes (I love the stories in this game - sad that people don't seem to appreciate them too much) and both sides feel right to me.


The Empire explores the, well - evilness - of a totalitarian state. The Republic explores a democracy where things are a bit grey and there's never a 100% right or wrong decision.


So all in all, both feel right to me as they're giving perspectives on the SW universe!

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My main is a Marauder. I don't liked the warrior storyline cause

you're a servant of a fatass that will use you and discard after, you don't need to go further in storyline to know that


As a Jedi Knight I felt like: wow, I'M JEDI! And

stop the emperor plot to wipe out all lives in universe to feed his power, and then beat his *** to death is priceless


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I knew absolutely nothing about Star Wars before playing this game. Well ok that is is a lie. I knew that Darth Vader has a sexy voice and Wookies are cool. Thats truly it lol.

After playing for almost a year now I totally love this story. I am in the middle of watching the movies and am SO glad I decided to play this (thanks Jason [my son]).

I have all classes capped but two. My Bounty Hunter is 42 and my Trooper is still a baby at 18. So far they all feel "right" to me but I will say that my Sith Warrior REALLY felt Star Warsy to me. But I love them all, loved their story lines, and I am sad that I am almost done with them lol.



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I knew absolutely nothing about Star Wars before playing this game. Well ok that is is a lie. I knew that Darth Vader has a sexy voice and Wookies are cool. Thats truly it lol.

After playing for almost a year now I totally love this story. I am in the middle of watching the movies and am SO glad I decided to play this (thanks Jason [my son]).

I have all classes capped but two. My Bounty Hunter is 42 and my Trooper is still a baby at 18. So far they all feel "right" to me but I will say that my Sith Warrior REALLY felt Star Warsy to me. But I love them all, loved their story lines, and I am sad that I am almost done with them lol.




That's great how your son got you into SW universe, and you fell in love with it :). I think that BW truly did justice to the feeling the Original Trilogy had, but in a more modern way. I've been a fan of SW since I was a kid and saw it for the first time in the late 80's, and I loved The Old Republic ever since I saw Revan in KotOR (I even made my parents name their dog Revan ;)... and my frenchie is called Imperia ;) ). I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's fantastic when people fall in love with the world that is so dear to me as well :).


My Jedi got to lvl 38 today.. then my internet connection died, but since it's back again... I'm thinking - Quesh? ;)

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So far, the only storyline I have a gripe with is the Consulars. I just didn't feel invested into feeling strong about my Master while I was an apprentice, and yet my character seemed to be forced into it. I loved the Knight's master, because he actually showed up and did things instead of sit in the temple the whole time.
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So far, the only storyline I have a gripe with is the Consulars. I just didn't feel invested into feeling strong about my Master while I was an apprentice, and yet my character seemed to be forced into it. I loved the Knight's master, because he actually showed up and did things instead of sit in the temple the whole time.


Oh I know right?


"Oh padawan I see you did all he legwork while I sat and had tea with my lizard friend." - "Oh padawan, save me I am sick" - "Oh padawan I will keel you" - "Oh I'm sorry save me again, its the darkness I can't think straight"


By the time I actually started making progress I was like "Please allow me to option to get the cure and then destroy it in front of her please!" I never did get past taris -.-

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I strongly believe that it is possible to play the Imperial side without being evil per say. It's war so even the "good" guys kill, in a way it's just to avoid being "mean" in the decisions one takes.


Being on the side of the Republic does not mean being good. You must see through the lies of the Jedi, look beyond their dogmatic, narrow view. ;).


Is it just me that finds the Koan options Hypocritical?


Republic Choices: Light: Don't put guy out of misery

Dark: Shoot the guy

Empire Choices: Light: Shoot the guy

Dark: Don't Shoot the Guy


Double Standard -.-

Edited by Xenirath
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Gonna have to agree with the thread opener the Sith/Empire story tend to be better for multiple reason (Well to be fair it more of an issue with the Jedi story ) The Jedi in TOR are Extremely cartoony one-dimensional and in no way comparable to the original kotor game , there flat as one-dimensional can be .The TOR Jedi they make the clone wars cartoon look like citizen kane in comparison , the worse offender being the Jedi sage having about as much personality as block of wood . Though even the Jedi council in TOR compared to the Prequel eh ..for lack of a better word suck .


Satelee does what exactly ?seriously other than talk about how we can't help you right now. It was just comical , We can't help the twilek settler living in poverty while we stay in are nice massive air conditioned Temple with floating holograms =/ and a small army protecting it .She does nothing other than being there to say "Good job " while her counterpoint Malgus starts a revolution that form a massive counterpoint to the future of the galaxy and the Sith Empire . You literally can remove most of the major jedi characters and replace them with any random npc and still have the same story ..(Except for maybe Revan and the giant gary-su of the Jedi Knight ) Honestly the story of TOR is so center around the more interesting events of the Sith Empire , you can reduce most of the republic character to minor side character the way the story is written.


And is it me or do the Jedi come off as Bigots ? The Empire Side Story the voss is just a new potential resource to join the Empire and they want to learn there strange powers or even bargain for it . The Jedi are Terrified of the VOSS because they are "Different " lol... or use the Force "Differently and Reject the Jedi Code ) Even to such a point Satelee insinuates that the VOSS could related to the dark-side in the s same way the Emperor is , Scourge replies ( are you seriously implying that the Voss can be related to Emperor who want to kill all life in the galaxy ? Foolish ")



Even the Dark side and Light side choices on the Republic side tend to boil down to ... THE FORCE IS WITH ME ! (GOOD ) , ( DIEEEEE! I am a psychopath) Actually found it easier to play light side choices on the Sith side . Think someone mentioned early in the Jedi story your assumed to be the greatest hero /garysu/mary-su ever from the get go , While in the Sith story your just a sith working for the Empire or clawing your way up to the top.


Now to be fair there a lot of cartoonishy stupid evil on the Sith side story choices , but alot of the light side/Neutral choices are simply logical quirky or even snarky, and the occasional dark side choices can easily flow into a logical story path. or even add subtly to the story (Not killing the Voss Mystic to maintain a chance at making the planet an allied world


My main criticism though is of how poorly written the force user Jedi are on the Republic , There little too no conflict in the story to make it interesting or realistic.Ever sith story has someone disagreeing with the status quo (for good or evil )either the Empire or fighting with the leadership questioning it (Wither it be a upstart looking for power , or a light sith wanting to reform the empire for Survival and a better life aka the Honorable Imperial Knight Fel-Empire if anyone seen the expanded universe , Or the Imperial Agent questioning the Corruption in the Empire


) Where is the Jedi questioning the crazy batty logic of the jedi code or opposing the Republic? Where the Joliee Bindo and the Kirea calling the Jedi a bunch lying ***** ? No ,most we get is "THE FORCE IS WITH ME " "DEFEAT THE GREAT EVIL!" and yeah just really killed the Republic side for me .Or "COME TO THE LIGHT SIDE "


But like I said that just the Force user stories , I am enjoying the smuggler ) They tried too hard to make the Jedi seem like this Ultimate Cartoony religious good instead of writing good characters. There zero-depth

Edited by OceanwaveII
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Is it just me that finds the Koan options Hypocritical?


Republic Choices: Light: Don't put guy out of misery

Dark: Shoot the guy

Empire Choices: Light: Shoot the guy

Dark: Don't Shoot the Guy


Double Standard -.-

The light side choice there as republic makes me tear my hair out in frustration at how dumb it is.


Apologising to the guy for not being able to help him, whilst he's transforming? What? What kind of idiot does that?

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The light side choice there as republic makes me tear my hair out in frustration at how dumb it is.


Apologising to the guy for not being able to help him, whilst he's transforming? What? What kind of idiot does that?


Yeah that was rather retarded that irked me it made zero sense .

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Oh I know right?


"Oh padawan I see you did all he legwork while I sat and had tea with my lizard friend." - "Oh padawan, save me I am sick" - "Oh padawan I will keel you" - "Oh I'm sorry save me again, its the darkness I can't think straight"


By the time I actually started making progress I was like "Please allow me to option to get the cure and then destroy it in front of her please!" I never did get past taris -.-


Wow - that's just PACKED with spoilers, isn't it? ;))))

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Disagree. Star Wars is a retelling of the "archtypical fallen hero" and his path to redemption. What you state is a side vignette at best. :cool:


I've played both sides. Sith Inq. and Jedi Sage. I found the Sith story better, but for the SW feel the music for the Sage was better.

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Gonna have to agree with the thread opener the Sith/Empire story tend to be better for multiple reason (Well to be fair it more of an issue with the Jedi story ) The Jedi in TOR are Extremely cartoony one-dimensional and in no way comparable to the original kotor game , there flat as one-dimensional can be .The TOR Jedi they make the clone wars cartoon look like citizen kane in comparison , the worse offender being the Jedi sage having about as much personality as block of wood . Though even the Jedi council in TOR compared to the Prequel eh ..for lack of a better word suck .


Satelee does what exactly ?seriously other than talk about how we can't help you right now. It was just comical , We can't help the twilek settler living in poverty while we stay in are nice massive air conditioned Temple with floating holograms =/ and a small army protecting it .She does nothing other than being there to say "Good job " while her counterpoint Malgus starts a revolution that form a massive counterpoint to the future of the galaxy and the Sith Empire . You literally can remove most of the major jedi characters and replace them with any random npc and still have the same story ..(Except for maybe Revan and the giant gary-su of the Jedi Knight ) Honestly the story of TOR is so center around the more interesting events of the Sith Empire , you can reduce most of the republic character to minor side character the way the story is written.


And is it me or do the Jedi come off as Bigots ? The Empire Side Story the voss is just a new potential resource to join the Empire and they want to learn there strange powers or even bargain for it . The Jedi are Terrified of the VOSS because they are "Different " lol... or use the Force "Differently and Reject the Jedi Code ) Even to such a point Satelee insinuates that the VOSS could related to the dark-side in the s same way the Emperor is , Scourge replies ( are you seriously implying that the Voss can be related to Emperor who want to kill all life in the galaxy ? Foolish ")



Even the Dark side and Light side choices on the Republic side tend to boil down to ... THE FORCE IS WITH ME ! (GOOD ) , ( DIEEEEE! I am a psychopath) Actually found it easier to play light side choices on the Sith side . Think someone mentioned early in the Jedi story your assumed to be the greatest hero /garysu/mary-su ever from the get go , While in the Sith story your just a sith working for the Empire or clawing your way up to the top.


Now to be fair there a lot of cartoonishy stupid evil on the Sith side story choices , but alot of the light side/Neutral choices are simply logical quirky or even snarky, and the occasional dark side choices can easily flow into a logical story path. or even add subtly to the story (Not killing the Voss Mystic to maintain a chance at making the planet an allied world


My main criticism though is of how poorly written the force user Jedi are on the Republic , There little too no conflict in the story to make it interesting or realistic.Ever sith story has someone disagreeing with the status quo (for good or evil )either the Empire or fighting with the leadership questioning it (Wither it be a upstart looking for power , or a light sith wanting to reform the empire for Survival and a better life aka the Honorable Imperial Knight Fel-Empire if anyone seen the expanded universe , Or the Imperial Agent questioning the Corruption in the Empire


) Where is the Jedi questioning the crazy batty logic of the jedi code or opposing the Republic? Where the Joliee Bindo and the Kirea calling the Jedi a bunch lying ***** ? No ,most we get is "THE FORCE IS WITH ME " "DEFEAT THE GREAT EVIL!" and yeah just really killed the Republic side for me .Or "COME TO THE LIGHT SIDE "


But like I said that just the Force user stories , I am enjoying the smuggler ) They tried too hard to make the Jedi seem like this Ultimate Cartoony religious good instead of writing good characters. There zero-depth


Exactly the empire characters have more choices to how to deal with different situations and sometimes the story reacts if you go against the norm as well.

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Haha. My SI's dark past is not so secret, but being the Sith son of my Light Side JK pretty much made him who he is, which is pretty much 'Loki' as portrayed in the movies, although I didn't model him after that character in anyway.


It's just really fun to headcanon like that. :3


I probably should've joined an RP server but I was following a friend of mine who in turn was following his LOTRO guild, and we wound up on a straight PVE server. Alas, I was holding out thin hope you might be on my server, as it might've been fun to play with you. :)


i wish i had myself but i to followed a friend who has now left :(


My knight trooper and smuggler were all descended from corellian jedi and my warrior was partly descended from one of their jedi who fell during the mandalorian wars and found DK, i made a pretty in deep lore for them but never use it as alas there is no room for RP

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Empire side of the game is better and Sith Warrior has the best story IMHO. I have 2 Warriors. I don't have a single Jedi toon that I am playing now.


Which is the best class to play through on the Imperial side, in terms of story?


I wanted to go through all the planets once, but stopped on my Agent because I thought perhaps I'd rather be playing a force-user.


Is the Warrior story really as good as the Agent's?


Chose the Agent solely based on many folks claiming it's the best story in the game. Currently at level 24, and wouldn't mind starting over on a different class. It feels kind of off not using a lightsaber, though the concealment operative is pretty fun. :)

Edited by arunav
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