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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Glitching/tearing projectiles during combat


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So I jumpeed back into the game after a few months to play my Merc, and almost all my main attack animations are glitching/tearing. With both Unload and death from above, the blaster bolts/rockets tear randomly and duplicates go in random directions on my screen. I've never experienced this before in this game. Sometimes I even see a second set of blaster bolts shooting back towards myfeet during unload! I use a VERY good computer and run the game at max settings in windowed mode.


Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a fix? If not, Is bioware aware of this? Sorry if if its a repeat thread, I'm on my phone and can't really search through the forums.


Please fix this asap bioware, its ruining my game experience.

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