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Does companion farm skills matter when farming nodes?


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So I have been asking this question on the fleet with no response, so I turn to the forums :) I have a companion with +5 Scaveging critical chance, but does this matter when he is farming nodes, or does it just count on missions? Edited by JayEmmKay
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From what I've noticed while out in the field farming nodes, efficiency will net you slightly more materials with each node. For example, if you are farming scavenging nodes, then use a companion that has scavenging efficiency. It helps with more than just reducing mission time.
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Efficiency affects time for mission completion and nothing else. On my knight toon, with Sergeant Rusk out (who has scavenging efficiency), there is absolutely no difference in the time it takes me to harvest a node whether he does it, whether I do it, or whether another crew member does it. Always 4.0 seconds.


And as far as criticals -- like several others, I've gotten slicing node crits where instead of a white credit box you get a green, a white and a mission discovery, a schematic, even blue credit boxes. I've never seen anything like doubling the amount of materials you get from a node for any other gathering skill.

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