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Good PVE Seer/Telekinetic Hybrid Builds


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I would like to know any good seer/telekinetic builds for this sage that i'm building. I had originally wanted to roll a Telekinetic build but when playing in a group I found myself half the time healing, so I want some help on some good builds that are good at dps and healing. Edited by XZetsueiX
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there is no builds that is good on both dps and healing. In pve, you go full seer.

but there is a somewhat offensive healing build known as the "bubble spec". you use 23/17/1



in this spec, your bubble is your most powerful weapon. it can stun people when it ends. and you get the double-tick of telethrow which gives you decent dps. you won't have aoe heal, but your stun bubble can save you a lot of heals. the downfall of this spec is if you spam heal, you can't use noble sacrifice to regain force without stopping force regen, so fights longer than 3min with intensive healing situations, you might run out of force.

Edited by seektravota
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there is no builds that is good on both dps and healing. In pve, you go full seer.

but there is a somewhat offensive healing build known as the "bubble spec". you use 23/17/1



in this spec, your bubble is your most powerful weapon. it can stun people when it ends. and you get the double-tick of telethrow which gives you decent dps. you won't have aoe heal, but your stun bubble can save you a lot of heals. the downfall of this spec is if you spam heal, you can't use noble sacrifice to regain force without stopping force regen, so fights longer than 3min with intensive healing situations, you might run out of force.


That's a decent basic build but this one solves the Force issues:


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I would like to know any good seer/telekinetic builds for this sage that i'm building. I had originally wanted to roll a Telekinetic build but when playing in a group I found myself half the time healing, so I want some help on some good builds that are good at dps and healing.


I'd also ask yourself why you are healing in a group when your the DPS. are you queuing as a healer for quicker queue times? then just spec heals...it saves you heartache at the end. you'll solo fine as a healer...i geared up nadia and she kills fast. and the Sages DPS ability in full heal spec isn't small, so it's perfectly viable to solo as a heal spec sage. I actually run that way, in spite of my enjoyment of telekinetic spec. i kill fast enough with a geared nadia that it don't matter. So if you want to heal, then spec full seer.


if your queuing as DPS and you end up healing to help out the healer...then your in a bad group. A telekinetic sage should have no issues throwing out some heals to help out, but if your feeling forced to spec partially into heals to help out, then you are having bad luck with your groups. and you losing damage to help out the bad healers wont help the group....because your not killing the mobs at that point....the encounters are designed for one healer and 2 dps...not 1.5 healers and 1.5 DPS. slow boss killing means more damage going out to the party....which means more you have to heal....which means the more you are helping out the terribad healer...you can see the cycle there.


emergency heals i understand...you throw out a bubble or a big heal to keep the tank from going down while the healer recovers is one thing, but regularly healing is a serious damage cut. The healer just needs to up their game, pure and simple. or get better gear. Not your responsibility.

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